Esenciales de la Donación

marzo 13, 2025

Mes Nacional del Riñón: Infórmate y Crea Conciencia.

Mes Nacional del Riñón: ¿Eres uno de los 33% de las personas en riesgo de enfermedad renal? Marzo es el Mes Nacional del Riñón, y Donor Alliance tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la enfermedad renal para salvar y sanar más vidas en Colorado y Wyoming. Donor Alliance es una organización sin fines de lucro […]

diciembre 1, 2017

Advocate Spotlight: Judy Thompson

Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of registering as organ, eye and tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we are featuring Judy […]

diciembre 1, 2017

Staff Spotlight: Joyleen Helcoski

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to let you learn more about who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. Name: Joyleen Helcoski Position: Aftercare Coordinator Years at Donor Alliance: 5 […]

noviembre 30, 2017

Broncos Coach Takes Donate Life Message to the Field

Denver Broncos Coach Eric Studesville is showing his support for organ, eye and tissue donation by wearing these custom Donate Life Colorado shoes when the Broncos take on the Miami Dolphins in December 3rd. It’s part of the NFL’s “My Cause, My Cleats” initiative designed to raise awareness for causes close to the players and […]

noviembre 20, 2017

Donor Alliance honored for best practices in Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award categories

Donor Alliance was recognized for best practices within the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award categories of Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management (category 4) and Operations (category 6).

noviembre 14, 2017

Get the Facts: Does saying “yes” to becoming an organ donor affect the medical care I receive?

Many people that have never considered organ donation or have delayed registering to become a donor do so because of inaccurate information or assumptions about organ donation and transplantation. One of the most common myths is that a person’s decision to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor affects the level of medical care […]

noviembre 8, 2017

Video: Ellen Stoddard Keyes – Donor Mother

Have you ever donated a dollar or more to the Emily Keyes – John W. Buckner Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Fund? The fund bears the name of Ellen’s daughter Emily. In the midst of an unthinkable tragedy, Emily was able to donate the gift of sight. It’s a fact Ellen is very proud of. […]

noviembre 3, 2017

Donor Alliance Community Outreach and Public Education Efforts Recognized with Local and National Awards

Last week, the Donor Alliance team was honored at the 2017 Donate Life America (DLA) Pinnacle Awards, taking home honors in the media and innovation categories for our National Donate Life Month Trees for Life initiative, and in the affinity category for our “Heroes Say Yes!” partnership with the Grand Junction Rockies. The Trees for […]

octubre 25, 2017

Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles Awarded Donate Life America Silver Level Donor Designation Rate Award

This week, the Donate Life America Silver Level Donor Designation Rate Award was presented to Mike Dixon, Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles of Colorado. Every year, awards are given to the three states with the highest donor designation rates (DDR) in the country. DDRs are determined by the percentage of state ID, driver […]

octubre 11, 2017

Donor Alliance Reports on 2016 Successes; Highlights the Staff and Volunteers That Made It Possible

Last month we published our annual report that takes an in-depth look at “The Faces of Donor Alliance.” Each member of our team is dedicated to maximizing the gift of life. Our organization and our staff adhere to the highest medical and ethical standards: respectfully working with the families of organ and tissue donors, maintaining […]

octubre 2, 2017

‘Skip the Trip’ with new online services from Colorado DMV

Did you know, you can not only renew your driver license or ID online, twice, but you can schedule an appointment to visit the DMV or even submit a subpoena? The Colorado Department of Revenue’s Division of Motor Vehicles recently introduced, including 11 new online services, and the expansion of existing online offerings from […]

octubre 2, 2017

Staff Spotlight: Diane Bacino

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to let you learn more about who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. Name: Diane Bacino Position: Hospital Development Coordinator Years at Donor Alliance: […]

septiembre 27, 2017

Celebrating Wyoming DMV Appreciation and Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week

Governor Matt Mead has signed a proclamation declaring this week, Sept. 25-29, 2017 as DMV Appreciation Week and Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week in the state of Wyoming. As part of the celebration, and to say thank you to the Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMVs), administrators and licensing partners across the state for their […]