Cobertura Reciente en los Medios

enero 20, 2021

La Lista de Espera No Puede Esperar: Número Récord de Donantes de Órganos y Vidas Salvadas en el 2020 – Colorado y Wyoming

2020 año record donor alliance-donacion-de-organos

A pesar de la pandemia de COVID-19, Donor Alliance registró el 2020 como el año más exitoso con respecto a las vidas salvadas a través de la donación y el trasplante de órganos que jamás haya visto. En el 2020, un número récord de donantes de órganos heroicos salvaron 622 vidas a través de la donación y el trasplante de órganos y miles de vidas más fueron salvadas y sanadas por medio de la donación de tejidos en Colorado y Wyoming.

La lista de espera no puede esperar, incluso en medio de una pandemia. A pesar de lo desafiante que ha sido el 2020, hay muchas cosas de las que enorgullecerse en lo que respecta a la donación y los trasplantes.– Jennifer Prinz, presidenta y directora ejecutiva de Donor Alliance.

2020: Año récord de donantes de órganos y vidas salvadas en Colorado y Wyoming


A través de los generosos regalos de los donantes de órganos y sus familias, Donor Alliance facilitó un número récord de donaciones de órganos en todo Colorado y Wyoming en el 2020.

Este año hubo un aumento del 13% en donantes de órganos heroicos y un aumento del 4% en órganos trasplantados, o vidas salvadas, en comparación con el récord establecido en el 2019.

  • Donantes de Órganos – un record de 215 donantes de órganos heroicos
  • Órganos Trasplantados – las donaciones salvaron 622 vidas
Donación de Órganos 2017 2018 2019 2020
Donantes de órganos locales 144 160 191 215
Trasplantes de Riñón 246 268 325 351
Trasplantes de Hígado 88 98 119 141
Trasplantes de Corazón 43 59 63 68
Trasplantes de Pulmón 24 52 72 54
Trasplantes de Páncreas 6 11 15 7
Trasplantes de Intestino Delgado 0 1 2 1
Trasplantes de Órganos locales 407 489 596 622

Además de facilitar localmente la donación de donantes fallecidos, Donor Alliance ayudó a facilitar 140 trasplantes de donantes fuera de nuestra región, así como también asistir en 39 de los 118 trasplantes de donantes vivos de la región.

Donor Alliance también coordinó la transmisión de 710 cartas entre las familias de donantes y los receptores de trasplantes y proporcionó 30,470 tarjetas de recuerdo a 241 familias de donantes para ayudar a honrar y reconocer la vida de sus seres queridos.

El 2020: Otro año fuerte para la donación y los trasplantes de tejidos en Colorado y Wyoming

A pesar de los retrasos en una variedad de procedimientos quirúrgicos en respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19, el 2020 fue un año fuerte para la donación y el trasplante de tejidos. Hubo 1, 899 donantes de tejidos heroicos, incluyendo 1,664 donantes de piel y 127 donantes de válvulas cardíacas.


Mediante procedimientos como injertos de piel y cirugías reconstructivas, estas donaciones que sanan y salvan vidas ayudarán a miles de personas a recuperar la movilidad y llevar una vida activa después de experimentar una enfermedad o trauma.

  • Donantes de tejidos: la asombrosa cantidad de 1,899 donantes de tejidos heroicos
  • Tejidos trasplantados: miles de personas salvadas y sanadas
La lista de espera no puede esperar: salvando vidas a través de la pandemia de COVID-19, número récord de donantes de órganos y vidas salvadas

A lo largo de la crisis de COVID-19, nuestra misión se ha mantenido al frente de cada decisión que hemos tomado, permitiendo que nuestro trabajo maximice cada regalo de vida y salve tantas vidas como sea posible a través de la donación y los trasplantes. - Jennifer Prinz

 Lista de espera no puede esperar

Desde el inicio de la pandemia, Donor Alliance ha trabajado activamente para planificar y mitigar el impacto del COVID-19 en la misión de la organización de salvar vidas.

  • Planificación de sobretensión

En colaboración con hospitales locales y socios médicos, Donor Alliance desarrolló un Surge Plan para garantizar que el regalo de la vida pudiera continuar de manera segura a pesar de la tensión inducida por la pandemia en los recursos médicos, el personal y las instalaciones. El plan incluía asegurar herramientas y equipos, desarrollar protocolos alternativos basados ​​en la capacidad del hospital, realizar pruebas médicas aceleradas y aumentar la utilización del centro de recuperación independiente de Donor Alliance, lo cual minimizó el impacto en los hospitales y aseguró que el regalo de la vida continuara. También se establecieron pruebas aceleradas de COVID-19 para todos los posibles donantes de órganos, reduciendo así las demoras y permitiendo al personal de Donor Alliance sustentar de manera segura el proceso de donación y trasplante.

  • Maximizar el trabajo remoto

Para mantener la seguridad del personal de Donor Alliance y del hospital, y al mismo tiempo asegurarnos de que nuestro trabajo para salvar vidas continuara, se maximizaron las opciones de trabajo remoto. Por ejemplo, Donor Alliance limitó la cantidad de personal que accede a los hospitales locales teniendo conversaciones virtuales con las familias de los donantes.

