Cobertura Reciente en los Medios

agosto 1, 2018

La Necesidad de Trasplantes de Órganos Afecta a todas las Comunidades

En Colorado y Wyoming, cerca de 2,500 personas esperando un trasplante de órganos que les salve la vida. De los que esperan, el 42 por ciento pertenece a comunidades multiculturales. Se ha encontrado que los trasplantes realizados entre los mismos grupos étnicos pueden ser más compatibles. Por eso es tan importante que más personas se registren como donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos, incluidas las personas en comunidades multiculturales. Cuantas más personas registren su decisión de ser donantes, más vidas podrán ser salvadas y sanadas.

La Semana Nacional de Concientización de la Donación en Grupos Minoritarios (NMDAW), celebrada del 1 al 7 de agosto, fue creada para crear conciencia sobre la necesidad de más donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos, especialmente entre comunidades multiculturales. Esta celebración especial honra a los donantes multiculturales que han donado el regalo de la vida a través de la donación y los trasplantes, y alienta a todas las comunidades a registrarse como donantes y hablar sobre su decisión con sus amigos y familiares.

Los trasplantes realizados entre personas del mismo grupo étnico pueden ser más compatibles y exitosos. Por eso, es importante que los miembros de grupos multiculturales se registren como donantes. Al incrementar el número de donantes registrados multiculturales, los candidatos para recibir un trasplante tendrán una mayor posibilidad de recibir una segunda oportunidad de vida a través de la donación y los trasplantes.

Durante todo el año, y especialmente durante esta semana, invitamos a la comunidad hispana a hablar sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos con su familia y a registrarse como donadores. Registrase es muy rápido y sencillo, solo hay que decir “sí” en la oficina de licencias o registrarse en cualquier momento en Cualquier persona puede registrarse como donador de órganos, ojos y tejidos sin importar su edad o estado de salud. Un solo donador puede salvar la vida de hasta ocho personas a través de la donación de órganos y sanar o salvar a más de 75 personas a través de la donación de ojos y tejidos.

agosto 1, 2018

Staff Spotlight: Mandy Bock

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to let you learn more about who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. Mandy Bock, Donor Alliance's Volunteer and Special Events Coordinator is probably a familiar face to many of you. In addition to her duties running our Advocates for Life Program, Mandy is the one responsible for both the Donor Dash and the Donor Family Tribute.

[caption id="attachment_17393" align="alignright" width="374"]Mandy Bock Donor Alliance Mandy Bock - Volunteer and Special Events Coordinator[/caption]

Name: Mandy Bock

Position: Volunteer & Special Events Coordinator

Years at Donor Alliance: About 2 ½

Why I chose to work at Donor Alliance: I wanted to work for a mission-driven organization & loved the culture of this organization from the moment I had my first interview.

Why do I like working at Donor Alliance: While I enjoy so many things about Donor Alliance, I would have to say that people are at the heart of every one of them. I have learned so much in my 2 ½ years at this organization, and am very much looking forward to see where we go in the future!

What does donation & transplantation mean to you? Hope. Hope in the mourning of a loved one’s life that a piece of them is still living on in someone else. Hope for those waiting for a transplant and a second chance for those who have received a transplant.

Any direct connection to donation & transplantation? In high school, my best friend’s mother died waiting for a liver transplant. It's stayed with me to this day and I always think of her.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working? I really enjoy traveling and immersing myself in a new culture. I’ve also recently begun exploring my ancestry and that’s been enlightening.

agosto 1, 2018

Advocate Spotlight: Sydney Rhodes

Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of registering as organ, eye and tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we are featuring Sydney Rhodes, the sister of a heroic donor.

[caption id="attachment_17387" align="alignright" width="371"]Sydney Rhodes Donor SIster Sydney Rhodes - Donor Sister[/caption]

What is your favorite memory volunteering for Donor Alliance? ALL PAST NINE YEARS of the DONOR DASH!! We started a team a few years after my sister was killed. We have had 4 different colors of team shirts, tie dyed oufits, and we were one of the first to wear tutus. This year is our 10th year. Dylan her heart recipient walked with us the past 2 years and he is the most amazing man. We’re so proud that he has her heart.

What is your proudest accomplishment? Just finished my first marathon. It was a more mental than physically challenging and I didn’t expect that. It felt amazing to finish!!

What song would you sing at karaoke night? Bobby Mcgee by Janis Joplin!!

What are some of your favorite hobbies? Yoga, Running, Getting creative with my kids

If you could take an all-expenses paid vacation, where would you go? I’m obsessed with Australia right now…I kinda want to move there ? Honestly I’ll go anywhere!

