Donation Fact vs. Fiction
Faith and Donation

All major faiths support organ, eye and tissue donation and many consider organ donation to be a selfless act of compassion. Other religions leave the choice to the individual and fully support that decision. For example, in Judaism, it is considered a great mitzvah to give the gift of life through organ donation. And, followers of Islam are encouraged to give their organs upon death or while living. Moreover, the Vatican supports organ donation for all Catholics and considers it a selfless act of compassion.
We have some free resources you can share with your faith community such as church bulletins, posters, seed packets, educational materials and more.
- Religious Views on Organ and Tissue Donation: Learn more about various theological perspectives and how each religion views organ, eye and tissue donation.
- Educational Materials for Your Faith Community: Check out our free educational materials such as posters and bulletins. You can print them and have them available during service or at the bulletin board. We can also provide digital versions for your newsletter and other communication with your faith community. Don’t have a printer? No problem, you can also request a hard copy materials.
- Free Giveaways for your Faith Community: Order up to 20 special seed packets to give to members of your faith community and up to 25 prayer cards for Catholic churches.
- Request a Speaker: Bring the message of organ, eye and tissue donation to your fellow parishioners. Request a speaker and learn how organ, eye and tissue donation saves lives and what you can do to help.
Other Resources you Can Share with your Leaders:
- National Donor Sabbath – Observed on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday two weekends before Thanksgiving, NDS is dedicated to increase awareness about the lifesaving gift of organ, eye and tissue donation among all faith communities..
- Sample Sermon – Pastors, ministers and other religious leaders can use this document as a starting point to when dedicating a sermon to the lifesaving topic of organ, eye and tissue donation.
- Talking Points – Talking points about National Donor Sabbath.
- Donor Alliance Fact Sheet – Facts and statistics from Colorado and Wyoming.
Need more information? If you have any questions or need more information on how host an info table or request a speaker, please contact Valeria Munchmeyer at