  • Educar al público virtualmente

Aunque los eventos presenciales fueron limitados en 2020, se implementaron eventos virtuales e iniciativas digitales para continuar educando e inspirando al público a registrarse para ser donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos.

La generosidad de los residentes de Colorado y Wyoming, combinada con la determinación y resiliencia de nuestro personal y nuestros voluntarios para continuar con nuestra misión, ayudó a salvar y sanar más vidas en nuestra región que nunca antes. – Jennifer Prinz

Colorado y Wyoming entre los principales estados del país en apoyo a la donación

Colorado y Wyoming siguen manteniendo algunas de las tasas más altas de designación de donantes, o porcentaje detasa de registro de donantes-DDR personas que se unen a los registros de donantes estatales, en el país.

La tasa de designación de donantes de Colorado es del 68% y la de Wyoming es del 62%; ambos estados superan significativamente el promedio nacional del 49%, según Donate Life America.

  • Casi un millón de residentes se registraron como donantes en 2020
  • Más de 870,000 residentes de Colorado y casi 82,000 habitantes de Wyoming agregaron sus nombres a los registros de donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos.
  • La tasa de designación de donantes es del 68% en Colorado
  • La tasa de designación de donantes es del 62% en Wyoming.
Cómo puedes ayudar

A pesar de los increíbles logros alcanzados—incluso en medio de una pandemia— en el 2020 para la donación y los trasplantes en nuestra región, cerca de 2,000 personas en el área continúan esperando un trasplante que salve su vida. Con estos pacientes en mente, Donor Alliance continúa educando incansablemente al público sobre la necesidad de más donantes y colabora estrechamente con 115 hospitales de cuidados intensivos, cuatro centros de trasplantes, la división de vehículos motorizados y otros socios en su área de servicio que abarca dos estados.

Para obtener más información sobre la donación o para registrarse como donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos, visita

enero 12, 2021

Registrarse como donante: Una Resolución de Año Nuevo Alcanzable que Salva Vidas

El comienzo de un nuevo año viene con un sentido de esperanza renovada, nuevas oportunidades e incluso nuevas formas de retribuir y apoyar a tu comunidad. Sin duda, 2020 fue un año como ningún otro con una “nueva normalidad” para casi todas las cosas que hacemos en nuestra vida cotidiana,resoluciones de año nuevo incluyendo la forma en que le dimos la bienvenida al 2021 e hicimos las resoluciones para el Año Nuevo.

Este año, es posible que estés pensando en tus propósitos de Año Nuevo de una manera diferente; es posible que desees priorizar tu salud, adoptar una rutina de ejercicio, dedicar más tiempo a tu familia o que pongas tu mirada en ayudar a otros que son menos afortunados. Independientemente de lo que tengas en mente para tus resoluciones de año nuevo, no olvides incluir en tu lista algunos objetivos que te hagan sentir realizado y que sean alcanzables.

Registrarse como Donante: Una resolución de Año Nuevo que te Hará Sentir Bien

¿Quieres una resolución alcanzable y que te haga sentir bien? ¡Tenemos la idea perfecta para ti! Agrega el registrarte como donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos a tu lista de resoluciones para el 2021. Dar el regalo de vivir a través de la donación y los trasplantes de órganos no solo te hará sentir realizado, sino que también dará esperanza a las casi 2,000 personas en nuestra región—incluyendo casi 500 hispanos—que esperan un trasplante de órganos pata Salvat su vida. Y la mejor parte: solo te llevará unos minutos completar esta resolución y tacharla en tu lista.

¿Qué Significa Registrarse para ser Donante de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos?

Registrarse como donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos significa que has tomado la decisión de donar tus órganos, ojos y tejidos en el momento de tu muerte. Tu decisión de ser donante tiene prioridad sobre las preferencias de tu familia, así que asegúrate de compartir tu decisión con tus seres queridos.

Cualquier persona, de cualquier edad, con cualquier tipo de historial médico puede optar por registrarse como donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos. Tu salud, edad y estilo de vida no deben ser factores en tu decisión de ayudar a otros a través de la donación de órganos y tejidos después de fallecer. Incluso las personas con condiciones médicas crónicas y enfermedades infecciosas pueden registrarse como donantes. Los órganos y tejidos que realmente se pueden utilizar se determinarán en el momento de su muerte. No se descarte; ¡puedes salvar vidas!

Cómo Puedes Registrarte como Donante Durante Estos Tiempos

Registrarse como donante es rápido, seguro y sencillo. Puedes inscribirte en línea en cualquier momento sin salir de tu casa en, la página del registro de donantes del estado. Además, aún puede registrarte cuando vayas a la oficina local de licencias de conducir al renovar o tramitar tu licencia de conducir o identificación estatal. Recuerda, las cosas pueden verse diferentes en tu oficina local, así que averigüe qué precauciones y medidas están vigentes antes de tu visita.

