Esenciales de la Donación

marzo 13, 2025

Mes Nacional del Riñón: Infórmate y Crea Conciencia.

Mes Nacional del Riñón: ¿Eres uno de los 33% de las personas en riesgo de enfermedad renal? Marzo es el Mes Nacional del Riñón, y Donor Alliance tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la enfermedad renal para salvar y sanar más vidas en Colorado y Wyoming. Donor Alliance es una organización sin fines de lucro […]

abril 30, 2016

Día del Nino: Celebrate the lives of children saved by organ, eye and tissue donation

Día del Niño (Children’s day), a Mexican observance celebrated on April 30th, is dedicated to honoring and appreciating children. At Donor Alliance, we are celebrating the lives of the more than 47 thousand children in the U.S. who have received a second chance at life through organ, eye and tissue donation. In our community alone, […]

abril 26, 2016

Connor – Two Time Heart Recipient

Connor was diagnosed with a deadly heart disease that required 2 life-saving heart transplants by the time he was 11 years old. Today Connor is an active 24-year-old studying economics and politics. He’s also a musician and plays drums in a punk band. “I hope my story helps people understand that members of their community […]

abril 25, 2016

Transplant recipient letter to the editor: Celebrate National Donate Life Month

We thank Nieves, of Alamosa, for sharing her heartfelt advocacy for the cause of organ, eye and tissue donation with her hometown newspaper, The Valley Courier, earlier this month. Nieves is a liver transplant recipient; read her message: Letter: Celebrate National Donate Life Month this April at Alamosa Tree Planting After being diagnosed with kidney […]

abril 22, 2016

Natrona County DA speaks about his heart transplant

Natrona County, Wyoming District Attorney Michael Blonigen is ready to speak about the life-saving gift he received last fall. Suffering from multiple heart complications after undergoing bypass surgery, stints and even a pacemaker, Blonigen was told by his doctors that his heart was only working at 10% capacity and that he would need a life-saving […]

abril 22, 2016

Colorado Springs organ donor’s family honored at “National Donate Life Month” ceremony

Every year, countless lives in Southern Colorado are saved and improved through the gift of life: organ, eye and tissue donation. Penrose-St. Francis Health Services held their flag raising ceremony on Thursday, April 21st to honor organ, eye and tissue donors, families and recipients and observe April as National Donate Life Month. Among the crowd […]

abril 20, 2016

Paint the Town Blue and Green

Did you notice a your neighborhood dressing more colorful than usual last week? On April 15th, people all over the country celebrated Blue and Green Day by breaking out their best blue and green outfits to show their support for and bring awareness to organ, eye and tissue donation. Colorado and Wyoming were no exception, […]

abril 18, 2016

Step-Daughter Gives Step-Dad the Gift of Life

April is National Donate Life Month, a celebration of those who have saved lives through the gift of organ, eye and tissue donation. It’s also a reminder that there are nearly 200 people in Wyoming waiting for a life-saving transplant. One Casper man was on the list, waiting for a kidney for nearly five years. […]

abril 11, 2016

Donor Alliance Named a 2016 Top Workplace In Colorado By The Denver Post

Donor Alliance has been awarded a 2016 Top Workplaces honor by The Denver Post for the third consecutive year. The notable list is ranked solely on employee feedback in a survey administered by WorkplaceDynamics, LLC, a research firm that specializes in organizational health and workplace improvement. Several aspects of workplace culture were measured, including Alignment, […]

abril 6, 2016

Wyoming Heart Recipient Raises Flag for National Donate Life Month

For over 30 year, Natrona County District Attorney Mike Blonigen has done his part to keep the streets of Casper safe. The prosecutor is known for his strong and eloquent demeanor in the courtroom. What many people don’t know, is that Blonigen faced the biggest battle of his life not in a courtroom, but in […]

abril 5, 2016

Donor Alliance Motored to the 2016 Denver Auto Show!

Donor Alliance had a great presence as an exhibitor at the Denver Auto Show – and this year Donor Alliance was surrounded by Camp Jeep to one side, and luxury marquees (with at least two one-million dollar cars on display) on the other. The new booth area helped to increase awareness of and dialogue around […]

marzo 31, 2016

Coroner’s Corner: Jill Romann, Douglas County

Elected in November 2014, Jill Romann is serving her first term as Douglas County Coroner. Prior to being elected, she served as Chief Deputy Coroner under the previous Douglas County Coroner. Jill’s career spans more than 24 years as a board certified Medicolegal Death Investigator (MDI) working in both urban and regional medical examiner’s and […]

marzo 31, 2016

Donation 101: Innovation & Teamwork

INNOVATION & TEAMWORK By Kim Robuck, Hospital Development Manager Frosting-covered fingers, overloaded carts bearing donation booth items, blue and green day outfits, and sore feet! Hospitals may notice a whirlwind of activity from our Donation Consultants this month as we facilitate donation displays, cake and flag ceremonies, tree plantings, and other events in recognition of […]