July 24, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 24, 2024

David Legg is a liver recipient and has been a part of Donor Alliance’s annual Donor Dash 5K run/walk for 25 years. His story connects people to the mission of saving and healing lives through organ and tissue donation.

Did you know that ONE organ donor can save up to eight lives and ONE tissue donor can save and heal up to 75 lives? The act of donating an organ embodies kindness and generosity, capable of bringing about significant positive changes in the lives of those in need.How many lives can one organ donor save

Curious about the extent of the impact an organ donor can have? This article will look deeper into that very question, shedding light on the remarkable influence of organ donation on the lives of others.

Before discussing how many lives can be saved by one organ donor, let’s take a moment to understand the broader significance of organ donation. Ultimately, organ donation is a compassionate gesture where an individual selflessly offers their organs to help someone in critical need following death.

These donated organs function as vital substitutes for those that may be compromised or failing in individuals grappling with life-threatening ailments. Many of these individuals are waiting for an organ transplant and are on a transplant waiting list.

One Organ Donor, Multiple Lives Saved: The Impact

Organ donation has a lot of amazing effects. Here are some ways that one organ donor may be able to save many lives:

Heart: A donated heart can offer someone a second chance at life.

Lung: For people with severe lung disorders, including pulmonary fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a lung transplant may be their only hope.

Liver: The liver is known for its ability to regenerate. Through liver splitting, a single liver donation can save the life of one recipient while also helping another.

Kidney: One kidney donor can also save someone’s life. To maximize the number of lives saved, a kidney exchange program pairs up donors and recipients.

Pancreas and Intestine: While less common, pancreas and intestine transplants are vital for individuals with diabetes or intestinal failure.

Tissue Donation: Donation isn’t limited to major organs. Tissues like corneas, skin, bone, and heart valves can be donated to improve the lives of multiple recipients. For example, one cornea donor can restore sight to two individuals with corneal blindness.

Statistics Speak Volumes

To understand the profound impact of organ donation, consider the statistics from the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). In the United States alone, there were over 42,800 organ transplants.

This figure breaks down into more than 25,000 kidney transplants, 9,528 liver transplants, 4,111 heart transplants, and 2,692 lung transplants, among other types. These statistics underscore the large number of lives that are either saved or dramatically improved through the act of donating organs and tissues. A single donor has the potential to positively affect multiple recipients, creating a ripple effect of hope and gratitude within their communities.

The Ripple Effect: Emotional and Psychological Impact

Organ donation goes beyond the physical world. It profoundly affects everyone on an emotional and psychological level:

  • Families of donors take comfort in the knowledge that their loved one’s legacy continues thanks to the lives saved. It can aid with the donor family’s grieving process and provide purpose at a difficult time.
  • For the families of recipients, the gift of life is tremendous. It results in tears of joy, fresh hope, and the chance to make enduring memories with their loved ones.
  • Medical professionals who perform transplants see these miracles every day. They observe how organ donation impacts both donors and recipients, highlighting how important this procedure is for saving lives.

Becoming an Organ and Tissue Donor: How You Can Make a Difference

Now that you’ve explored the remarkable effects of organ and tissue donation, you might be wondering how you can play a part in this life-saving mission. Here’s what you can do:

  • Register to become a donor in your country or state. This simple act can save lives and offer hope to those in need.
  • Share your decision with your friends and family. Encourage them to register as donors as well. The more people who are aware of the need for organ and tissue donation, the more lives can be saved

The influence of organ and tissue donation is truly extraordinary. A single person holds the power to save and improve the lives of many others, setting in motion a wave of hope, gratitude, and fresh opportunities. If you’ve ever questioned, “How many lives can a single organ donor impact?”, the answer is unmistakable: one organ donor can touch the lives of many and establish a lasting legacy of kindness and generosity. Contemplating becoming a donor means joining this remarkable journey of bestowing the precious gift of life.