Mientras te preparas para o elegir o completar tus propósitos e intenciones para este 2021, te invitamos a que obtenga más información sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos y que consideres registraste como donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos. Tu heroica decisión puede salvar y sanar vidas.

enero 12, 2021

The Waitlist Can’t Wait: Record Number of Heroic Organ Donors and Lives Saved in 2020 – Colorado & Wyoming


Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Donor Alliance recorded 2020 as the most successful year for lives saved through organ donation and transplantation that the region has ever seen. In 2020, a record number of heroic organ donors saved 622 lives through organ donation and transplantation and thousands more lives were saved and healed through tissue donation in Colorado and Wyoming.

The waitlist can’t wait, even amidst a pandemic. As challenging as 2020 has been, there are many things to be proud of when it comes to donation and transplantation. Jennifer Prinz, Donor Alliance President and CEO.

2020 Record Organ Donors & Lives Saved in Colorado & Wyoming

Through the generous gifts from organ donors and their families, Donor Alliance facilitated a record number of organ donations throughout Colorado and Wyoming in 2020.


This year there was a 13% increase in heroic organ donors and a 4% increase in organs transplanted, or lives saved, when compared to the record high from 2019.2020-organ-donor-growth

  • Organ Donors - a record 215 heroic organ donors
  • Organs Transplanted - donations saved 622 lives

Annual Snapshot:

ORGAN Donation 2017 2018 2019 2020
Local Organ Donors 144 160 191 215
Kidney Transplants 246 268 325 351
Liver Transplants 88 98 119 141
Heart Transplants 43 59 63 68
Lung Transplants 24 52 72 54
Pancreas Transplants 6 11 15 7
Small Intestine Transplant 0 1 2 1
Total Local Organs Transplanted 407 489 596 622

In addition to facilitating local deceased donation, Donor Alliance helped facilitate 140 transplants from donors outside of our region, as well as assisting in 39 of the region’s 118 transplants from living donors.

Donor Alliance also coordinated the passing of 710 letters between donor families and transplant recipients and provided 30,470 memory cards to 241 donor families to help honor and recognize the lives of their loved ones.

2020 Another Strong Year Tissue Donation & Transplantation in Colorado & Wyoming

2020-tissue-stats-colorado-wyomingDespite delays in a variety of surgical procedures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was still a strong year for tissue donation and transplantation. There were 1,899 heroic tissue donors including 1,664 skin donors and 127 heart valve donors.

Through procedures like skin grafting and reconstructive surgeries, these lifesaving and healing donations will help thousands of people regain mobility and lead active lives after disease or trauma.

  • Tissue Donors - an amazing 1,899 heroic tissue donors
  • Tissues Transplanted - tens of thousands

Annual Snapshot:

TISSUE Donation 2017 2018 2019 2020
Local Tissue Donors 1,752 1,684 2,118 1,899
Bone Donors 832 902 1,109 904
Skin Donors 1,503 1,512 1,950 1,664
Heart Valve Donors 140 95 127 127
Joint Restoration Donors 97 90 121 83

Waitlist Can’t Wait: Saving Lives through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Record Number Organ Donors & Lives Saved

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, our mission has remained at the forefront of every decision we’ve made, allowing our work to maximize every gift of life and save as many lives as possible through donation and transplantation to continue. Jennifer Prinz

2020-waitlist-cant-wait-donor-allianceSince the onset of the pandemic, Donor Alliance has actively worked to plan for and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on the organization’s mission to save lives.

  • Surge Planning
    • In collaboration with local hospitals and medical partners, Donor Alliance developed a Surge Plan to ensure the gift of life was able to safely continue despite the pandemic-induced strain on medical resources, staff and facilities. The plan included securing tools and equipment, developing alternative protocols based on hospital capacity, expedited medical testing and increasing utilization of Donor Alliance’s stand-alone recovery center – all of which minimized the impact on hospitals and ensured the gift of life continued. Accelerated COVID-19 testing was also established for all potential organ donors, reducing delays and allowing Donor Alliance staff to safely sustain the donation and transplantation process.
  • Maximize Remote Work
    • To keep Donor Alliance and hospital staff safe while also making sure our lifesaving work continued, remote work options were maximized. For example, Donor Alliance limited the number of staff accessing local hospitals by having virtual conversations with donor families.
  • Educating the Public Virtually
    • Even though in-person events were limited in 2020, virtual events and digital initiatives were implemented to continue to educate and inspire the public to sign up to be organ, eye and tissue donors.

The generosity of Colorado and Wyoming residents combined with the determination and resiliency of our staff and volunteers to continue our mission helped to save and heal more lives in our region than ever before. Jennifer Prinz

Colorado & Wyoming amongst the Top in the Nation in Support for Donation

2020-colorado-wyoming-ddrColorado and Wyoming continue to maintain some of the highest donor designation rates, or percentage of individuals joining the state donor registries, in the country.

Colorado’s DDR is 68% and Wyoming’s is 62% - both states far surpass the national average of 49%, according to Donate Life America.

  • Nearly one million residents signed up to become donors in 2020
  • More than 870,000 Coloradans and nearly 82,000 Wyomingites added their names to the organ, eye and tissue donor registries.
  • The donor designation rate is at 68% in Colorado
  • The donor designation rate is at 62% in Wyoming

How You Can Help

Despite the year’s incredible achievements even amidst a pandemic for donation and transplantation across the region, nearly 2,000 people in the area continue to wait for a lifesaving transplant. With these patients in mind, Donor Alliance continues to tirelessly educate the public on the need for donation and collaborate closely with 115 acute care hospitals, four transplant centers, division of motor vehicles and other partners throughout the two-state area.

