How Transplantation Works

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Donated Tissue Can Help with Breast Reconstruction

Going Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Many know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to shine a light on the disease and increase overall awareness. What many don’t know is that donated tissue and breast tissue donation often play an important role in breast reconstruction. According to the Office of Disease […]

¿Hay ayuda financiera disponible para pacientes que reciben un trasplante?

octubre 1, 2021 // How Transplantation Works

¿Hay ayuda financiera disponible para pacientes que reciben un trasplante? Los trasplantes de órganos pueden ser un procedimiento quirúrgico muy costoso. La realidad es que, para muchos pacientes y candidatos para recibir un trasplante, no es factible pagar el costo total de la cirugía o los costos postoperatorios adicionales. Afortunadamente, existen recursos y programas de […]

Beneficios por discapacidad después de un trasplante de órganos

julio 7, 2021 // How Transplantation Works

  Beneficios por discapacidad después de un trasplante de órganos Cuando se trata de beneficios por discapacidad después de un trasplante de órganos que salva vidas, muchos tienen preguntas. Aquí desglosamos todo lo que necesitas saber para calificar y solicitar beneficios por discapacidad después del trasplante. Los trasplantes de órganos son transformadores, pero es imperativo […]

What You Should Know About Pancreas Transplants

Pancreas transplants are one of the rarest types of organ transplants performed annually. Only 135 people received a life-saving pancreas transplant in 2020. In fact, pancreas transplants have become increasingly rare since 2004. There are different reasons for this including difficulty in both the recovery and transplantation processes, other available treatments that are less invasive […]

¿Por qué no se puede vender órganos en Estados Unidos?

Una pregunta que nos hacen ocasionalmente es si una persona puede vender sus órganos o recibir algún tipo de incentivo financiero por donarlos. En corto, la respuesta es NO. Te invitamos a seguir leyendo para aprender más sobre las bases legales de la donación de órganos y tejidos y por qué estos son considerados un […]

Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant

For the most part, everyone is born with two healthy functioning kidneys. Most people don’t think about their kidneys on a daily basis, but for those with kidney disease or kidney transplant recipients, those two small bean-shaped organs are very important. The National Kidney Foundation or NKF is joining us during National Kidney Month to […]

The Heart Truth about Heart Donation and Transplant

When we think of February, we often picture a heart. This heart symbolizes many things; from love, to Valentine’s Day, to American Heart Month. But for others, a heart holds a much deeper meaning. For those few individuals who have received a heart transplant, it symbolizes the difference between life and death and every thumping […]

Prevenir el Rechazo de Órganos y Tejidos

octubre 5, 2020 // How Transplantation Works

Uno de los últimos problemas que un paciente o su familia quieren preocuparse después de recibir un trasplante de órganos o tejidos es si el trasplante será rechazado. Sin embargo, es importante reconocer que el rechazo no es lo mismo que perder el órgano o tejido trasplantado, y las tasas de supervivencia de los órganos […]

#InTheNews: Uterine Transplants

One of the biggest stories in organ donation and transplantation so far this year has been the story of Jennifer Gobrecht, the second woman in the U.S. to have a uterus transplant from a deceased donor. You may have seen her story featured in any number of major news outlets across the country, including the […]

Transplantation Science: New Resources This School Year

School is in full swing in Colorado and Wyoming and our Transplantation Science Program has some new resources for teachers this school year! At Donor Alliance, we know that teachers have been working hard for weeks: setting up classrooms, planning curriculum and looking for new and innovative ways to teach students about their content. For […]

Donation 101: Organ Donation Terms We Don’t Use and Why

How certain words are used can have a significant impact, especially when it comes to organ, eye and tissue donation. This list provides guidelines around which organ donation terms to avoid and the most appropriate terminology to use instead.

Frequently Asked Student Questions

Through Transplantation Science, an award-winning, free program for 7th through 12th graders, many thousands of students throughout Colorado and Wyoming are able to get new perspective on organ, eye and tissue donation. The 50-90 minute workshops at schools throughout the region, aim to give students a better understanding of what it means to be a […]