Donor Alliance facilitates the process of connecting donors with recipients, setting in motion a wave of hope, gratitude, and fresh opportunities. Registering to become an organ and tissue donor online through Donate Life Colorado or Donate Life Wyoming is a significant step in joining this remarkable effort to save and heal lives.

Register | CO
Register | WY
July 23, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 23, 2024

Thomas Williams’ story got more screen time at Coors Field than Trevor Story. How crazy is that?

“I did?” Thomas asked with a grin after throwing out the first pitch for Rockies-Red Sox on Monday at Coors Field, the night Story, the former Colorado All-Star, returned to 20th and Blake. “That’s awesome. That’s so funny. I didn’t expect it at all. I miss him. I hope he gets better.”

For Williams, each day is better than the last. A chain of blessings that runs across three time zones, 25 years and two hearts.

July 23, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 23, 2024

Hace 25 años, Thomas Williams recibió un trasplante de corazón cuando tenía solo seis meses de nacido.

July 22, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 22, 2024

Donor Alliance’s annual 5K run/walk honors, celebrates and recognizes all those impacted by organ and tissue donation.

July 21, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 21, 2024

Donor Dash 2025 5K race at Washington Park, Denver Colorado.

DENVER – July 21, 2024 – Donor Alliance’s first Donor Dash was held on a chilly New Year’s Day in 2000 on the streets of LoDo. This morning, more than five thousand people made the trek to Denver’s Washington Park, where the Donor Dash is now held 25 years later. Donor Alliance, the nonprofit organization that facilitates organ and tissue donation for transplantation in Colorado and most of Wyoming, holds its 5K run/walk annually to honor heroic donors and their families who have given the gift of life, celebrate alongside transplant recipients, and recognize the nearly 1,300 Coloradans who continue to wait for a lifesaving organ transplant.

“I am humbled to recognize 25 years of one of the most meaningful events in Colorado,” said Jennifer Prinz, president and CEO, of Donor Alliance. “Together we have evolved into a community for organ and tissue donation emphasizing our collective commitment to being ‘Rocky Mountain Strong’. I extend a huge thank you to the nearly 70,000 people from 46 states across the country who have participated in Donor Dash over the last 25 years.”

This year’s Donor Dash held special significance for Colorado Springs-born Thomas Williams and his family. They traveled back to Colorado from Tennessee to participate in the 25th annual Donor Dash. The 25-year-old received his lifesaving heart transplant in Colorado when he was just six months old. Thomas celebrated his 25th “heart-iversary” at the event with his transplant care team. He last attended the Donor Dash when he was just four years old and was excited to come “home” to share his story about how he was given a second chance at life.

“In the last 25 years, I’ve been able to graduate high school. I went on to college and got to play baseball and be a pitcher at a small university,” Thomas said. “Words can’t really describe the immense gratitude I have for my donor and their family. I’m forever thankful and humbly in their debt for being able to help someone like me.”

Organ and tissue donation saves and heals lives, providing people like Thomas with a beacon of hope. Last year alone, 307 heroic organ donors across the Rocky Mountain region provided 918 lifesaving organ transplants. Also last year, 1,703 tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming provided hope to tens of thousands of people suffering from injury, disease, trauma or blindness.

One person can save up to eight lives through organ donation and save and heal up to 75 lives through tissue donation. Coloradans can check the box and say Yes to register as an organ and tissue donor at the DMV or online at DonorAlliance.org. The little heart with the Y on a driver license or state ID, means a person is on the Donate Life Colorado registry.

About Donor Alliance

Donor Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving and healing lives through organ and tissue donation for transplantation in Colorado and most of Wyoming. As a federally designated organ procurement organization – one of 56 in the U.S. – Donor Alliance serves more than 6.3 million residents and more than 100 hospitals. Donor Alliance walks alongside the family during the organ recovery process and ensures their loved one’s gifts are safely received at transplant centers in a timely manner. Donor Alliance also facilitates tissue donation to save and heal more lives across our community. The organization also manages the Donate Life Colorado and Donate Life Wyoming registries. Through Donate Life, the symbol of the cause, Donor Alliance educates residents on the lifesaving benefits of donation, inspiring them to register. For more information, please visit DonorAlliance.org.




