Esenciales de la Donación

marzo 13, 2025

Mes Nacional del Riñón: Infórmate y Crea Conciencia.

Mes Nacional del Riñón: ¿Eres uno de los 33% de las personas en riesgo de enfermedad renal? Marzo es el Mes Nacional del Riñón, y Donor Alliance tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la enfermedad renal para salvar y sanar más vidas en Colorado y Wyoming. Donor Alliance es una organización sin fines de lucro […]

julio 29, 2016

Advocate Spotlight: Janet Rost

In the fall of 2011, Janet Rost fell into end stage liver disease. Her doctor at the time encouraged her to complete her bucket list without delay, but thanks to the ultimate gift from someone she’ll never know, she is living life to the fullest with a new liver. Janet’s problems began when she unknowingly […]

julio 27, 2016

Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life at the record-breaking 2016 Donor Dash

On July 17, Donor Alliance hosted the 17th annual Donor Dash at Washington Park in Denver. Nearly 6,000 registered participants broke attendance records while gathering to support and spread awareness for organ, eye and tissue donation. The Donor Dash is a 5K run/walk that honors the lives of organ, eye and tissue donors; celebrates the […]

julio 26, 2016

Staff Spotlight: Myrna Garcia

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to let you learn more about who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. Name: Myrna Garcia Position: Family Support Coordinator Years at Donor Alliance: […]

julio 15, 2016

Eric Studesville Partners with Donor Alliance to Raise Awareness for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation

Eric Studesville, a coach for the Denver Broncos, has partnered with Donor Alliance to honor organ, eye and tissue donors, candidates, recipients and their families while also raising awareness for the cause. We are thrilled to have Eric’s support along with all of our advocates and volunteers that have been touched by donation. Eric’s Story: […]

julio 8, 2016

Volunteers Walk to Represent The Nearly 200 Wyomingites In Need of a Lifesaving Transplant

On July 12th, Donor Alliance will participate in the Central Wyoming Fair and Rodeo Parade to raise awareness for Donate Life Wyoming – the Wyoming organ, eye and tissue registry. Donor families, organ recipients, living donors, and friends will all walk to represent the nearly 200 Wyomingites that are currently on the waiting list for […]

julio 5, 2016

Inspiring Colorado and Wyoming Residents to Say “Yes” Through Advocates For Life

At Donor Alliance, our mission is to save lives through organ and tissue donation, and our volunteers are a vital component in fulfilling that mission. The Donor Alliance Volunteer program, Advocates for Life, is made up of nearly three hundred donor family members, transplant recipients, transplant candidates and others who have been touched by donation […]

junio 27, 2016

Cayde – Lung Recipient – Cheyenne, WY

Cayde is a very active little girl. She’s bright, loving friendly and funny! Cayde wasn’t always so energetic though. She couldn’t be. Born 13 weeks early, she started life with the many struggles of a preemie, including pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vein stenosis. The diagnosis discouraged her from running and playing too hard as she […]

junio 1, 2016

HOSA Awards ‘Partner of the Year’ to Transplantation Science Program

Colorado HOSA has chosen Donor Alliance as ‘Partner of the Year.’ HOSA-Future Health Professionals is a national career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and helps prepare middle, high school and post-secondary students to deliver compassionate, quality care in their future careers.   Donor Alliance has been active at HOSA’s […]

mayo 31, 2016

Jason – Heart Recipient – Casper, WY

In 2009 Jason’s world was turned upside down when he went from a healthy, active life to nearly dying in just a month. He began experiencing symptoms of a cold that got progressively worse. Upon visiting a doctor, he was diagnosed with an unusual strain of pneumonia. Just four weeks later he had congestive heart […]

mayo 12, 2016

Commemorating National Donate Life Month 2016

For National Donate Life Month last month, Colorado and Wyoming joined celebrations across the country to help encourage residents in both states to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to honor those that have saved lives through the gift of donation. Trees were planted and dedicated across the two-state area by transplant recipients […]

mayo 4, 2016

Do you know what the heart on your driver license means?

mayo 3, 2016

Celebrating National Donate Life Month in Wyoming

National Donate Life Month was a huge success in the state of Wyoming this year! Natrona County DA and heart recipient, Mike Blonigen, helped us kick off the month with a flag raising ceremony at Wyoming Medical Center. Elsewhere across the state, there were celebrations and tributes recognizing the importance of organ, eye and tissue […]