Cobertura Reciente en los Medios

septiembre 24, 2019

Reconociendo a aquellos que ayudan a hacer la diferencia: Semana Nacional de Apreciación del DMV

Sobre la Semana Nacional de Apreciación del DMV: DMV Appreciation Week

La Semana Nacional de Apreciación del DMV, celebrada la semana del 23 de septiembre del 2019, es un momento para reconocer y agradecer a las oficinas de Licencias de Conducir (Driver Licenses Ofices) del Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados (DMV) en Colorado y a Servicios al Conductor (Driver Services) en Wyoming por su compromiso para apoyar la misión de Donor Alliance de salvar vidas a través de la donación y el trasplante de órganos y tejidos.

El impacto:

En el 2018, Colorado obtuvo el primer lugar en la nación por la mayor tasa de designación de donantes (DDR), y Wyoming solidificó el sexto lugar en la nación. En lo que va del año, un sorprendente 69% de los habitantes de Colorado y el 62% de los residentes de Wyoming han tomado la decisión de registrarse para ser donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos. Esto simplemente no hubiera sido posible si no fuera por el trabajo duro, la dedicación y la sólida asociación entre Donor Alliance y los empleados del DMV y los Servicios de Conductores. Los empleados trabajan con Donor Alliance durante todo el año, en capacitaciones, en el Mes Nacional de Done Vida y durante el Día Azul y Verde, todo como un esfuerzo por educar e inspirar al público a registrarse para ser donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos.

También es importante tener en cuenta que, según datos recientes, más del 99% de los registros de donantes en Colorado y Wyoming se realizan a través de las transacciones de licencias de conducir. Donor Alliance valora sus asociaciones con el DMV y los Servicios de Conductores.

Formas fáciles en las que PUEDES participar:

Donor Alliance mostrará su agradecimiento a nuestros Socios de Licencias de Conducir agradeciendo al personal de trabajo y a los líderes a través de eventos locales, ¡y tú también puedes participar! Así es cómo:

  • ¡Pónte en contacto con tu oficina local de licencias de conducir y diles gracias! Para encontrar la oficina más cercana a ti, haz clic aquí para Colorado y aquí para Wyoming.
  • Publica un comentario positivo en sus páginas de redes sociales: facebook- @ColoradoRevenue @WyomingDeptofTransportation (mencione los Servicios para conductores); twitter- @CO_Revenue
  • ¡Escríbeles una carta expresando tu agradecimiento por todo lo que hacen! Para encontrar la oficina más cercana a ti, haz clic aquí para Colorado y aquí para Wyoming.

Recuerda decir Sí a la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos la próxima vez que renueves u obtengas tu licencia de conducir o identificación estatal. También puedes registrarte como donante en cualquier momento en línea en, Done Vida Colorado o Done Vida Wyoming.

septiembre 23, 2019

National DMV Appreciation Week: Recognize Those That Help Make a Difference

2019-DMV-Appreciation-WeekThe Observance:

National DMV Appreciation Week is a time to thank and recognize and those that help make a difference at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Driver License offices in Colorado and Driver Services partners in Wyoming for their commitment to supporting Donor Alliance’s mission to save lives through organ and tissue donation and transplantation. The observance is celebrated the week of September 23rd, 2019,

The Impact:

In 2018, Colorado earned the top spot in the nation for highest Donor Designation Rate (DDR), and Wyoming solidified the sixth spot in the nation. So far this year, an amazing 69% of Coloradans and 62% of Wyomingites have made the decision to sign up to be organ, eye and tissue donors. This simply would not have been possible if it weren’t for the hard work, dedication and strong partnership between Donor Alliance and the employees at the DMV and Driver Services. Employees work with Donor Alliance throughout the year, in trainings, during National Donate Life Month and for Blue and Green Day, all in an effort to educate and inspire the public to sign up to be organ, eye and tissue donors.

It’s also important to note that according to recent data, more than 99% of donor registrations in Colorado and Wyoming come through driver license transactions. Donor Alliance greatly values our partnerships with the DMV and Driver Services.

