Donation Essentials Blog
Colorado Donor Family Tribute 2017: Lives Transformed
Every year, Donor Alliance hosts the Colorado Donor Family Tribute to recognize and honor the families of those who have given the gift of organ, eye and tissue donation. On Saturday, May 20th, 597 family members and 65 Donor Alliance staff members celebrated the lives of 131 organ, eye and tissue donors.
Tissue recipient, Judy Walker, told her story about her devastating osteosarcoma (bone cancer) diagnosis at age 39. Facing amputation, Judy received the gift of a donor femur, which allowed her to walk through a sandy beach in Costa Rica after her surgery.
Erika White, the mother of a multi-organ recipient, told the story of her daughter Emerson, and what the gift of time with Emerson has meant to her family.
The day ended with music by Front Range Strings, directed by Tori Woodrow, and a candle lighting ceremony, in which the families were invited to light a candle in rememberance of their loved one.
We are fortunate that these families have given so generously at such a difficult time. A single organ donor can save the lives of up to eight lives, while a tissue donor can save or heal more than 75 people.
- Photos by Evan Semón