For more information about donation, or to sign up as an organ, eye and tissue donor, please visit or

diciembre 14, 2020

Last Christmas: A Review Through a Donate Life Lens

“Very emotional for me, but I feel like it’s a movie worth seeing as a donor family member,” said Laurie.

Laurie is a donor’s wife and an Advocate for Life from Casper, Wyoming who helped us review the 2019 romantic holiday comedy, Last Christmas, through a Donate Life lens.

last-christmas-movie-reviewWhile Laurie’s connection to donation and transplantation was formed through the tragic loss of her husband, Sam, it has since grown into feelings of hope and gratitude as his legacy lives on through donation and transplantation.

Those same feelings were represented as themes throughout the movie.

*Warning: if you haven’t seen the movie, this review may contain spoilers, so please feel free to go watch the movie and then come back to hear our take on its message.*

About the Movie, Last Christmas:

The holiday movie quickly introduces us to a negative, ‘bad’ girl named Kate who regularly engages in some questionable behaviors. She is disconnected from her family and since a recent heart transplant, she doesn’t quite feel like herself.

Through many meaningful moments with Tom, a young man she met at her work, Kate becomes more positive and embraces the good within herself. Her eyes are opened to her blessings and her second chance at life made possible through the amazing gift of life she received from her heroic heart donor.

Local Reaction:

“Of course, I thought about my situation and my husband’s donations. I wrote letters to my husband’s recipients, telling them about Sam, so they could get to know who he was. Knowing your donor, I thought, could help them honor the gift they received.”

Laurie added, “I think Last Christmas tries through Hollywood’s sensational ways to explain that connection between a donor and a recipient. I think the ending was sweet and, yes, very emotional for me, but I feel like it’s a movie worth seeing as a donor family member.”

While watching movies with a ‘Donate Life’ theme, it’s important to know the facts about organ, eye and tissue donation as they can guide you through sensationalized storylines. Getting the story right means a lot to those closely connected to the experience; like donor families, transplant recipients, living donors and wait list candidates.

Get Involved, Donate Life Holiday Initiatives:parade-of-lights-gift-box-station

Whether you’ve already watched Last Christmas or plan to, we want to know what YOU think. Leave a comment or send a message on the Donate Life Colorado Facebook page or Donate Life Wyoming Facebook page. Beyond the movie, there are even more ways you can get into the Donate Life giving spirit during the 2020 holiday season.

  • Share your #GiftofLife story: Have you been touched by organ, eye and tissue donation? Share your #GiftofLife story with us for the 2020 9News Parade of Lights event in downtown Denver. Your stories will be on display inside Donate Life Colorado’s #GiftofLife gift box station through New Year’s Eve. *Deadline to submit is 12/26*
  • #GiveThanks for the gift of life: give-thanks-camille-shivelyJoin Donate Life Wyoming in embracing gratitude as a way of giving back. Share your gratitude story and your #GiveThanks photo in honor of the special people in your community who are connected to donation and transplantation. Your submission enters you in a drawing to win some Donate Life swag!
  • Tune in to the Rose Parade: On New Year’s Day as part of the reimagined 2021 Tournament of Roses event, the Donate Life community will prepare a tribute with a floral sculpture that honors donors and healthcare professionals. Laurie’s husband, Sam will be honored on the sculpture, as will Jake Thompson, a heroic donor from Colorado. The amazing floragraphs were finished by each donor’s family and will be on display for all to see in a TV special airing on January 1, 2021.

The giving spirit can travel well beyond the holiday movies and initiatives. You can show your support for the gift of life year-round by signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor at or

diciembre 10, 2020

Presumed Consent or Opt-Out: What does it mean?

You may have been hearing the term “presumed consent” or “opt-out” lately when it comes to organ and tissue donation around the world. The UK is the most recent country to adopt legislation that supports this.

The United States operates under an opt-in, first-person consent system. This means individuals must personally, actively sign up on the donor registry and, upon doing so, no further authorization is required when the decision of the donor is legally documented.

The Opt-in System is Preferred and Works for Americans

The idea of a presumed consent system may sound logical and the perfect way to address the rising need for organs and tissues for transplant. However, before you start advocating for it, here are a few facts about how a presumed consent system works and why it may not be the best idea for organ and tissue donation in the United States.

No Systems Operate as True Presumed Consent Models

While presumed consent has been enacted in several Western European countries, in practice most of these systems are implemented as family authorization, with families effectively able to override the presumption of consent.

Presumed Consent Removes the Opportunity for Discussion with the Family

Under the current opt-in system, organ procurement organizations have the opportunity to discuss donation with the family of any potential donor. In our area, authorization rates for organ donation are near 90%. An opt-out system would remove that opportunity for family discussion.