The Easy Ways YOU Can Get Involved:

Donor Alliance will show appreciation of our Driver License Partners by saying thank you to the hard-working staff and leadership through local events and outreach, and you can too! Here’s how:

  • Reach out to your local Driver License office and thank them! To find the location nearest you, click here for Colorado and here for Wyoming.
  • Post a positive comment on their social media pages: facebook- @ColoradoRevenue @WyomingDeptofTransportation (please mention Driver Services); twitter- @CO_Revenue
  • Write them a letter expressing your appreciation for all that they do! To find the address for the location nearest you, click here for Colorado and here for Wyoming.

Remember to say Yes to organ, eye and tissue donation the next time you renew or obtain your driver license or state ID. You can also sign up anytime online at, Donate Life Colorado or Donate Life Wyoming.

septiembre 4, 2019

Transplantation Science: New Resources This School Year

[caption id="attachment_25135" align="alignright" width="701"]Transplantation Science Students working at a Transplantation Science Station[/caption]

School is in full swing in Colorado and Wyoming and our Transplantation Science Program has some new resources for teachers this school year! At Donor Alliance, we know that teachers have been working hard for weeks: setting up classrooms, planning curriculum and looking for new and innovative ways to teach students about their content.

For those innovative teachers looking for more interactive ways to engage their students while teaching practical information, Donor Alliance has a FREE school curriculum program, Transplantation Science, which teaches the science behind organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation to students in grades 7-12. Simply submit a request here and we will send an educator and materials to your school to teach your students.

New Transplantation Science Resources Available:

  • New Website Resources: We spent the summer making updates to the FAQs and Educational Resources pages on our website. An outline of the Transplantation Science curriculum is now available to download as well as easy access to our warm-up activities and intro videos.
  • Sheltered Instruction Workbooks for English Language Learners (ELLs): Whether you have a whole class of Sheltered Biology students or a few ELLs in some of your classes, we have new workbooks available for these students. The workbooks are based on the Middle School workbook content with simplified texts to read and scaffolded activities. When requesting a class, include the number of books you would like in the Notes section and we will let your educator know.
  • Transplantation Science Traveling Trunk: If your school is located more than 100 miles from Denver, Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, or Casper and you teach less than 50 students, consider signing up for the Transplantation Science Traveling Trunk We will ship all the materials for the class to you, you set up and run the class and we will schedule an educator to video conference with your students.

    [caption id="attachment_25137" align="alignright" width="481"]TS Traveling Trunk Transplantation Science Traveling Trunk[/caption]

  • High School Medical Careers Program: If Transplantation Science doesn’t fit your school’s needs, consider requesting a speaker through our Donor Alliance Staff Speakers Bureau The Medical Careers presentation includes an overview of the donation process and the facts about donation combined with a review of the careers available at Donor Alliance. This is ideal for students who are interested in medical careers and a great way to invite students to explore what is available in the fields of organ and tissue donation and transplantation.

Learn more about Transplantation Science including any of the new facets mentioned here, or request a class visit, here!

agosto 30, 2019

Colorado gana 1er lugar en el país por la mayor tasa de designación de donantes, Wyoming en el Top 10

Colorado es ahora el número uno en la nación con la tasa más alta de donantes registrados y Wyoming también consolida un lugar en el top 10.

La tasa de designación de donantes o DDR, por sus siglas en inglés, es la medida en el que las personas se unen al registro estatal de donantes como un porcentaje de los residentes conductores con licencias de conducir y titulares de tarjetas de identificación estatal.

Sorprendente, el 69.1% de los habitantes de Colorado ha dicho Sí a la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos y el 60.6% de los residentes de Wyoming ha dicho Sí a la donación; ambos estados superan el promedio nacional del 58%, según Donate Life America (DLA).

Para reconocer los esfuerzos de Donor Alliance para aumentar el DDR tanto en Colorado como en Wyoming, DLA en asociación con la American Association of Motor Vehicle Associations (AAMVA), otorgó a Colorado el Gold Award (Premio de Oro) al DDR más alto en la región y en el país.

"Los miembros de nuestro equipo de primera línea trabajan diligentemente para registrar tantos donantes como sea posible", dijo Robert Baker, Director Interino de la Oficina de Licencias de Conducir "Todos en el DMV se dan cuenta de la importancia de nuestra asociación con Donor Alliance, y nos complace hacer nuestra pequeña parte para ayudar a salvar vidas".