July 20, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 20, 2024

Donor Dash 2025 5K race at Washington Park, Denver Colorado.

DENVER – 21 de julio de 2024 – El primer Donor Dash de Donor Alliance se celebró en un frío Día de Año Nuevo en 2000 en las calles de LoDo. Esta mañana, casi cinco mil personas se reunieron en el Parque Washington de Denver, donde ahora se celebra el Donor Dash 25 años después. Donor Alliance, la organización sin fines de lucro que facilita la donación de órganos y tejidos para trasplante en Colorado y la mayor parte de Wyoming, realiza su carrera/caminata anual de 5K para honrar a los donantes heroicos y sus familias que han dado el regalo de la vida, celebrar junto a los receptores de trasplantes, y reconocer a los casi 1,300 habitantes de Colorado que continúan esperando un trasplante de órganos que les salve la vida.

“Me siento honrada de reconocer 25 años de uno de los eventos más significativos en Colorado,” dijo Jennifer Prinz, presidenta y CEO de Donor Alliance. “Juntos hemos evolucionado en una comunidad de donación de órganos y tejidos que enfatiza nuestro compromiso colectivo de ser ‘Rocky Mountain Strong’. Extiendo un enorme agradecimiento a las casi 70,000 personas de 46 estados del país que han participado en Donor Dash durante los últimos 25 años.”

El Donor Dash de este año tuvo un significado especial para Thomas Williams, nacido en Colorado Springs, y su familia. Viajaron de regreso a Colorado desde Tennessee para participar en el 25º Donor Dash anual. Thomas, de 25 años, recibió su trasplante de corazón que le salvó la vida en Colorado cuando tenía solo seis meses de edad. Thomas celebró su 25º “aniversario del corazón” en el evento junto a su equipo de cuidados de trasplantes. La última vez que asistió al Donor Dash tenía solo cuatro años y estaba emocionado de volver a “casa” para compartir su historia sobre cómo se le dio una segunda oportunidad en la vida.

“En los últimos 25 años, he podido graduarme de la secundaria. Fui a la universidad y pude jugar béisbol y ser lanzador en una pequeña universidad,” dijo Thomas. “Las palabras no pueden describir realmente la inmensa gratitud que tengo por mi donante y su familia. Estoy eternamente agradecido y humildemente en deuda con ellos por poder ayudar a alguien como yo.”

La donación de órganos y tejidos salva y sana vidas, proporcionando a personas como Thomas una luz de esperanza. Solo el año pasado, 307 heroicos donantes de órganos en la región de las Montañas Rocosas proporcionaron 918 trasplantes de órganos que salvaron vidas. También el año pasado, 1,703 donantes de tejidos en Colorado y Wyoming dieron esperanza a decenas de miles de personas que sufrían lesiones, enfermedades, traumas o ceguera.

Una persona puede salvar hasta ocho vidas a través de la donación de órganos y salvar y sanar hasta 75 vidas a través de la donación de tejidos. Los habitantes de Colorado pueden marcar la casilla y decir Sí para registrarse como donantes de órganos y tejidos en el DMV o en línea en DonorAlliance.org. El pequeño corazón con la Y en una licencia de conducir o identificación estatal significa que una persona está en el registro de Donate Life Colorado.

