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Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022

Every year during the last week of National Donate Life Month, we celebrate National Pediatric Transplant Week, a time to talk about efforts to end the pediatric transplant waiting list and recognize those that have been touched by pediatric organ, eye and tissue donation. Throughout the week, clinical partners are encouraged to share patient stories, […]

New Year. New Life. New Intentions.

Setting Your Intentions for the New Year As you step into the new year, do you have trouble choosing a new year’s resolution? New beginnings are filled with hope, opportunities and ways to give back to your communities. But how do you choose? We love the simplicity of choosing a single word or phrase for […]

¿Apoya mi religión la donación de órganos y tejidos?

noviembre 1, 2021 // Sin categorizar

Para los fieles, comprender la conexión entre su religión y la donación es clave para decir Sí a salvar vidas y registrarse como donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos. A menudo, el apoyo religioso a la donación es una de las preocupaciones que surge cuando se habla de donación y los trasplantes y se toma […]

Does My Religion Support Organ and Tissue Donation?

noviembre 1, 2021 // Sin categorizar , Uncategorized

The Connection Between Faith and Donation For the faithful, understanding their religions support of donation is key to saying yes to saving lives as an organ, eye and tissue donor. Often times, religious support of donation is one of the concerns that comes up when discussing donation and transplantation and making the decision to be […]

Presumed Consent or Opt-Out: What does it mean?

diciembre 8, 2020 // Sin categorizar

You may have been hearing the term “presumed consent” or “opt-out” lately when it comes to organ and tissue donation around the world. The UK is the most recent country to adopt legislation that supports this. The United States operates under an opt-in, first-person consent system. This means individuals must personally, actively sign up on […]

#MuestraTuCorazon en el Mes Nacional de Done Vida: Cómo crear conciencia sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos desde tu casa

La donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos es el mayor acto de generosidad, y Colorado y Wyoming se encuentran entre los estados más generosos del país cuando se trata de registrarse para convertirse en donante. Sin embargo, la necesidad de órganos trasplantables es una crisis de salud pública en curso y es importante recordar la […]

Wyoming Driver License Has a New Look and a New Heart Donation Symbol

febrero 17, 2020 // Sin categorizar , Uncategorized

This year, Wyomingites will see a new look for their driver license and state identification cards. Wyoming recently adopted this new version, showcasing Devil’s Tower on the front and the state capitol on the back. The goal was to make these forms of identification more secure and unique to the beautiful state. The licenses and […]

Mes del Recuerdo: Recordando a todos los Donantes de Órganos y Tejidos este Noviembre

Noviembre es también conocido como el “Mes de Recuerdo” por las comunidades cristianas, un tiempo para recordar a aquellos que han fallecido. A lolargo del mes, se conmemoran diferentes celebraciones en comunidades de todo el mundo dedicadas a mantener la memoria viva de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros. Estas fechas tan especiales incluyen: […]

What is a Donate Life flag raising ceremony and what does it mean?

Have you ever seen a Donate Life flag raising ceremony? Ever wondered what the Donate Life flag represents? In this post, we’re breaking down what the ceremony means and why they are held, what the flag stands for, and how you can continue to show your support for organ, eye and tissue donation. National Donate […]

Donation 101: Focus on Relationships

marzo 27, 2019 // Sin categorizar

Throughout April, our team of Donation Consultants will be coordinating a variety of hospital activities in celebration of National Donate Life Month. Some of these events include flag raising ceremonies to honor organ and tissue donors and illumination displays to raise donation awareness. Through critical care rounds, lunch and learns, hospital leadership presentations, and donation […]

National Kidney Month: The Importance of Donation

In honor of National Kidney Month this March, we remind Colorado and Wyoming residents to think about the health of their kidneys and urge all residents to sign up as organ, eye and tissue donors.

Does my religion support organ, eye and tissue donation?

marzo 14, 2019 // Sin categorizar

Have you ever wondered what your religion says about donation and transplantation? No doubt, this is one of the questions that often comes up when discussing donation and transplantation. The good news is that all major religions support organ, eye and tissue donation, and see it as an act of compassion and love. In fact, […]