Wyoming también fue reconocido con el Bronze Award (Premio Bronce) por el tercer DDR más alto de la región.

"Con el 99% de los residentes de Wyoming inscribiéndose para ser donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos en Driver Services, valoramos la asociación con WYDOT", dijo Ryea 'O’Neill, Coordinadora de Relaciones Comunitarias de WY para Donor Alliance. "La asistencia que los empleados brindan para proporcionar materiales educativos e información al público es invaluable".

Donate Life America Premio a la Innovación DMV

Además de ser reconocido por tener una de las tasas de designación de donantes más altas del país, el personal de capacitación del DMV de Colorado también recibió el Donate Life America Premio a la Innovación del DMV por su colaboración con Donor Alliance.

En los últimos dos años, Rhonda Reichel y el Departamento de Capacitación de la División de Vehículos Motorizados han trabajado estrechamente con Donor Alliance en una forma innovadora de medir la efectividad de la capacitación y la retención de información sobre la donación de órganos y tejidos presentada en la capacitación de nuevos empleados. Los nuevos técnicos de licenciamiento reciben un bloque de instrucción de 90 minutos durante la clase intensiva de una semana de Fundamentos de Licencia de Conductor del DMV. Durante la clase, los técnicos aprenden: quién es Donor Alliance, cómo funcionan el registro de donantes y el proceso de donación, cuáles son los hechos sobre la donación y cómo responder las preguntas de los clientes.

Antes del bloque de instrucción, el personal de capacitación en licencias de conducir realiza una encuesta a los nuevos empleados para evaluar su conocimiento sobre la donación y los hechos sobre este tema. Los técnicos de licencias nuevos suelen responder correctamente alrededor del 79% de las preguntas. Después de aproximadamente cinco meses, el equipo de capacitación en licencias de conducir envía otra evaluación para que sea completada por los técnicos de licencias. Los resultados muestran una marcada mejora y retención de la información con aproximadamente el 94% de las preguntas respondidas correctamente.

Donate Life America y AAMVA identificaron el proceso de colaboración entre Donor Alliance y el DMV de Colorado como innovador. "Este premio es un honor", dijo Rhonda Reichel, supervisora ​​de capacitación en licencias de conducir. “Nuestro personal de capacitación busca constantemente formas de mejorar y nuestro trabajo con Donor Alliance es parte de esa motivación. Me alegra que tengamos un socio que es tan dedicado a su misión como nosotros somos a capacitar a quienes sirven a los habitantes de Colorado ".

Únase al 69.1% de los habitantes de Colorado y al 60.6% de los residentes de Wyoming y diga Sí a la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos cuando renueve u obtenga su licencia de conducir o identificación estatal o regístrese como donante en línea en cualquier momento en o

agosto 22, 2019

Colorado Earns Top Spot in the Nation for Highest Donor Designation Rate, Wyoming Sixth in the Nation

Colorado is now number one in the nation for highest Donor Designation Rate and Wyoming also solidifies the sixth spot in the nation. State DDR Chart

Donor Designation Rate or DDR is the rate at which individuals join the state organ and tissue donor registry as a percentage of licensed drivers and ID card holders.

An amazing 69.1% of Coloradans said Yes to organ, eye and tissue donation in 2018 and 60.6% of Wyomingites said Yes, both surpassing the national average of 49%, according to Donate Life America (DLA). Year after year, Colorado and Wyoming remain among the top states in the country in respect to DDR. We further explain why Coloradans and Wyomingites might be so generous and willing to say Yes to organ, eye and tissue donation, here.

“We are humbled and inspired by the generosity of the more than two-thirds of Colorado and Wyoming residents in our communities that have made this landmark achievement possible through their selfless decisions to sign up as organ, eye and tissue donors,” said Sue Dunn, Donor Alliance president and CEO. “We also could not have reached this milestone without the help of our partners. We’re grateful for their support and the support of the communities we serve. Yet, we know our work is never done and we will continue to work tirelessly on behalf of those still waiting for a lifesaving transplant.”

AAMVA Region 4

To recognize the efforts of Donor Alliance and the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles in solidifying donor designation in Colorado, DLA in partnership with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Associations (AAMVA), awarded Colorado the Gold Award for highest DDR in the region and in the nation.

