Donor Dash
Hey Dasher! Are you interested in creating a team for the Donor Dash? You came to the right spot. You must register yourself as an individual first then you can create your team!
First time creating a Donor Dash Team? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Check out our Team Captain Info Packet below, where you can find answers to the most common questions about creating a team and/or being a team captain. If you still have questions or don’t see the information you need here, please feel free to reach out to Tina, our team liaison, at She’ll be more than happy to assist you!
- The person who creates the team during online registration is automatically assigned as the team captain.
- A team must consist of at least 10 members (by the team registration deadline) in order to pick up materials as a group. Any teams of less than 10 are welcome to run/walk as a team but must pick up packets as individuals.
- Team Captains are responsible for picking up team packets on Wednesday, July 17 or the morning of the race.
- Step 1: Go to (we recommend using Firefox or Chrome)
- Step 2: Click on “Register Now”-you will be taken to Race Roster’s website.
- Step 3: Click “Register” in the left hand menu on Race Roster’s website. You will need to create a Race Roster account or sign in to continue. If an account is already registered with your e-mail address, you will be prompted for a password. If you are unable to recall your password, please click “Forgot Pass-word?” and follow the prompts to re-set your password.
- Step 4: Fill in your information for Participant #1.
- Step 5: Under “Would you like to create or join a team?” click Yes and then Create Team. Please note, Participant 1 will automatically become the team captain.
- Step 6: Complete your team’s details including team name & type.
- Step 7: Continue through to payment to complete your registration!
- Saturday, March 1: Registration Opens
- Monday, June 16: Honorary Signs/Team Signs Close
- Sunday, June 22: Last day to add mailing to registration to ensure packet delivers before the event
- Friday, June 27: Dashboard form closes.
- Sunday, July 13: Team Registration closes.
- Thursday, July 17:Online Individual registration closes.
- Sunday, July 20: Race Day!
- Make sure all team members know how and where to pick up their bib and t-shirt. All team captains are responsible for distributing bib and t-shirts to all members of your team.
- Suggest carpooling! Race Day parking gets very busy!
- Be sure to download your team roster which includes team member names and contact info. You can view and manage your team on Race Roster through your account on the Participant Dashboard.
- If you do not recognize a team member, reach out to ensure they did not accidently select the wrong team, or contact us at
- Team Captains are responsible for ensuring your team members receive their packets. Packet Dissemination Options:
- Shipping option: Individuals on a team may choose to have packets mailed during the initial online registration process. To keep registration costs down, a fee is required to cover the cost of shipping the packet. To ensure packets will arrive before the event, participants must register and select the shipping option prior to 11:59pm on Sunday, June 16 (Deadlines are reflective of USPS times for the Denver Metropolitan area. If you are outside of Denver, your packet may take longer). The mail distribution option will be available after the deadline on Sunday, June 16 however; your packet may not arrive by race day.
- Team captains may designate a representative to pick up team packets by notifying us at
- TEAM CAPTAINS: Please plan to pick up your team’s race bibs & shirts on Wednesday, July 17th from 7:00am-7:00pm. Be sure to communicate to your team how you will get those items to them before the race. Individuals on your team are not able to pick up their own packets.
- TEAM MEMBERS: Please communicate with your team captains to coordinate pick up of your race bibs & t-shirt.
- LOCATION: Donor Alliance, 200 Spruce Street, Denver, CO 80230.
- Email or Tina at
- Call 303.931.4270
- Check out our website at