Take Two: How Hollywood’s Dramatic Storylines Impact Donation and Transplantation
Let’s talk about Hollywood and organ donation. You’ve likely seen a medical drama series or movie with an organ donation and transplantation storyline. But, more often than not, they don’t get it right. To better understand the impact these shows and movies have on their viewers, we sat down with Tenaya Wallace, founder of Donate […]
Aftercare: Connecting Donor Families & Recipients
Part Two of Three in our “Aftercare” Series Many donor family members and recipients have expressed how meaningful it is to connect with one another. Donor Alliance encourages correspondence between donor families and recipients, and is proud to help facilitate these connections whenever possible. “To support these amazing families along their journey of grief, and […]
Celebrating Life at the 2020 Donate Life Rose Parade – Juan Carlos Montanez
This year, we are honored to have Juan Carlos Montanez, a kidney recipient, represent Colorado at the 131st Rose Parade in Pasadena, Calif. Juan Carlos will be honoring his donor aboard the 17th annual Donate Life Rose Parade float on New Year’s Day. He will be joined by 25 other people from across the country […]
Aftercare: Recursos para las familias de donantes
Recursos para las Familias de Donantes (Primera parte de tres de nuestra seria “Aftercare”) Los miembros de la familia de los donantes son el corazón y el alma de nuestra misión en Donor Alliance. A través de su cooperación y apoyo durante uno de los momentos más trágicos de sus vidas, las familias donantes juegan […]
Staff Spotlight: Brittany Jones
We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. As an Administrative Assistant at the Donor Alliance Recovery Center, Brittany Jones supports the facilities […]
Advocate Spotlight: Sandy Berg
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we’re […]
Aftercare: Resources for Donor Families
(Part One of Three in our “Aftercare” Series) Donor family members are the heart and soul of our mission at Donor Alliance. Through their cooperation and support during one of the most tragic times in their lives, donor families play a vital role in saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. “The best part […]
Join us in celebrating the gift of life at events across Colorado and Wyoming this holiday season!
This season join us and residents across Colorado and Wyoming whose lives have been touched by organ, eye and tissue donation to celebrate the gift of life. With community parades across the two-state area, there are plenty of opportunities to show your support and help raise awareness for donation and transplantation!
Eye Donation Month: Honoring the Gift of Sight
The History: Did you know that November is Eye Donation Month? The month was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1983. Eye Donation Month has since been used as an opportunity to educate the public about the importance of signing up to be an eye, organ and tissue donor, and about cornea donation and […]
2018 Annual Report
2018 was a year of many accomplishments. We have been on a performance excellence journey, increasing the donor designation rate and saving lives every day.
Mes del Recuerdo: Recordando a todos los Donantes de Órganos y Tejidos este Noviembre
Noviembre es también conocido como el “Mes de Recuerdo” por las comunidades cristianas, un tiempo para recordar a aquellos que han fallecido. A lolargo del mes, se conmemoran diferentes celebraciones en comunidades de todo el mundo dedicadas a mantener la memoria viva de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros. Estas fechas tan especiales incluyen: […]
Month of Remembrance: Remembering Organ, Eye and Tissue Donors this November
The Month of Remembrance November is often referred to as the “month of remembrance” in Christian communities, a time to remember those that have passed on. Sprinkled throughout the month are observances celebrated throughout different communities around the world dedicated to keeping their memories alive. Many Observances All Saints Day: November 1st is All Saints […]