“Our front-line team members work diligently to register as many donors as possible,” Robert Baker, Interim Driver License Director said. “Everyone at the DMV realizes the gravity of our partnership with Donor Alliance, and we are glad to do our small part in helping save lives.”

Wyoming was also recognized with the Bronze Award for the third highest DDR in the region.

"With 99% of registered Wyoming residents signing up to be organ, eye and tissue donors at Driver Services, we value the partnership with WYDOT,” Ryea’ O’Neill, WY Community Relations Coordinator at Donor Alliance said. “The assistance the employees give in providing educational materials and information to the public is invaluable.”

Innovation Award_Rhonda_2

Donate Life America DMV Innovation Award

In addition to being recognized for having some of the highest Donor Designation Rates in the country, the Colorado DMV training staff also received the Donate Life America DMV Innovation Award for its collaboration with Donor Alliance.

Over the last two years, Rhonda Reichel and the Division of Motor Vehicles Training Department has worked closely with Donor Alliance on an innovative way to measure the effectiveness of training and retention of information about organ and tissue donation presented in new employee training. New licensing technicians receive a 90-minute instruction block during the DMV’s intensive, week-long Driver License Fundamentals class. During the class, technicians learn: who Donor Alliance is, how the donor registry and donation process work, what the facts about donation are and how to answer customers' questions.

Before the instruction block, driver license training staff gives new employees a survey to gauge their knowledge of the facts about donation. New licensing technicians typically answer about 79% of the questions correctly. After about five months, the driver license training team sends out another assessment for licensing technicians to complete. The results show marked improvement and retention of the information with about 94% of the questions being answered correctly.

Donate Life America and AAMVA identified the collaborative process between Donor Alliance and the Colorado DMV as innovative. “This award is humbling,” said Driver License Training Supervisor Rhonda Reichel. “Our training staff is constantly looking for ways to improve and our work with Donor Alliance is part of that drive. I’m just glad that we have a partner that’s as dedicated to their mission as we are to training those who serve Coloradans."

Join the 69.1% of Coloradans and 60.6% of Wyomingites and say Yes to organ, eye and tissue donation when you renew or obtain your driver license or state ID or sign up anytime online at or

DMV Appreciation Week Coming Up Sept. 23-27

DMV Appreciation Week is around the corner! It's a time to recognize and thank driver license partners for their support and commitment to asking the donation question of their customers every day.

julio 24, 2019

Thousands Celebrate Life at the 20th Annual Donor Dash 2019

On Sunday, July 21st in Denver's Washington Park, thousands gathered to celebrate life at the 20th Annual Donor Dash 2019! This year, the event attracted 5,594 participants that all came together to also recognize 20 years of dashing for a cause.

The Donor Dash is a 5K run/walk that honors the lives of organ, eye and tissue donors; celebrates the lives of organ, eye and tissue recipients; and recognizes those who continue to wait for a lifesaving transplant.

The event featured some old favorites like the Diaper Dash! As well as touching ways to pay tribute to all of the heroic donors who gave the gift of life, such as the Donate Life Memorial Garden and Wall of Honor.

New this year, we had a video board, sharing the heartfelt stories from those directly touched by organ, eye and tissue donation. We also took a special look back at the very first Donor Dash in 2000 on Y2K - it's truly amazing to see how much the event has grown in the last 20 years. The links to those videos can be found at the bottom of this post.

As always, we want to extend a big thank you to all of the participants, speakers, volunteers and organizations who helped make the 20th annual Donor Dash a huge success! Watch the 20th Annual Donor Dash recap video, below!

Enjoy the Donor Dash 2019 Recap


If you couldn't make it out to the event this year, no worries! You can show your support any time year-round by saying Yes to organ, eye and tissue donation at or If you've already said Yes, we encourage you to share your decision with your family.

Be sure to save the date for the 21st Annual Donor Dash scheduled for Sunday, July 19th, 2020!

Watch Kacey Johnson, Tissue Recipient's story.

Watch Connor Randall, Two-Time Heart Recipient's story.

Watch Robin Mitchell, Donor Mother's story.

