July 12, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 12, 2024

Young Man Returns to Colorado to Celebrate 25th Heart Transplant Anniversary

Each year, Donor Alliance brings the Colorado community together to honor the gift of organ, eye, and tissue donation at the 

Donor Dash 5k run/walk. In its 25th year, the annual event celebrates the lives of recipients, honors donors and their families and recognizes those still waiting for a transplant. This year’s event holds special significance for Colorado-born Thomas Williams and his family who will be returning to Colorado from Tennessee to participate. Thomas received a life-saving heart transplant in Colorado when he was just six months old and will be celebrating his 25th “heartiversary” at the event.  

Thomas’s story began when he was just five days old. He was diagnosed with multiple heart defects, and his parents were told he would need a heart transplant.

After Thomas was placed on the waitlist for a new heart, he and his family waited 65 days for the call that would change everything. There was a match for Thomas.

Thomas Williams Pitching  Thomas’s family was suddenly flooded with a mix of emotions. They were overjoyed by the possibility that their child’s life could be saved, but also felt extreme sorrow for the donor’s family who had lost their own child. 

After a successful transplant, Thomas was able to grow, learn and play. He never let his condition define him or limit his aspirations. Now, at the age of 25, he continues to remain thankful to his donor who played an enormous role in helping him achieve his life goals, including going on to play college baseball. Thomas has used his experiences to inspire others. “If he can be an inspiration to just one kid, everything he has been through has been worth it,” says his family.

Join the Celebration

Thomas and his family are returning to Colorado to celebrate his 25th heartiversary at the Donor Dash on July 21 in Washington Park, Denver. They last attended the Donor Dash when Thomas was just four years old and are excited to come “home” to share their story and spread awareness about how one family’s decision about organ, eye, and tissue donation changed the course of their lives forever.

Today, there are nearly 1,300 people across Colorado and Wyoming waiting on a lifesaving transplant. Transplants offer people like Thomas a new chance at a healthy and productive life, returning recipients to their families, friends and communities. At the time of their death, just one donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation and save or heal more than 75 lives through tissue donation.

By participating in the 25th Annual Donor Dash, you can honor donors, promote the lifesaving power of organ donation and inspire others to consider registering to be a donor. Visit the Donor Dash website to register and to learn more about becoming an organ, eye, and tissue donor. Saying “Yes” to donation saves lives.

Register | CO
Register | WY
July 10, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 10, 2024

Find our booth at the Aurora Global Fest! Aurora, proclaimed a Donate Life Community by Mayor Mike Coffman, is truly “The World in a City,” and nowhere is that more apparent than at Global Fest, the city’s signature event showcasing international cultures.

Now in its 11th year, Global Fest is a free, multicultural experience bringing the sights, sounds and flavors of nations from around the world to celebrate the diverse people and communities that call Aurora home. The family-friendly, one-day event includes two stages of vibrant musical and dance performances, a variety of local food trucks, an international marketplace, the Parade of Nations, a Fashion Show, art displays, creative activities for children, and much more.

Aurora is one of the most diverse cities in Colorado. About 1 in 5 people in Aurora are foreign-born and more than 160 languages are spoken in Aurora schools. Global Fest is an intentional event allowing the entire city to proudly embrace its global spirit.

Global Fest provides opportunities for local vendors and businesses to interact with thousands of community members. Attendees can also access important resources dealing with health, acquiring documents, food and other services.

July 10, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 10, 2024
July 9, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 9, 2024
July 9, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 9, 2024
June 28, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

June 28, 2024
June 27, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

June 27, 2024

Organ Transplant Among Multicultural Communities

Organ transplantation is a critical, lifesaving procedure that can be successful regardless of the  ethnicity of the donor and recipient. However, the chance of longer-term survival may be greater if the donor and recipient share a similar genetic background.

Does Race or Ethnicity Matter in Organ Transplantation?

When it comes to matching donor organs and tissues for transplantation, factors such as race, Organ Transplant Among Multicultural Communities ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, income, celebrity, and social status are never part of the consideration. Organs are matched with people on the national transplant waitlist based on blood type, body size, the severity of the illness, donor distance, tissue type, and time on the waiting list. Due to these factors, patients frequently and successfully receive transplants from donors of different races and ethnicities.

The Importance of Diversity in Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation

People of color are more likely to need a lifesaving transplant. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, African Americans, Hispanics, and Pacific Islanders are three times more likely than Caucasians to suffer from end-stage renal disease, often as a result of high blood pressure and other conditions. Although patients can find organ matches from donors of other ethnic groups, having a diverse donor pool makes it easier to find a match for all patients, highlighting the importance of organ transplant among multicultural communities.