Coloradans and Wyomingites Do Not Support a Presumed Consent System

National research commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services in 2019 found that 34% of respondents would “opt-out” of a presumed consent system if the United States moved to this type of system. This supports local research which found that 62% of Wyoming and 56% of Colorado respondents were opposed to an opt-out system. Many respondents viewed this pronouncement as one deemed by the government, not one of their own choosing. This could spur many to opt out, not wanting to be mandated to be a donor, though not necessarily due to a lack of support or belief in organ and tissue donation.

Presumed Consent is Not in Alignment with American Legal Principles

Generally, laws in our country are built heavily on the core concepts of individual rights and liberties. Presumed consent may be contrary to these fundamental legal principles. Although the idea of presumed consent may sound promising, a change of this magnitude may affect the public’s trust of the organ and tissue donation system. However, it is important to continue to dialogue about this on a regular basis as was done last month at an event hosted by Harvard Law School: "Nudging Organ Donation: Tools to Encourage Organ Availability."

Opt-out or Presumed Consent Would Not Make More Organs Available for Transplant

Finally, data suggests moving to an opt-out system would not make more organs available for transplant in the U.S. Under our voluntary, opt-in system, more than 70% of Americans who meet the criteria to donate actually become organ donors after their death. This results in about 32 organ donors per million population, which is the fourth highest organ donation rate in the world, including countries with an opt-out system.

diciembre 8, 2020

Presumed Consent or Opt-Out: What does it mean?

You may have been hearing the term “presumed consent” or “opt-out” lately when it comes to organ and tissue presumed consentdonation around the world. The UK is the most recent country to adopt legislation that supports this.

The United States operates under an opt-in, first-person consent system. This means individuals must personally, actively sign up on the donor registry and, upon doing so, no further authorization is required when the decision of the donor is legally documented.

The Opt-in System is Preferred and Works for Americans

The idea of a presumed consent system may sound logical and the perfect way to address the rising need for organs and tissues for transplant. However, before you start advocating for it, here are a few facts about how a presumed consent system works and why it may not be the best idea for organ and tissue donation in the United States.

No Systems Operate as True Presumed Consent Models

While presumed consent has been enacted in several Western European countries, in practice most of these systems are implemented as family authorization, with families effectively able to override the presumption of consent.

Presumed Consent Removes the Opportunity for Discussion with the Family

Under the current opt-in system, organ procurement organizations have the opportunity to discuss donation with the family of any potential donor. In our area, authorization rates for organ donation are near 90%. An opt-out system would remove that opportunity for family discussion.

Coloradans and Wyomingites Do Not Support a Presumed Consent System

National research commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services in 2019 found that 34% of respondents would “opt-out” of a presumed consent system if the United States moved to this type of system. This supports local research which found that 62% of Wyoming and 56% of Colorado respondents were opposed to an opt-out system. Many respondents viewed this pronouncement as one deemed by the government, not one of their own choosing. This could spur many to opt out, not wanting to be mandated to be a donor, though not necessarily due to a lack of support or belief in organ and tissue donation.

Presumed Consent is Not in Alignment with American Legal Principles

Generally, laws in our country are built heavily on the core concepts of individual rights and liberties. Presumed consent may be contrary to these fundamental legal principles. Although the idea of presumed consent may sound promising, a change of this magnitude may affect the public’s trust of the organ and tissue donation system. However, it is important to continue to dialogue about this on a regular basis as was done last month at an event hosted by Harvard Law School: "Nudging Organ Donation: Tools to Encourage Organ Availability."

Opt-out or Presumed Consent Would Not Make More Organs Available for Transplant

Finally, data suggests moving to an opt-out system would not make more organs available for transplant in the U.S. Under our voluntary, opt-in system, more than 70% of Americans who meet the criteria to donate actually become organ donors after their death. This results in about 32 organ donors per million population, which is the fourth highest organ donation rate in the world, including countries with an opt-out system.

noviembre 29, 2020

Advocate Spotlight: Jeremy Mares

Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this advocate spotlight, meet Jeremy Mares, a liver transplant recipient from Aurorajeremy-mares-spotlight, CO.

Get to Know Jeremy Mares in this Month's Advocate Spotlight:

What's your favorite memory or event volunteering at Donor Alliance so far? So far my favorite event has been a virtual speaking event about my patient experience. It was pretty amazing to join a large group of people while still being safe at home. Hope to do more of those!

What is your proudest accomplishment? It's a dated accomplishment, but I had fully recorded a little instrumental song to a 16-track digital recorder in my early 20s. It had bass, guitars, keys, and drums. I burned the 1:45 tune to a CD and listened to it in my car while I drove around town.

What is the last book you read or movie you saw? Would you recommend it? I caught bits and pieces of Netflix's "The Trial of the Chicago 7" and goodness I was hooked. Definitely recommend seeing it.

If you could take an all-expenses paid vacation, where would you go? I would go to New Zealand and do the walk from The Shire to Mordor.

What are some of your favorite hobbies? My hobbies are the same now at 38 as they were when I was 11, video games and playing music (mostly guitar). I'm just better funded now.

What is your favorite season and why? I used to work in retail fashion and have always enjoyed the fall lines the best. #SweaterWeather

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? When struggling through insecurity and depression in graduate school my professor and I had a heart to heart and she looked me square in the eye and said, "Never judge your insides but other people's outsides". I have recited these words to myself many times over the years.