Watch the Donor Dash History video.

julio 23, 2019

Jennifer Prinz Recognized with Denver Business Journal Awards for Business Excellence

Donor Alliance, COO, Jennifer Prinz is being recognized by The Denver Business Journal (DBJ) for her outstanding leadership both in donation and transplantation and in the Denver business community.

Jennifer has been named a finalist for the 2019 Outstanding Women in Business Awards that recognize female leaders for their innovation, entrepreneurship, professional accomplishment and community leadership. Jennifer was also recognized by the DBJ with a C-Suite Award for her invaluable contributions to the Denver business community through her work as Chief Operating Officer of Donor Alliance.

Throughout her career, Jennifer has been passionate about organ, eye and tissue donation, and as a result, she has helped to ensure that countless patients in need have received the lifesaving or healing transplants they required. She joined Donor Alliance in 2008, and as the COO leads the day-to-day operations of the clinical, quality, hospital development and human resources departments.

Under Jennifer’s leadership, Donor Alliance has surpassed many significant milestones that have helped to improve the climate for transplant patients in our service area. Colorado and Wyoming have consistently remained some of the top states in the nation for donor designation rates, and last year alone, Donor Alliance facilitated recoveries from 160 donors, saving the lives of a record-breaking 489 people.

Jennifer has been a pillar in the Denver healthcare community for more than a decade. Her mentorship and teachings have had lasting impact on her team as she continues to instill innovative practices and develop leaders that ensure Donor Alliance’s continued success. Although the thousands of Coloradans and Wyomingites whose lives have been saved and healed by organ and tissue transplants may not know her name, she is helping to lead the charge behind the scenes to ensure the lifesaving and healing transplants they rely on are available.

Congratulations to Jennifer on both of these distinguished, well-deserved honors!

julio 22, 2019

ECHO Donate Life: Compartiendo la Importancia de la Donación de Órganos y Tejidos con las Comunidades Multiculturales

Sobre ECHO Donate Life

ECHO Donate Life (14-27 de julio) es una celebración anual centrada en compartir la importancia de la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos con comunidades multiculturales para alentarlos a salvar y sanar vidas al registrarse como donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos.

Creado por la Asociación para Asuntos Multiculturales en Transplantes (AMAT) por sus siglas en ingles y Donate Life America, ECHO Donate Life tiene como objetivo ayudar a iniciar conversaciones sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos y los trasplantes. Al brindar herramientas para hablar sobre este tema y compartir tu apoyo a la donación y los trasplantes y se busca dar pie a tener conversaciones abiertas entre las familias, los amigos y los vecinos.

Necesidad Local

En Colorado y Wyoming, hay casi 2,000 personas esperando un trasplante de órganos para salvar su vida. Aunque la compatibilidad de órganos no se evalúa según la raza o el origen étnico, los trasplantes realizadas entre personas del mismo grupo étnicos pueden ser más compatibles. Esa es una de las muchas razones por las que es tan importante que más personas en comunidades multiculturales se registren para convertirse en donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos después de fallecer.

  • 25% Hispanos
  • 11% Africoamericanos
  • 5% Asiaticos
  • 2% Multiracial
  • 2% Indigenas norteamericanos/Nativos de Alaska
  • <1% Asiaticos de las Islas del Pacifico


Cómo puedes involucrarte:

  1. Mantente atento a nuestras publicaciones en redes sociales durante la semana del 22 al 27 de julio. Comparte nuestro contenido en tus redes sociales con #ECHODonateLife. No olvides compartir también con (o etiquetar) a amigos y familiares. Hazle ECHO el mensaje de donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos y nos ayuda a salvar vidas.
  2. Participa en el Reto ECHO. Lo único que debes hacer para participar es compartir un video de ti mismo (30 segundos a 1.5 minutos como máximo) hablando sobre por qué apoyas la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos. Tambien pudes comentar en las redes sociales por que apoyas la donacion e invitar a la comunidad a registrarse como donante. ¡Comparte con #ECHODonateLife y haznos tag en @DonateLifeCO, @DoneVidaColorado o @DonateLifeWY para ingresar al reto y tener la posibilidad de ganar un regalo especial!

