Donación de Órganos y Tejidos: Como Iniciar la Conversación
¿Has hablado con tu familia sobre tu decisión de ser donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos? Iniciar la conversación sobre este tema puede ser un tanto difícil. Es por eso que te presentamos algunos consejos para ayudarte a hablar sobre este tema y compartir tu decisión con tus seres queridos. Primero que nada, ¿Qué significa […]
How to Start the Conversation on National Donor Day
Have you talked with your family about your decision to be an organ, eye and tissue donor? It can be difficult to start the conversation. We have a few tips to help you share your decision with your loved ones on National Donor Day. Signing up as an organ, eye and tissue donor means you […]
Record Donor Designation Rate for Wyoming in 2018
How do we know if residents support organ, eye and tissue donation? We measure the public’s support of donation with the donor designation rate. Although small in population, Wyoming stands tall when it comes to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. The donor designation rate (DDR) is the rate at which individuals join […]
Record-Breaking Year for Organ Donation and Another Great Year for Tissue Donation – Colorado & Wyoming
Donor Alliance Breaks Record for Number of Organ Donors For 2018, Donor Alliance, the federally designated non-profit organization that facilitates organ and tissue donation in Colorado and most of Wyoming, recorded a record-breaking year for organ donation and transplantation, ultimately, saving more lives! Through the generous gifts of donors and their families, Donor Alliance facilitated […]
Know the Facts: Who Can Be a Donor?
Why Don’t People Sign Up To Be a Donor? Lack of Knowledge: Many of those that have never considered organ donation or have delayed signing up to become a donor, do so because of inaccurate information or assumptions about organ donation and transplantation. “I’m Not Healthy Enough”: In both Colorado and Wyoming, someone thinking they […]
Donate Life Float Wins Judges Award at 130th Rose Parade
Thousands of flowers and volunteers helped create this year’s beautiful Donate Life Rose Parade Float. The judges took note and awarded the float the coveted Judges Award! Award – Meaning, History This year the Donate Life Rose Parade Float was awarded the Judges Award for most outstanding design and dramatic impact. This is the third […]
2019 Donate Life Rose Parade Float Rider – Colleen Reed
This year, we are honored to be represented at the 130th Rose Parade in Pasadena, Calif. by Colleen Reed. Colleen is traveling from Denver to ride aboard the 16th annual Donate Life Rose Parade float on January 1. Following the 130th Rose Parade’s theme, “The Melody of Life,” which celebrates music, the 2019 Donate Life […]
El Proceso de Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos
En vista de las noticias recientes y la atención en torno a un vuelo de Southwest Airlines con destino a Dallas que dio la vuelta para devolver un corazón humano a Seattle, queríamos compartir información sobre el proceso de preservación y transporte de órganos y tejidos. Aunque Donor Alliance no puede hablar sobre ese evento […]
Join us to celebrate the gift of life at the 9NEWS Parade of Lights this weekend
This weekend, join us and residents from across Colorado and Wyoming that have either had a family member become a donor, or who have received a transplant themselves, to celebrate the gift of life at the annual 9NEWS Parade of Lights. The annual holiday tradition will feature the Donate Life Colorado “Gift of Life” balloon, […]
Re-vamped Registry Websites
Our local registry websites and, have a new look! The new and improved website provides streamlined information in efficient infographic style, is easy to navigate and full of essential information. Find stories of hope, donation facts and stats, local and national resources and the link to sign up to Become a Donor! The […]
Honoring the Gift With Memorial Tribute Packs
Donor Alliance offers resources for funeral and memorial services to assist donor families in honoring the gift of donation. We are able to provide a memorial tribute pack, which includes Donate Life bracelets, pins, pens, brochures and a Letter of Honor highlighting the Legacy of Love their loved one provided in becoming a donor. These […]
Advocate Spotlight: Scott Pinkney
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of registering as organ, eye and tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we are featuring Scott […]