What has been your favorite hobby in quarantine? Or, have you learned something new? Cooking, hands down. It was always a favorite, but much more so now. I have leveled up my hummus, instant pot chicken, and overall knife skills. I have also leveled up my waist line.

If you're interested in volunteering with us we'd love to have you join our Advocates for Life program! Get started.

noviembre 28, 2020

Staff Spotlight: Lauren Abernathy

[caption id="attachment_30409" align="alignright" width="328"]Lauren-Abernathy-and-Husband-Brett Lauren and her husband, Brett, during a trip to South Africa in 2019.[/caption]

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. In this month's staff spotlight, meet Lauren Abernathy, the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Compliance Coordinator. In this role, Lauren provides data on each organ donor case to the OPTN.

This Month's Staff Spotlight is on Lauren Abernathy:

Name: Lauren Abernathy

Position: OPTN Compliance Coordinator

Years at Donor Alliance: 20 years

Tell us a little about your role with Donor Alliance: My role is in Quality Systems. My role provides regulatory compliance with the OPTN. I provide data on each organ donor case to the OPTN (UNOS) following their guidelines for data submission and deadlines. I track all cultures performed on every organ donor case and follow those until they have finalized. I report any positive cultures to the appropriate transplant centers. Over the past two years, I served as the Donor Alliance research coordinator for a national study looking at the use of mild hypothermia during donor management.

What made you want to work for Donor Alliance? I have a background in nursing and was exposed to the world of donation when I worked in the surgical/trauma ICU at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, TX. I cared for numerous potential organ donors. I started in the OPO world at Southwest Organ Bank as an organ recovery coordinator, but also worked in hospital development and management. My husband and I moved to Denver in 1990. I was hired by Colorado Organ Recovery Systems at that time. I took some time off to raise a family, but found I wanted to re-connect with my career. I returned to Donor Alliance part-time helping the finance department with hospital billing audits as well as learning the tissue side of recovery as a QA coordinator. In all of my roles, I have felt connected to the mission of saving lives through organ and tissue donation. That is what called me back and that is what keeps me motivated.

What do you enjoy most about your role/what’s the most rewarding aspect of your role? I love the critical thinking involved in completing reports for UNOS. I enjoy learning about policy and how that process works for change. I feel connected to our transplant centers through the relationships I’ve developed. Through the culture-reporting process I hope I am providing valuable information that contributes to better recipient outcomes.

When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun? I love spending time with my family and friends. I love to read, needlepoint, and especially travel.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self? I think I would tell my younger self: “Relax – You’re going to have a great life!”

Thanks for reading our staff spotlight!

noviembre 24, 2020

Quick Organ and Tissue Transplant History

With the advances of science over recent years, it may be surprising to learn that the first successful organ transplant was in 1954. The first skin transplant was performed in 1869. That’s right! Organ and tissue donation and transplantation have been going on for over 150 years in the USA. Much has changed over the years of organ transplant history, so here are a few highlights.

Tissue Transplants Came First

Did you know that before we were able to transplant organs, the U.S. Navy established the first tissue bank in the USA in 1949? Although there are clinical records of tissue transplantation happening as far back as the 1800s, storage of transplantable tissues didn’t begin until the U.S. Navy Tissue Bank was created. Thanks to this advancement, tissues were able to be stored, saving and healing people when they needed a graft. Today, there are more than 120 accredited tissue banks across the USA who are continuously developing new processes for storing tissue. They are also creating innovative ways of saving and healing millions of people across the country and internationally.

Organ Transplant History: Living Donation Preceded Deceased Donation

The first successful kidney transplant was performed in Boston in 1954 when a living donor gave one of his kidneys to his identical twin brother. This was followed by kidney donations/transplants between fraternal twins and siblings who weren’t twins. Because of these pioneering transplants over 50 years ago, there have been more than 162,000 kidney transplants since 1988.* Almost 28% of these transplants continue to be between siblings. With more than 85% of candidates on the waiting list needing a kidney, living donation continues to be an important possibility for donation. Learn more about how to become a living donor.

Organ Transplant History: Deceased Donation Quickly Followed

Organ transplant history is not linear. The advent of deceased organ donation and transplant had some of its beginnings in Colorado. Successful organ recoveries from deceased donors began in 1962 with the first deceased donor kidney transplant in Boston. However, it wasn’t until 1967, when Dr. Thomas Starzl performed the first successful liver transplant at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver. With deceased donors able to donate lifesaving organs to up to eight different individuals, deceased donation quickly overtook living donation in the number of transplants. In 2019, there were more than 32,000 transplants from deceased donors and just over 7,000 from living organ donors. Colorado’s four transplant centers continue to be among the most innovative in the field of transplantation.

Regulation Needed: Uniform Anatomical Gift Act Enacted

With all of this activity within the field of organ and tissue donation and transplantation, it was clear that laws needed to be established in order to govern the processes involved. In 1968, the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA) was enacted as a federal law in all 50 states. Since then, it has been revised twice and the current 2006 version has been adopted in both Colorado and Wyoming. The adoption of the UAGA:

  • allows individuals to make an anatomical (or bodily) gift to be effective after death
  • establishes donor registries (like signing up on the Donate Life Colorado or Wyoming donor registry) as a valid document of gift (official, sworn statement confirming the gift);
  • makes registries first-person authorization, advance directives (like a will);
  • creates a list of legal next of kin who may authorize for donation if the donor is not on the donor registry;
  • prohibits trafficking in human organs for profit from donations for transplant or therapy.