Acerca de Donor Alliance

Donor Alliance es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a salvar y sanar vidas a través de la donación de órganos y tejidos para trasplante en Colorado y la mayor parte de Wyoming. Como una organización de obtención de órganos designada federalmente – una de las 56 en los EE. UU. – Donor Alliance atiende a más de 6.3 millones de residentes y más de 100 hospitales. Donor Alliance camina junto a la familia durante el proceso de recuperación de órganos y asegura que los regalos de sus seres queridos sean recibidos de manera segura en los centros de trasplante en tiempo y forma. Donor Alliance también facilita la donación de tejidos para salvar y sanar más vidas en nuestra comunidad. La organización también gestiona los registros de Donate Life Colorado (Done Vida Colorado en español) y Donate Life Wyoming. A través de Donate Life, el símbolo de la causa, Donor Alliance educa a los residentes sobre los beneficios que salvan vidas de la donación, inspirándolos a registrarse. Para más información, por favor visite DonorAlliance.org.


July 19, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 19, 2024

CBS Colorado spoke to Melody Connett, a donor mom, who helped Donor Alliance prepare for its 25th annual Donor Dash 5K run/walk.

July 18, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 18, 2024

On Sunday, July, 21, thousands of people from across the country will gather with Donor Alliance at Denver’s Washington Park to support organ and tissue donation at the 25th annual Donor Dash 5K run/walk. Participants of all ages will come together to honor heroic donors and their families, celebrate alongside transplant recipients and recognize the nearly 1,300 Coloradans still waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant.  

(Donor Dash Denver, Colorado by Valeria Moonch Photography)

For those who haven’t had a chance to register, you can do so Sunday at Washington Park beginning at 7 a.m. at the Registration Tent. The race kicks-off at 8 a.m. The Diaper Dash is also returning this year for children 3 and under, which will begin at 9:15 a.m.

After the race, visit the expo area and enjoy the post-race program at 9:30 a.m. As Donor Alliance marks this milestone year, the 2024 Donor Dash program will feature incredible stories, touching videos, and an on-stage reunion you won’t want to miss! The ribbon ceremony will also return to the program this year to illustrate how we’re all weaved together on this journey. Make sure to grab a “connection to donation” ribbon in the expo area before the program begins. New this year, bracelets will also be available in the expo area to show us how we’re connected to organ and tissue donation.

Everything You Need to Know on Race Day 

To make the most of your Donor Dash experience, here is everything you need to know to help you prepare for race day: 

  1. Arrive Early! We are expecting nearly 6,000 racers this year so come early. Expect some congestion and use the extra time as an opportunity to meet some other people who have been touched by the gift of life.  
  2. Parking: Parking will be available at South High School across E Louisiana Ave. on the south side of the park. Transportation assistance will be provided from the parking lot to the start line, which is near E Mississippi St. and S Franklin St. Please reserve transportation assistance for those who are unable to make the trek.  
  3. Race, Expo and Program Start Times: The race begins at 8:00 a.m. for runners and 8:05 a.m. for walkers. The expo area opens at 8:00 a.m. near the finish line and the program will begin at 9:30 a.m.  
  4. Dogs and strollers are welcome. Please make sure all dogs are on a leash and wait to start your race with the back of the group and be courteous to the runners and walkers around you. After the race be sure to stop by the Chewy’s Bonetique Dog area where your pups can cool down with some water, pools, and more! 
  5. Directions: You can find directions and info about race day road closures here. The course and layout are similar to prior Donor Dash events and should look familiar to returning dashers.  
  6. Free Team Photos: Teams of 10 or more are eligible for a free team photo. All team members should report to the team photo area near the start line to take advantage of professional team photos from 7:00-7:45 a.m. or following the race from 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. If you are trying to get your photo taken pre-race, make sure to do so before 7:30 a.m.  

(Donor Dash Denver, Colorado by Valeria Moonch Photography)

The Donor Dash would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, volunteers and community partners who have and continue to contribute the time, resources and enthusiasm to make this event a success for the last 25 years.  

Event maps and information on how to register or volunteer can be found on the Donor Dash event page. 

We’re looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Donor Dash!  

July 17, 2024

Donation Essentials Blog

July 17, 2024

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