Life After Transplant – Scott’s Story
Preventing rejection, restored health, lifestyle changes, medications, new lease on life – all are part of life after transplant. It’s important to note, however, that everyone’s transplant journey looks a bit different, it’s completely unique to them. Transplant Terminology: Let’s start by breaking down some common phrases and definitions associated with transplant. Preventing Rejection: A […]
¿No tienes una licencia de conducir o ID estatal? No Importa, Aún Puedes Registrarte Como Donante de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos
Una de las preguntas que recibimos a menudo cuando informamos a la comunidad sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos es cómo pueden inscribirse para ser donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos después de fallecer. Aunque la mayoría de las personas se registran para ser donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos al obtener o […]
Heroes and Their Families Honored at 2019 Donor Family Tribute
Hundreds of heroes and their families were honored at Donor Alliance’s 2019 Donor Family Tribute. What is the Donor Family Tribute? Every year, Donor Alliance hosts the Donor Family Tribute to recognize and honor the donors who have given the gift of life through organ and tissue donation and their families. This memorable event, themed […]
Don’t Have a Driver License or State ID? No Worries, You Can Still Sign Up to Be an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor
One of the questions we receive often when educating the community on organ, eye and tissue donation is how people can sign up to be organ, eye and tissue donors after death. While most people sign up to be organ, eye and tissue donors when obtaining or renewing their state ID or driver license at […]
Aclarando el mito más común sobre la donación: “Soy demasiado viejo para donar”
Este mito es FALSO. Cualquier persona de cualquier edad puede decir Sí y registrarse para ser un donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos, sin importar su edad. No te excluyas; ¡tú puedes salvar vidas! A menudo escuchamos que las personas se descartan y piensan que no pueden registrarse como donantes de órganos, ojos y tejidos […]
Staff Spotlight: Patrick Vestal
We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to let you learn more about who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. Patrick Vestal, a Donor Alliance Systems Administrator, is responsible for making […]
Advocate Spotlight: Jaime Tellez Jr.
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we […]
Como Hablar con Tus Hijos Sobre la Donación de Órganos y Tejidos
En general, puede ser difícil iniciar la conversación con tu familia sobre tu decisión de ser un donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos despues de fallecer. Esta conversación puede ser aún más difícil cuando la conversación es con tus hijos. Para ayudarte a que el inicio de esta conversación tan importante sea un poco más […]
How to Talk to Your Kids About Organ and Tissue Donation
We know that it can be difficult to start the conversation about your decision to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in general. It can be even more difficult when the conversation is between you and your kids. To help make starting that conversation a bit easier, we’re breaking down when and how to […]
For Mom: Three Donation and Transplantation Books Perfect for Mother’s Day
May is finally here bringing blue skies, perfect spring days for hiking, barbeques and yes, Mother’s Day. Finding the perfect gift for mom is no easy task, so we have a few ideas for you to show your mom how much she means to you and say thank you for all she does. Three Perfect […]
Growing Awareness and Support Through Another Successful National Donate Life Month
As we close out this year’s National Donate Life Month (NDLM), the team at Donor Alliance is incredibly thankful for the amazing partnerships, immense support and strong advocates throughout the month of April who helped make the month a huge success in Colorado and Wyoming. NDLM aims to encourage Americans to sign up to be […]
Hollywood Isn’t Reality – Fact Checking New Netflix Series, Chambers
Have you heard of the new horror series streaming on Netflix, Chambers? Maybe you’ve even started watching it. If not, the basic premise is a heart recipient takes on sinister characteristics of her donor. It stars Uma Thurman. While Hollywood is full of entertainment, it’s not always full of facts. Story lines centered around donation […]