Donor Alliance in the Community

Qué esperar en las Oficinas del DMV después de COVID-19

A medida que nuestra región regrese a estar abierta después del inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, veremos algunos cambios en nuestras colonias y comunidades. Uno de los lugares donde puedes esperar ver cambios es en las oficinas locales del DMV. Donor Alliance trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los DMV de nuestra región (Colorado y […]

New Ways to Celebrate: Coloradans and Wyomingites Celebrate National Donate Life Month Virtually

In response to COVID-19, we encouraged the public to celebrate National Donate Life Month virtually this April. National Donate Life Month is an important time to raise awareness for organ, eye and tissue donation and celebrate those who have given the ultimate gift, the gift of life.

Trabajadores de la Salud: Honrando a Todos Aquellos que Trabajan para Salvar Vidas

En nuestra línea de trabajo dentro de la industria de la salud, siempre hemos agradecido a los trabajadores de la salud, su pasión y dedicación para ayudar a otros y salvar vidas. Ahora, en estos tiempos difíciles, tenemos aún más respeto y gratitud por el trabajo que hacen todos los días. Gracias Trabajadores de la […]

Healthcare Heroes: Honoring all of Those Working to Save Lives

In our line of work within the healthcare industry, we have always been thankful for healthcare workers and their passion and dedication to help others and save lives. Now, amidst these challenging times, we have even more respect and gratitude for what they do every day. They are working tirelessly on the front lines, even […]

Three Easy Ways to #ShowYourHeart for National Blue & Green Day 2020

National Blue & Green Day 2020 is a time to #ShowYourHeart in support of organ, eye and tissue donation! The observance is recognized nationally every year during National Donate Life Month. Celebrate National Blue & Green Day with us on Friday, April 17, 2020! Three Easy Ways You Can #ShowYourHeart for National Blue & Green […]

Advocate Spotlight: Terri Reed

Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this advocate […]

#ShowYourHeart for National Donate Life Month: How to Raise Awareness for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation from Home

Organ, eye and tissue donation is the ultimate act of kindness, and Colorado and Wyoming are among the most generous states in the country when it comes to signing up to become a donor. However the need for transplantable organs is an ongoing public health crisis and residents need to be reminded of the importance […]

Staff Spotlight: Ryea’ O’Neill

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. Meet Ryea’ O’Neill, Community Relations Coordinator for Donor Alliance in Wyoming. In that role, Ryea’ […]

Aftercare: Conectando a Familias de Donantes y Receptores

Parte dos de tres de nuestra serie “Aftercare” Muchos miembros de la familia de donantes y receptores han expresado lo significativo que es comunicarse y conectarse entre sí. Donor Alliance fomenta la correspondencia entre las familias de donantes y los receptores, y se enorgullece en ayudar a facilitar estas conexiones siempre que sea posible. “Apoyar […]

Aftercare: Answering Common Aftercare Questions

Part Three of Three in our “Aftercare” Series To wrap up our “Aftercare” series, we’re answering some of the most frequently asked questions donor families have for our Aftercare department. The fact is, many donor families ask common questions. From answering these questions to providing tools and resources, to facilitating communication between recipients and donor […]

Donor Alliance Saves and Heals More Lives Than Ever Before in 2019 – Colorado & Wyoming

2019 Most Successful Year Ever Recorded for Organ and Tissue Donation – Colorado and Wyoming Donor Alliance, the federally designated non-profit organization that facilitates organ and tissue donation in Colorado and most of Wyoming, recorded the most successful year the region has ever seen in 2019, helping save the lives of 596 people through organ […]