Organ Donation Across Race & Ethnicity

The national transplant waiting list currently stands at more than 100,000 people, with more than 60% of those waiting representing multicultural communities.

The need for donation and transplantation is more pronounced in minority communities where disproportionately higher rates of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease contribute to organ failure, especially kidney failure. African Americans are three times more likely than White Americans to have kidney failure. Hispanics are also 1.5 times more likely than non-Hispanics to have kidney failure.

On average, African American/Black transplant candidates wait longer than non-Black  transplant candidates for kidney, heart, and lung transplants. These healthcare disparities reinforce the need for more education and outreach to save and heal lives in our communities.

85% of People on the Waitlist Need a Kidney Transplant

Organ Transplant Among Multicultural Communities

Kidney disease can affect anyone, regardless of age, though certain groups face higher risks. High blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease significantly contribute to kidney disease, particularly among African American, Hispanic, Asian American, and Native American communities. Knowing your risk factors for kidney disease is crucial for taking proactive steps toward a healthier life. Take a quick kidney risk quiz to assess your risk—it only takes a minute.

Every eight minutes, another person is added to the waitlist. One person’s decision to be an organ and tissue donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation and save and heal up to 75 lives through tissue donation. Each year, tissue transplants benefit tens of thousands of people suffering from injury, disease, trauma or blindness.

Why Should I Register?

Shared ethnicity is not a requirement for matching organ donors and recipients. Matches between donors and recipients of different ethnicities are very common. However, a more diverse donor registry gives everyone on the transplant waitlist a better chance to find a good donor match. Because the genetic markers used to match organ donors and recipients are inherited, people with rare markers are more likely to match someone with a shared racial or ethnic background.

How Does Healthcare Access Play a Role?

Minority populations may have less access to healthcare than other Americans. For example, studies found that about one-third of Hispanics/Latinos, 20% of Blacks/African Americans, and one out of three American Indians and Alaska Natives were uninsured.

The costs associated with receiving a transplant vary based on many factors, including the type of transplant, necessary care, location, hospital, and the patient’s insurance coverage. It’s essential to work with the financial coordinator at your transplant center, your insurance provider, and, if applicable, your employee benefits team to develop a financial strategy and review available resources.

While you should always discuss with your insurance provider and financial coordinator how to cover the cost of your transplant, there are additional resources that can provide financial assistance to transplant candidates, recipients, and their families.

Hispanic Transplant Program

Donor Alliance had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Sixto Giusti, Director of the Hispanic Transplant Program at UCHealth. Dr. Giusti emphasized the importance of educating multicultural communities about the lifesaving benefits of organ and tissue donation. He also discusses the need for more diverse donors to improve transplant success rates and outcomes.

Watch the full interview

Register today to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor at DonateLifeColorado.org or DonateLifeWyoming.org.

June 24, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

June 24, 2024
June 19, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

June 19, 2024
June 18, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

June 18, 2024
June 17, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

June 17, 2024

Tattoos may only be skin deep, but the reasons behind certain tattoos can go much deeper. For those connected to organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation, the meaning behind their tattoos represents life & many get organ donation tattoos.

Tattooing the skin as a means of personal expression is a practice that connects us across continents and time. For centuries, humans have been sharing their inner beliefs, cultures, and experiences through tattoos. The Donate Life community is no different. Tissue and organ donors alike have been so touched by the gift of life that they often memorialize their experience with this form of body art.

Donor Spouse Gets Organ Donation Tattoo to Honor Husband’s Organ Donor

Meet Misty. Misty, one of our Advocates for Life, chose to honor her family’s journey in a unique way. After her husband, Jason, received a heart transplant, Misty captured the beat of his second chance at life in a tattoo.

“Our transplant journey began back in May of 2009 in Casper, Wyoming. My husband, Jason, had been feeling bloated and short of breath. He’d gone to his doctor, who diagnosed him with pneumonia. After about three weeks of not feeling good, four antibiotics, and an ER visit, he just kept getting worse. We were finally referred to a cardiologist for an echocardiogram.

From there, he was admitted to our local hospital with Severe Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy. In plain language, this means severe heart failure of unknown causes. After two weeks, we were transferred out of state to Intermountain Medical Center in Utah, where he was evaluated for a heart pump. The pump was to serve as a bridge to transplant. Transplant! This realization was scary for us both. He received the heart pump a week later.

While on the waitlist for a heart transplant, we began volunteering for Donate Life through Donor Connect, since we were living and receiving treatment in Utah. After Jason’s heart transplant, we moved back to our home in Casper, Wyoming, and continued our passionate advocacy by volunteering with Donor Alliance.