Read the entire Colorado UAGA and Wyoming UAGA.

Where is your dot on the timeline?

With more than 826,000 organ transplants performed since 1988* and millions of tissue grafts transplanted, countless lives have been affected by the history of organ and tissue donation and transplantation. It doesn't matter whether you registered to be a donor the minute you got your driver permit or you were inspired to register yesterday! The simple act of saying Yes to donation and signing up to save lives anchors your spot in a unique community.

Check out these resources to learn more about organ transplant history, as well as that of tissue transplantation.

*up to date data can be found here:

noviembre 5, 2020

Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion, Shares the Profound Impact Organ Donation has Had on His Family

Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion, shared how organ donation has impacted his family and encouraged the community to consider signing up to be organ donors after death.

[caption id="attachment_30483" align="alignright" width="576"]Ryan-Harris-driver-license-organ-donor A former Denver Bronco and practicing Muslim, Ryan Harris is passionate about educating the community on organ donation.[/caption]

My Father's Life was Saved by Organ Donation

My father has been a lifelong inspiration, supporting my dreams of being a professional athlete and Super Bowl champion – and he would not be here today if not for the generous gift of organ donation. Each year, during this month of gratitude, I make sure to take the time to reflect on how such an incredible act has profoundly impacted my entire family.

As a Muslim, this month is particularly meaningful because National Donor Sabbath is celebrated every year two weekends before Thanksgiving. National Donor Sabbath is a time for Colorado faith leaders, families of organ donors, transplant recipients and faith communities to come together to learn and share more about the lifesaving gift of donation and transplantation. I’ve been so inspired by seeing the impact that our donor hero had on my father, that I’ve become a passionate advocate for organ donation.

Coming Together to Celebrate National Donor Sabbath

All major faiths support organ donation, including the Islamic faith. Moreover, many faiths recognize organ donation as a selfless act of compassion and charity. Since many people often look to leaders in their faith for guidance on matters of both life and death. National Donor Sabbath gives faith communities the opportunity to share their views and join the conversation.

Organ Donation is Permissible within the Islamic Faith

Dr. Omar Suleiman organ donation video Islam and organ donationI recently spoke with Dr. Omar Suleiman about the Islamic stance on donation and transplantation, and organ donation being permissible within the Islamic faith. I invite members of the Colorado community to share the facts of donation with your own faith community and encourage them to consider signing up to be an organ donor after death.

I Encourage all Colorado Residents to Say Yes to Organ Donation

In sharing the impact that a living donor has had on my father, and my family, I am hopeful that I can help inspire others. Coloradans interested in becoming living donors should contact their local transplant center for more information. I realize that not everyone can be a living organ donor, but I encourage all residents to say Yes to being an organ donor at the time of their death. is a great resource with the facts you need to make this informed decision about organ donation and to sign up to become a donor online. You can also sign up when obtaining or renewing your driver license or state ID at the driver license office.

Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion & Muslim

Denver, CO

octubre 6, 2020

National DMV Appreciation Month: Celebrating Partners Making a Difference

September was National DMV Appreciation Month. Earlier this year, many driver license offices across the country were closed for COVID-19 safety reasons. To allow more time to recognize and support our DMV partners, Donate life America extended National DMV Appreciation Week to the entire month of September. We spent the month celebrating our Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and Driver License Office partners in Colorado and Driver Services partners in Wyoming. Their commitment to supporting our mission to save lives through organ and tissue donation and transplantation is vital in building the incredible amount of support we see in our region.

The Impact

The number of organ transplants in the U.S. has increased every year for seven years. This is a remarkable, lifesaving achievement. So much so that this month, Alex Azar of the Department of Health and Human Services sent a letter thanking DMV employees for their critical role in registering the American public to be organ donors.

Additionally, in 2019, Colorado once again earned the top spot in the nation for highest Donor Designation Rate (DDR). Wyoming also jumped to 3rd in the nation. These achievements simply wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for the hard work, dedication and strong partnership between Donor Alliance and the team members at the DMV and Driver Services.

How We Celebrated (and YOU can too!)

We showed appreciation for Driver License partners by thanking the hard-working staff and leadership through local events and outreach. Here are some photos from our visits:

[gallery link="file" ids="29915,29919,29913"]

We participated in a special podcast with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to discuss driver licensing partners, Donate Life America and organ, eye and tissue donation. Check out the AAMVAcast here.

We're also very excited to have been a part of several award presentations celebrating the work of the remarkable DMV and Driver Services team members throughout the month.

Renee Krawiec, Deputy Program Manager, Wyoming Department of Transportation & Driver Services, was selected as the Donate Life America DMV Innovation Award winner both nationally and for AAMVA Region 4.Renee-Krawiec-earned-Donate-Life-America-AAMVA-DMV-Innovation-Award

Renee championed the implementation of online education training on organ, eye and tissue donation for all Driver Services staff. Collaborating with Driver Services, Donor Alliance developed the new digital training module and achieved a 100% completion rate - showing the commitment of Wyoming Driver Services to understanding the facts of donation and transplantation and saving lives.