¡Usa tu voz y hazle ECHO el mensaje de que la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos salva vidas! Comparte ECHO Donate Life en tu comunidad. Recuerda, puedes registrarte para ser donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos cuando obtengas o renueves tu licencia de conducir o identificación estatal en el DMV o en cualquier momento en línea en, o Si ya te registraste para ser donante, tómate el tiempo para compartir tu decisión con tus seres queridos.

julio 22, 2019

ECHO Donate Life: Sharing the Importance of Organ and Tissue Donation with Multicultural Communities

About ECHO Donate Life

ECHO Donate Life (July 14-27) is an annual observance focused on sharing the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation with multicultural communities to encourage them to save and heal lives by signing up to be organ, eyes and tissue donors.

Created by the Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) and Donate Life America, ECHO Donate Life aims to help start meaningful conversations about donation and transplantation. Giving people the tools to share their support for donation and transplantation and creates open discussions among families, friends, and neighbors.

Local Need:

In Colorado and Wyoming, there are nearly 2,000 people waiting for a lifesaving transplant. While organs are not matched according to race or ethnicity, transplant matches made within ethnic groups can be more compatible. That is one of the many reasons it is so important for people in multicultural communities to sign up to become organ, eye and tissue donors.

Local need by ethnicityECHO_Donate_Life

  • 25% Hispanic
  • 11% African American
  • 5% Asian
  • 2% Multiracial
  • 2% American Indian/Alaska Native
  • <1% Pacific Islander

How You Can Get Involved:

  1. Be on the lookout for our posts on social media during the week of July 22-27. Share our content on your own social media pages with #ECHODonateLife. Don’t forget to also share with (or tag) friends and family. ECHO the message of organ, eye and tissue donation and help us save lives
  2. Participate in our ECHO Challenge. All you need to do to participate is share a short video of yourself (30 seconds to 1.5 minutes tops) or comment on social media talking about why you support organ, eye and tissue donation and invite the community to sign up. Share with #ECHODonateLife and tag @DonateLifeCO, @DoneVidaColorado or @DonateLifeWY to be entered in a special giveaway for a change to win some cool swag.

Help us ECHO Donate Life in your community! Use your voice and ECHO the message that organ, eye and tissue donation saves lives! Remember, you can always sign up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor when you obtain or renew your driver license or State ID at the DMV or any time online at, or If you have already signed up to be a donor, please take the time to share your decision with your loved ones.

julio 11, 2019

Are you ready for the 20th Annual Donor Dash?

This year, the Donor Dash is celebrating 20 years of dashing for a cause and bringing awareness to organ, eye and tissue donation! Thousands will join us on Sunday, July 21st at Denver’s Wash Park to honor organ and tissue donors, celebrate transplant recipients and recognize those still waiting for a lifesaving transplant. This year we have new, exciting exhibitors and a special 20th Annual program planned after the race! Take the time to also enjoy the Diaper Dash with your kiddos and honor your loved ones in the Memorial Garden.


How to join in on the celebration: Final online registration closes on Friday, July 19th at 6 p.m. Team registration closes on Sunday, July 14th at midnight. You can also register the morning of the race at the Registration Tent in Washington Park located near Franklin and Mississippi Streets.

Where does the race take place? The 5K run/walk and celebration of life kicks off in Washington Park. The start line is located near S. Franklin St and E. Mississippi Ave.

Where can you park? Parking is available at South High School across E Louisiana Ave. on the south side of the park (see map above). Transportation assistance will be provided from the parking lot to the start line, near E Mississippi St. and S Franklin St. You can reserve transportation assistance for those who are unable to make the trek.

Important times to know:

  • 7:00 a.m. Race Day Registration/Packet Pickup
  • 8:00 a.m. 5K Runners Start/Expo area opens
  • 8:05 a.m. 5K Walkers Start
  • 9:15 a.m. Diaper Dash in the Expo Area for ages 3 and younger
  • 9:30 a.m. Program Begins at Stage with speeches from donor recipients, family members and Super Bowl 50 Champion, Ryan Harris

Volunteer! Want to attend the event but don’t want to run? Volunteer! We are always looking for race day volunteers to help us make the Donor Dash a success.. Click here to check out volunteer opportunities and sign up. If you can’t help out at the event, we also have volunteer opportunities available the week leading up to the Donor Dash! To sign up for those opportunities, please send an email to


Check out our FAQ page for any additional questions about the race. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Remember, if you can’t attend or volunteer at the Donor Dash this year, you can always show your support by saying Yes to organ, eye and tissue donation year-round. Signing up is easy, just head to or, anytime!

julio 9, 2019

AOPO Recognizes Sue Dunn for Leadership and Innovative Practices in Donation and Transplantation

Sue AOPO award

At the 2019 Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) conference, our own CEO and President, Sue Dunn, was recognized for her leadership efforts in donation and transplantation with the 2019 Sallop AOPO Excellence in Leadership Award. 