What is the last book you read or movie you saw? Would you recommend it? I'm sorry I have to cheat and recommend a show- This Is Us and it is sooooooo good!!!!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? That we live in a world of limitless possibilities if we just keep on showing up.

julio 31, 2018

2017 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report - A year of gratitude, possibilities and hope

2017 was a significant year for organ and tissue donation in Colorado and Wyoming. Thanks to donors in our region, 407 people received lifesaving organ transplants. More than one million people added their names to the state donor registries. A record-breaking 1,752 tissue donors provided lifesaving and healing tissue to provide bone, tissue and skin grafts to thousands of recipients in need. We are grateful to the generous donors and their families who make our mission of saving lives possible.


julio 26, 2018

The Need for Lifesaving Organ Transplants Affects all Communities


Here in Colorado and Wyoming, there are nearly 2,500 people waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. All communities are in need of life-saving organ transplants. Of those waiting, 42 percent belong to multicultural communities. Although organ transplant candidates are not matched based on race/ethnicity, transplant matches made within ethnic groups can be more compatible. That is why it so important that more people register as organ, eye and tissue donors, including people in multicultural communities. The more people who register their decision to be donors, the more lives can be saved and healed.

National Minority Donor Awareness Week (NMDAW) celebrated August 1-7, was created to increase awareness of the need for more organ, eye, and tissue donors, especially among multicultural communities. This special observance honors multicultural donors who have given the gift of life through donation and transplantation and encourages all communities to register as donors and talk about their decision with their friends and family.

You can help those waiting for a second chance at life by saying “yes” at the DMV, or anytime at Donate Life Colorado, Done Vida Colorado or Donate Life Wyoming. Just one donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and save or heal more than 75 lives through tissue donation. Once you have registered, talk to those closest to you about your decision to be an organ, eye and tissue donor.

julio 24, 2018

Donor Alliance Employees Recognized by AOPO for Leading Efforts in Donation and Transplantation

At the 2018 Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) conference, two Donor Alliance employees received recognitions for their leading efforts in donation and transplantation.

Jennifer Prinz, COO of Donor Alliance, was honored by receiving the AOPO/Cryolife Achievement Award. The award signifies an individual who has made significant personal or professional contributions to AOPO.

Jennifer has been an active participant in AOPO for over 15 years, serving on eight different committees, helping to maximize work with stakeholders and implement recommendations that advance the field of donation and transplantation, ultimately saving more lives. Through several leadership roles at AOPO, Jennifer continues to strive to help better meet the needs of the industry as a whole.

Steve Selby, Donor Alliance Director of Information Systems, was also honored, winning the highest recognition in the Poster Abstracts competition. Selby’s winning project depicted the concept of using artificial intelligence through machine learning to potentially assess the likelihood of referrals becoming organ donors and utilize staff skillset and numbers to maximize organ donation.

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julio 19, 2018

Done Vida ECO Busca Crear Conciencia sobre la Donación en Comunidades Multiculturales

Las comunidades multiculturales tienen una necesidad desproporcionada de trasplantes de órganos. Actualmente, el 58 por ciento de la lista de espera de trasplantes en los EE. UU. está compuesta por pacientes étnicamente diversos. Aquí en nuestra comunidad, la necesidad local refleja esta tendencia. De las casi 2,500 personas que están esperando un trasplante de órganos en Colorado y Wyoming, el 44 por ciento de ellas son étnicamente diversas y el 48 por ciento están esperando un trasplante de riñón.

En un esfuerzo por mitigar la necesidad tan alta de trasplantes en grupos minoritarios, Donate Life America (DLA) y la Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) crearon la campaña Done Vida ECO, que significa Cada Comunidad Tiene Oportunidad. Celebrado anualmente en julio, Done Vida ECO, es una campaña nacional de dos semanas que busca crear conciencia en la comunidad a través de las redes sociales y alienta al público a hablar sobre la donación y los trasplantes.

Uno de los objetivos de esta campaña es crear conciencia sobre la necesidad de más donantes multiculturales registrados. Además, la campaña destaca la importancia de la donación y los trasplante en comunidades multiculturales y, así mismo, celebra lo que los trasplantes ha hecho posible en dichas comunidades.

Done Vida Colorado y Done Vida Wyoming invitan a la comunidad a celebrar Done Vida ECO del 8 al 22 de julio de 2018 registrando su decisión de ser donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos en o Un solo donante puede salvar hasta 8 vidas a través de la donación de órganos y salvar o sanar más de 75 personas a través de la donación de tejidos. Una vez que te registres, habla con tu familia sobre tu decisión de ser un donador de órganos, ojos y tejidos.

julio 19, 2018

Colorado DMV Opens New Driver License Office in Westminster

driver license office westminsterOn Wednesday, July 18, the newest Colorado Driver License office opened in Westminster at 8464 Federal Boulevard. The Westminster office will be open from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday through Friday. It is conveniently located next to an established Adams County Motor Vehicle Office, which processes title and registrations for vehicles.

This office is expected to relieve some of the volume at the Northglenn and Lakewood offices. Northglenn and Lakewood together process more than 165,000 driver permit, license and ID card applications annually. Donor Alliance is excited to support our partners at the DMV by providing newly updated My Hero Said Yes! signs and other educational materials that will be displayed and available to the public in the Westminster office. We are grateful to all of our offices who help us achieve our mission of saving lives through organ and tissue donation and transplantation every day. For more information about organ, eye and tissue donation, please visit

***Special Note: All Colorado title and registration offices will be closed August 1-5 and all driver license offices will be closed August 2-5 for an upgrade to the computer systems. Learn more about the closures at

julio 16, 2018

2018 Donor Dash Breaks Records

On July 15th, Donor Alliance hosted the 19th annual Donor Dash at Washington Park in Denver. A record breaking 6,419 registered participantsgathered to support and spread awareness for organ, eye and tissue donation. The Donor Dash is a 5K run/walk that honors the lives of organ, eye and tissue donors; celebrates the lives of organ, eye and tissue recipients; and recognizes those who continue to wait for a lifesaving transplant. A big thank you to all of the participants, speakers, volunteers and organizations who helped make the 19th annual Donor Dash a huge success!