La Junta driver license manager, Christina Salas was awarded the Donate Life America Lifesaver Award for AAMVA Region IV.

Christina-Sales-earned-Donate-Life-America-AAMVA-DMV-Iifesaver-AwardChristina was presented the award in recognition of the positive changes she affected in her community. She went beyond her duties in helping raise awareness for donation and transplantation after the tragic death of a local teenager she had advised at the La Junta Driver License Office.

It’s Not Too Late to Show Your Appreciation, Too!

  • Reach out to your local Driver License office and thank them! To find the location nearest you, click here for Colorado and here for Wyoming.
  • Post a positive comment on their social media pages: Facebook- @ColoradoRevenue @WyomingDeptofTransportation (please mention Driver Services); twitter- @CO_Revenue
  • Write a letter expressing your appreciation for all that they do! Share your connection to donation & transplantation with the staff. To find the address for the location nearest you, click here for Colorado and here for Wyoming.

Say Yes to organ, eye and tissue donation every time you renew or obtain your driver license or state ID. You can also sign up online anytime at or

octubre 5, 2020

Prevenir el Rechazo de Órganos y Tejidos

rechazo de organos y tejidosUno de los últimos problemas que un paciente o su familia quieren preocuparse después de recibir un trasplante de órganos o tejidos es si el trasplante será rechazado. Sin embargo, es importante reconocer que el rechazo no es lo mismo que perder el órgano o tejido trasplantado, y las tasas de supervivencia de los órganos siguen mejorando. Sigue leyendo para obtener más información sobre el rechazo de trasplantes de órganos y tejidos, estadísticas de rechazo y cómo promover la tolerancia a los órganos y tejidos.

Estadísticas de rechazo de trasplantes de órganos y tejidos:

Cada sistema inmunológico reacciona de manera diferente a los órganos trasplantados, por lo que no hay una fórmula establecida para determinar si un órgano será rechazado por tu cuerpo o no. Sin embargo, continuamente se desarrollan nuevos medicamentos para reducir el riesgo de rechazo del trasplante en los pacientes. Con estos nuevos medicamentos, las tasas de rechazo son tan bajas como el 10-15 % de los pacientes y la supervivencia del órgano trasplantado a un año ha mejorado al 95%. En la actualidad, el rechazo del tejido es poco común.

Lee mas sobre las preguntas Frecuentes de la Donación aquí

¿Por qué ocurre el rechazo de órganos y tejidos?

El rechazo de órganos y tejidos ocurre porque el sistema inmunológico es capaz de reconocer los trasplantes como algo extraño al cuerpo. Normalmente, se perciben las entidades extrañas como amenazas, y en el caso de virus, bacterias o parásitos, ¡esto es algo bueno! Reconocer y destruir rápidamente la infección evita que se desarrollen síntomas graves.

En el caso de los trasplantes, debemos engañar al sistema inmunológico para que tolere un objeto extraño en el cuerpo. Es importante destacar que con cada trasplante, hay algún nivel de "rechazo" del sistema inmunológico, pero en la mayoría de los casos, el grado de rechazo no será clínicamente significativo. Aunque el rechazo de tejidos es bastante poco común, aún existe un bajo riesgo de rechazo en el caso de los trasplantes de órganos. Afortunadamente, hay muchas formas diferentes en que los equipos de atención médica y los pacientes pueden reducir el riesgo de rechazo tanto antes como después de un trasplante de órganos.

¿Cómo se Podemos Prevenir y Promover la Tolerancia Inmunológica de un Trasplante?

El rechazo de órganos puede clasificarse de dos maneras: rechazo agudo y rechazo crónico. El rechazo agudo generalmente ocurre al menos dentro del primer año después del trasplante, si ocurre. El rechazo crónico ocurre a lo largo de meses o años, llevando a la pérdida lenta de la función del órgano, generalmente sin culpa del paciente siempre y cuando se tome la medicación contra el rechazo de manera consistente.

  • Para reducir las posibilidades de rechazo del trasplante y pérdida del mismo, se toman los siguientes pasos antes de que ocurra el trasplante:
  • Asegurarse de que el receptor y el donante tengan tipos de sangre compatibles.
  • Realizar pruebas genéticas para garantizar coincidencias compatibles entre el receptor y el donante.

En el caso de donantes vivos, se prefieren órganos de familiares.

Los siguientes pasos se pueden tomar después de que ocurra el trasplante:

Los resultados de laboratorio deben monitorearse con frecuencia durante el primer año después del trasplante.

  • Se deben tomar consistentemente medicamentos contra el rechazo, según las indicaciones del equipo de trasplante.
  • Se pueden recetar diferentes medicamentos para reducir los efectos secundarios adversos.
  • Los receptores de órganos también deben ser educados sobre los posibles signos de rechazo del órgano y alertar a su proveedor de atención médica si experimentan alguno de los siguientes síntomas.

¿Interesado en más datos sobre la donación de órganos y tejidos?

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