Altar de Día de Muertos, ofrendas a nuestros seres queridos
La Muerte como Símbolo de Vida en el Altar de Día de Muertos Según la tradición mexicana, el 1 y 2 de noviembre, son los días en que las almas de nuestros difuntos vuelven a casa, al mundo de los vivos, para convivir con la familia y nutrirse de la esencia de los alimentos […]
Harnessing the Power of Hollywood
By Tenaya Wallace, Guest Blogger & Founder, Donate Life Hollywood (DLH) Recently I asked a group of organ donation educators to raise their hand if they had ever spoken to someone who cited a television storyline as the reason they were NOT a donor. Every hand in the room went up. Around the country, OPOs […]
El Color Rosa en el Mes de la Concientización Sobre el Cáncer de Mama
El Color Rosa en el Mes de la Concientización Sobre el Cáncer de Mama Muchos saben que Octubre es el Mes de la Concientización sobre el Cáncer de Mama, un momento para pensar sobre la enfermedad y aumentar la conciencia general sobre esta enfermedad. Lo que muchos no saben es que la donación de tejidos […]
Exciting Events at the Transplant Games of America
The Donate Life Transplant Games of America were held in San Diego, CA on July 29-August 3, 2022. This event occurs every two years and brings together people all around the nation who have been a connection to organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation. This year was especially exciting as the Games hadn’t been […]
Thousands Celebrate Life at the 23rd Annual Donor Dash 5k
On Sunday, July 17th, 2022 in Denver’s Washington Park, thousands gathered to celebrate life at the 23rd Annual Donor Dash 5k! This year, the event attracted 4,203 participants. Everyone came together from across the nation, representing 46 states. The Donor Dash is a 5K run/walk that honors the lives of organ, eye and tissue donors; […]
Book Reviews: Need Summer Reading Ideas?!
Summer is only halfway over and parents are ready for kids to be back in school! Vacations are mostly over, school supplies are on sale and back to school clothes are out in the stores. It’s also when we remember that there is probably a summer reading assignment hiding in the backpack that hasn’t been […]
Are you ready for the 23th Annual Donor Dash?
We are back in person dashing for a cause and bringing awareness to organ, eye and tissue donation in the 23rd Annual Donor Dash 5K run/walk! Thousands will join us on Sunday, July 17th at Denver’s Washington Park to honor organ and tissue donors, celebrate transplant recipients and recognize those still waiting for a lifesaving […]
Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022
Every year during the last week of National Donate Life Month, we celebrate National Pediatric Transplant Week, a time to talk about efforts to end the pediatric transplant waiting list and recognize those that have been touched by pediatric organ, eye and tissue donation. Throughout the week, clinical partners are encouraged to share patient stories, […]
Personas como yo mueren en la lista de espera todos los días, pero hoy estoy aquí gracias a mi donante de riñón.
Mi nuevo riñón me ha dado una segunda oportunidad para disfrutar la vida. Por lo tanto, este mes, en reconocimiento del Mes Nacional de Done Vida y en agradecimiento mi donante, invito a todos los residentes hispanos y latinos de nuestra comunidad a decir Sí a la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos y a […]
American Transplant Foundation Offers a New Way to Find a Living Donor And Become One
Imagine you or a loved one have just found out that you need an organ transplant to survive. Well, you are in luck, because today, Living Donor Day, April 6, is a great opportunity to learn about your transplant options from our partner, the American Transplant Foundation.* Last year, 152 people in our community died […]
#EnciendeUnaLuz en Abril, el Mes Nacional de Done Vida
Abril es el Mes Nacional de Done Vida 2022, un momento especial para honrar la generosidad de nuestros heroicos donantes y sus familias, celebrar la vida de los receptores de trasplantes y reconocer a los casi 1,500 habitantes de Colorado y Wyoming en espera de un trasplante que salve su vida. Inspirados por Tony, uno […]
Staff Spotlight: Anne Gaspers
We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. In this month’s staff spotlight, meet Anne Gaspers. Anne is the Public Education Coordinator at […]