Watch our wrap up video of the 2018 Donor Dash!

julio 16, 2018

Donate Life ECHO – Increases Awareness about Donation Among Multicultural Communities

Multicultural communities are disproportionately in need for lifesaving organ transplants.

Currently, 58 percent of the U.S. transplant waiting list is comprised of ethnically diverse patients. Here in our community, the local need mirrors that trend. Of the nearly 2,500 people waiting for an organ transplant in Colorado and Wyoming, 44 percent of them are ethnically diverse and 48 percent are waiting for a kidney.

In an effort to address this need, Donate Life America (DLA) and the Association for Multicultural Affairs in Transplantation (AMAT) created Donate Life ECHO, which stands for Every Community Has Opportunity. Celebrated annually in July, Donate Life ECHO is a national two-week outreach campaign that engages the community through social media and encourages the public to talk about donation and transplantation.

One of the objectives of this observance is to raise awareness about the need for more multicultural registered donors. In addition, the outreach campaign highlights the importance of donation and transplantation in multicultural communities and celebrates what transplant has made possible in such communities.

Donate Life Colorado and Donate Life Wyoming are encouraging individuals to celebrate Donate Life ECHO from July 8-22, 2018 by registering their decision to be organ, eye and tissue donors at, or Just one donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and save or heal more than 75 lives through tissue donation. Once you have registered, talk to your family about your decision to be an organ, eye and tissue donor.

julio 10, 2018

Donor Dash: Everything You Need to Know on Race Day

On Sunday, July 15, thousands of people from across the nation will gather with us at Denver’s Washington Park to supportorgan, eye and tissue donation at the 19th annual Donor Dash 5K run/walk. To make the most of your Donor Dash experience, here is everything you need to know to help you prepare for race day:

  1. Arrive Early! We are hoping to break attendance records with more than 6,000 racers so come early. Expect some congestion and use the extra time as an opportunity to meet some other people who have been touched by the gift of life.Donor Dash runners
  2. Parking: Parking is available at South High School across E Louisiana Ave. onthe south side of the park. Transportation assistance will be provided from the parking lot to the start line, which is near E Mississippi St. and S Franklin St. Please reserve transportation assistance for those who are unable to make the trek.
  3. Race, Expo and Program Start Times: The race begins at 8:00 a.m. for runners and 8:05 a.m. for walkers. Dogs and strollers are welcome, but please wait to start your race with the back of the group and be courteous to the runners and walkers around you. The expo area opens at 8:00 a.m. near the finish line and the program will begin at 9:30 a.m.
  4. Race Course and Map: You can find a race day map of the course and activities here. The course and layout are similar to prior Donor Dashes and should look familiar to returning dashers.
  5. Free Team Photos: Teams of 10 or more are eligible for a free team photo. Have all team members report to the team photo area new the start line to take advantage of professional team photos from 7:00-7:45 a.m. or following the race from 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. If you are trying to get your photo taken pre-race, make sure to do so before 7:30 a.m.

For any additional information, visit our Donor Dash FAQs page.

julio 5, 2018

Donor Dash: I’m Registered. How Else Can I Help?

Donor Dash start lineOn Sunday, July 15, thousands of people from around the nation will join us at Denver’s Washington Park to support organ, eye and tissue donation at the 19th annual Donor Dash 5K run/walk. Are you already registered? Wondering how else you can help? Here are a couple of ways you can help spread awareness for this important cause leading up to race day:

  1. Invite your friends and family and start a team! You can start a team by heading to the Donor Dash registration page. No team members can be added or changed after team registration closes on Sunday, July 8. Be sure your team captain checks your roster and gets out any last minute reminders to anyone who may way to join!
  2. Share who you are dashing for with your online community. Using our online tool kit, it’s easy to help us spread the word about Donor Dash. Individuals, teams, hospitals and businesses are all encouraged to join us at the Donor Dash. We created our online toolkit to help you easily share your participation and invite others to join you! The toolkit even includes pre-sized Twitter and Facebook profile cover images for you to share.
  3. Sport your Donor Dash swag early with early packet pickup. Teams and individuals registered on or before Sunday, July 8 are eligible for early packet pickup. Early packet pickup will take place on Wednesday, July 11th in the main lobby of the Donor Alliance’s office building, the Galleria Office Towers (720 S. Colorado Boulevard, Denver 80246). Race day registration and onsite packet pickup will also be available beginning at 7:00 a.m. on July 15.

For any additional information, including a race day schedule of events and a course map, visit our Donor Dash FAQs page. We’ll see you at Donor Dash!