Sue was awarded the honor for her outstanding management achievements and innovative practices in the organ procurement field throughout her 30 years of service to donation and transplantation.

Under Sue’s leadership, our organization has come to stand apart as a leader in the field and has improved the climate for transplant patients in Colorado and Wyoming. Her significant landmarks have been achieved through ongoing process improvement, relationship management with hospitals throughout our two-state service area, rigorous community education, public relations and advertising efforts, and more.

In 2018, Sue was elected as the UNOS President and over the past year has worked with other members to strategically increase the number of transplants, provide equity in access to transplants and improve outcomes for waitlisted patients, living donors and transplant recipients, to name a few.

She has also led the charge in the organization, enacting a number of innovative processes last year that supported the increase in lives saved. These advancements included the facilitation of the first donor under the HOPE Act (meeting HIV+ criteria) in our service area and the implementation of a CT scanner to help maximize the gift of life by allowing a single liver to be transplanted into two donors.

Congratulations to Sue for this well-deserved honor!

junio 18, 2019

Donation 101: Organ Donation Terms We Don’t Use and Why

Words are powerful. How certain words or terms are used can have a significant impact, especially when it comes to organ, eye and tissue donation. Language not only plays an important role in perpetuating or debunking common myths and misconceptions about organ, eye and tissue donation, it can also serve as a way to pay respect to those who have given the gift of life and their loved ones.

The list below provides guidelines around which organ donation terms to avoid and the most appropriate terminology to use instead. Avoiding certain terms and phrases can both reduce concern among donor families and help to increase public understanding and acceptance of the donation process.

Use the terms Recover or Procure instead of Harvest, and Donated Organs and Tissues instead of Body Parts

While some of these organ donation terms may be used and accepted medically, they aren’t appropriate to use out of respect for the donor families, especially when referring to their loved one’s organs. We’ve heard feedback from donor families that terms such as “harvest” make them feel like their loved one is equated with a crop. Using terms like recover,” “procure” and “donated organs and tissues” instead, helps loved ones and the general public understand that the entire donation process is respectful and that donors and their families are treated with the utmost care.

Deceased Donor or Deceased Donation instead of Cadaver or Cadaveric Donation

Similar to the terms above, while “cadaver” has long been accepted medically, it is important to use terminology that is considerate of donor families and conveys to the public the respect and care that donors are treated with throughout the entire process. Additionally, while there didn’t used to be a need to make a distinction between living and deceased donation, more and more people are making the life-saving decision to become a living donor. Using the terms “deceased donor” and “deceased donation” help to make a clear distinction between living and deceased donors.

Ventilator Support or Mechanical Support instead of Life Support

Death can occur in one of two ways: cardiac death, when the heart is no longer able to beat on its own, and brain death, which is the irreversible loss of function of the brain, including the brain stem. Use of the term “life” support can cause confusion when it comes to brain death, in particular. Brain death is final and finite; it is not the same as a coma or persistent vegetative state. When death occurs, there is no form of support that can make that person live again. When brain death has been determined, a donor may give the gift of life through organ, eye and tissue donation. In that case, “mechanical” support is the support given to a deceased donor to supply blood and oxygen to sustain the organs and tissues that may be donated.

Donation is a Decision not a Wish

Signing up as an organ, eye and tissue donor is a first-person authorized advanced directive, meaning you have made the decision to donate your organs, eyes and tissues at the time of your death. Using the term “wish” rather than “decision” implies that you are hopeful that you will become a donor but that your choice is not final. However, your decision to be a donor cannot be changed by your family. Your decision takes precedence over your loved one’s wishes, which is why it is so important to tell your family about your decision to help others.

Learn more and sign up to become a donor anytime online at Donate Life Colorado or Donate Life Wyoming.