Donation Essentials Blog
Advocate Spotlight: Scott Pinkney
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of registering as organ, eye and tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we are featuring Scott Pinkney, a liver recipient.
What is your favorite memory volunteering for Donor Alliance? My favorite memories are the hugs I receive after sharing my story with medical personnel. That and being able to tell them “Thank you!” So many of them care for us when we are ill but never get to see us after receiving our gift of life. I am proud to be a liver transplant recipient and, thanks to the Donor Alliance, have an opportunity to share my story on behalf of organ, eye and tissue donation.
What is your proudest accomplishment? After writing and deleting different “accomplishments” I finally picked… being a husband to my beautiful wife. Being the person she can trust; the person to help raise our children, the person she can talk with or yell at if she needs, but most of all, the person she can love and who will love her.
What is the last book your read or movie you saw? Would you recommend it? My favorite books are service manuals, and I don’t really watch movies but I love to watch documentaries. One documentary I would definitely recommend is “Transplanting Hope,” which aired on PBS. It is an amazing documentary that shows the many sides of donation and transplantation. If you do watch it, be ready to shed a few tears!
What is something that not very many people know about you? I’m colorblind. When our kids were young, my son asked me what color one of his crayons was, I told him to throw it to me, which he did. I said, “It says blue.” My kids really helped me out on the 4th of July; as we watched fireworks, they would tell me, “That’s a blue one! Ooooooo, there’s a green one!”
What’s your favorite season & why? Winter!! I love the hush that comes over everything when it’s covered with snow. We lived in Georgetown and Fall River Road for years. Picture big blue spruce trees covered with snow and a frozen stream running through your backyard; th

Scott and his wife, Shirley
at’s what I loved. It’s also the time of year we go on our family sledding trips; sitting around the fire sharing beer, wine and stories!
If you could take an all-expenses paid vacation, where would you go? My wife and I would take an Alaskan cruise! It’s been a dream of ours since we’ve been married. She surprised me by purchasing tickets years ago, but then I was listed for a transplant and we were unable to go. One day I hope to surprise her with “two tickets to paradise!”
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Something my father told me, “If you want something, work for it.” He wanted me to appreciate the feeling you have after working for it. It’s something I’m trying to pass along to my grandson.