Misty Wynia Tattoo Donor RemembranceI’ve always wanted a tattoo, but I wanted it to mean something. Throughout Jason’s heart transplant and the years that followed, I began to have an idea of what I wanted—something that would have great meaning for us and always remind us of the gift of life that he received. I needed copies of his EKGs in order to make my tattoo unique to his donation and transplant story and what I wanted it to mean.

I settled on a design and wanted to capture the beat of a heart, old and new, in the design. I had a copy of Jason’s first EKG, when he was initially diagnosed, and I tried to get a copy of his first EKG after his transplant. Interestingly, I learned from the doctors that the first EKG after transplant can often be all over the place, so they recommended I get an EKG after some time had passed and Jason’s body had time to adjust to his new heart.

Misty Wynia Tattoo Donor Remembrance

I settled on Jason’s EKG from his 10 year follow up. Incredible, right?! We’ve been given 10 additional years of memories and blessings, all made possible because of his donor and their family. The colors in my tattoo were added to represent the Donate Life logo. For us, the blue also represents his failing heart, the red is for his donor, and the green represents the gift of life he received.

Jason and Mystia tattoo Donor Remembrance

My tattoo is a story of our journey together and serves as a constant and welcomed reminder of the selfless decision his donor made to be an organ, eye, and tissue donor. My tattoo pays tribute to and honors his donor every day. I am thankful for the gift of life Jason received and we are reminded of our blessings every day; especially when I look at my tattoo.”

Donor Mother Carries Her Daughter with Her Every Day in an Organ Donation Tattoo

Babette and family were devastated when their young daughter Brianna died suddenly of a tragic self-inflicted accident. Through Brianna’s organ, eye, and tissue donations, Babette found some comfort among the grief and felt honored that she was able to help others in death, as she did in life.

Babette, also an Advocate for Life, had a few tattoos already and always loved the artwork and meaning behind them. She memorialized her beautiful daughter on her arm and now carries her with her every day.


Brianna Donor Remembrance“When Brianna passed away, I didn’t know how I was going to make it. How was our family supposed to function without her? I only had two tattoos before Brianna passed, and now, well, let’s say I have a lot! But there is one that I have that is very special to me. I knew right away that I wanted Brianna’s portrait as my tattoo, and I knew it could only come from the best tattoo artist, in my opinion, Kat Von D.

I have loved Kat’s work for a while and am obsessed with the show, LA Ink. I had no clue how I was going to make it all happen! How would I get the money, not only for the tattoo but also for the travel? Just five months after the death of my daughter, Brianna, my dream would come true.

LA Ink Donor Remembrance

On November 12, 2010, I got to meet Kat Von D. at a book signing. I knew she liked to journal, so I made her a journal. I put a picture of Brianna inside and shared a little about our story. Around March, I got a message from LA Ink. The producer said Kat had been asking about my story and wanted me to be on the season premiere! I was so touched and overjoyed! The thought of meeting Kat and her helping me create a tattoo in Brianna’s memory was overwhelming and exciting! By the end of March, my daughter, Kayla, a few close friends, and I were off to Los Angeles to film the season premiere of LA Ink that would air in July of 2011.

woman with tattoo Donor Remembrance

Brianna’s portrait tattoo means so much to me! I feel like she is always in my heart, but now I can actually look in the mirror and see her beautiful face on my arm. Because of Brianna’s story and legacy, I have been blessed with many opportunities. She talked about donations with her father, and we know she would want to help others in her death. My tattoo is a reminder of my precious little girl and how I feel she has guided me through the 11 years since she passed.”

Can I be an Organ Donor Even with a Tattoo?

Contrary to a common myth, having a tattoo does not preclude you from becoming an organ donor at the time of your death. A thorough medical history and social risk review is performed by the organ procurement organization for every eligible deceased donor. No matter your tattoo preference, you can say yes to organ, eye, and tissue donation and give hope to the nearly 2,000 people waiting for an organ transplant in our region and thousands more waiting for a healing tissue transplant.

With roughly 36 percent of adults between 18 and 29 having at least one tattoo, it has become somewhat commonplace. The majority of those who have tattoos will tell you the reason they got a tattoo was to memorialize a significant experience or time in their life. Donation and transplantation are definitely significant experiences for donor families and transplant recipients alike. For these families connected by the gift of life, their organ donation tattoo is more than just skin-deep.

Inspired to register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor in Colorado or Wyoming?

Remember, your most recent decision is honored at the time of your death, so say yes to organ, eye, and tissue donation every time you get or renew your driver’s license or state ID. You can also say yes to saving lives online at any time. Register to donate Wyoming | Colorado

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