- "My Hero Said Yes!"
- 19th Annual Donor Dash 5K Brings Thousands Together to Celebrate the Gift of Life
- 2016 Annual Report
- 2019 Annual Report
- 2025 Donor Family Tribute Survey
- 404 Page Not Found
- Abril es el Mes Nacional de Done Vida
- Atrapasueños "Por Siempre Generoso"
- Autorización
- Become a Volunteer
- Boulder ES
- Business Partnership For Life
- Cancelar Suscripción de Aftercare
- Colorado PSA Español
- Colorado PSA Español
- Comparte tu Historia
- Compatibilidad
- Comprension de la Donación
- Contribuye
- Coroner Referral Survey
- COSprings
- DaleunCheck
- DenverMetro
- DenverMetro
- Designated Requestor Workshop Handouts and Tools
- Diagnóstico
- DMV Appreciation Month
- DMV Appreciation Week Video Submission
- Donación de Órganos
- Donate Life Wyoming Scavenger Hunt
- Donation
- Donation and Faith
- Donation Confirmation
- Donation Failed
- Donation History
- Donation Resources
- Donor Alliance Funeral Home Survey
- Donor Dash
- Donor Dash Anthem Contest
- Donor Dash LIVE Program
- Donor Dash Sponsor Commitment Form
- Donor Dash Toolkit
- Donor Dashboard
- Donor Family Facebook Group Disclaimer and Terms of Use
- Educational Tools & Info
- Elevate Your View: 2018 Data Summit
- Elevate Your View: 2018 Data Summit Lodging
- Elevate Your View: 2018 Data Summit What to Bring
- Email Sign Up for Tissue Donor Families
- Enlaces
- Evaluación Médica
- Faith and donation quick facts
- Fe y donación
- Glosario
- Gracias por tu solicitud: Paquetes de Semillas
- Gracias por tu solicitud: Tarjetas de oración
- Griefwords Library
- Home
- Informe Anual 2014
- Informe Anual 2015
- Involúcrate
- Jennifer Prinz - Chief Executive Officer - Donor Alliance
- Judaism and Organ Donation
- Legal
- Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 2018
- Mes Nacional de Done Vida
- Mes Nacional de la Donación: Proyecto Muestra tu Corazón
- National Donate Life Month - Show Your Heart Request
- National Donor Sabbath
- National Donor Sabbath - Distribute Educational Materials
- National Donor Sabbath- Comparte en Social Media
- National Donor Sabbath- Distribuye Materiales Educativos
- National Donor Sabbath- Film Screening
- National Donor Sabbath: Función de Pelicula
- National Donor Sabbath: Host an Info Table
- National Donor Sabbath: Ordena Materiales Gratuitos
- National Donor Sabbath: Order Free Giveaways
- National Donor Sabbath: Pope Card Request
- National Donor Sabbath: Seed Packet Request
- National Donor Sabbath: Solicita una Mesa de Información
- National Multiethnic Donor Awareness Month
- NDLM Show Your Heart- Sample Placement Permission Letter
- Noticias y Blog
- Payton Flournoy
- Post Case Survey
- Preguntas Frecuentes: Mes Nacional de Done Vida
- Quiénes Somos
- Re-vamped Registry Websites
- Recommended Books on Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- Recursos para Familias de Donantes
- Referencia
- Religious Views on Donation and Transplantation
- Request for Grief Support Resources
- Request Your Cork Hearts
- Share on Social Media
- Share Your #GiftofLife Story!
- Show Your Heart - Request a Heart
- Show Your Heart Map
- Sign Up Your Workplace
- Sitemap
- Socios
- Stories of Hope: Dana - Colorado Springs, CO
- Stories of Hope: Doug - Cheyenne, WY
- Stories of Hope: Gaby - Denver, CO
- Stories of Hope: Juniper - Denver, CO
- Stories of Hope: Laurie - Casper, WY
- Stories of Hope: Patricia - Cody / Powell, WY
- Stories of Hope: Stefan Wilson - Lafayette, CO
- Sue Dunn, Donor Alliance President & CEO, Retirement Celebration
- Survey Form
- Tarjetas de Recuerdo para Donantes
- Terminos y condiciones: Campaña #MuestraTuCorazon
- Terms and Conditions - #ShowYourHeart Campaign
- Test - Premiere
- Test Page
- Thank you for taking this survey!
- Thank you for your submission
- Thank You For Your Submission!
- Thank your for your request: Pope Francis Prayer Cards
- Thank your for your request: Seed packets
- The Donor Alliance Foundation Resource Library
- The Donor Alliance Foundation: 2024-2025 Request for Proposals & Grant Priorities
- Training and Development
- Transplantation Science Digital Curriculum
- Transplantation Science Traveling Trunk
- Tributo a la Familia de Donante en Colorado
- TS Digital Curriculum Materials
- Video: 2017 Donor Dash
- Video: 2018 Donor Dash
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Wall of Honor
- Western Slope
- Wyoming Donor Dash
- Wyoming Donor Family Tribute
- Wyoming Donor Family Tribute Survey
- Wyoming PSA
- Donor Family Quilt 10
- Donor Family Quilt 11
- Donor Family Quilt 11-2
- Donor Family Quilt 12
- Donor Family Quilt 13
- Donor Family Quilt 14
- Donor Family Quilt 16
- Donor Family Quilt 17
- Donor Family Quilt 6
- Donor Family Quilt 7
- Donor Family Quilt 8
- Donor Family Quilt 9
Breaking News
- Community Impact Report from Jennifer Prinz, Donor Alliance CEO – Saving More Lives Than Ever Before in 2021!
- El Proceso de Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos
- National DMV Appreciation Month: Celebrating Partners Making a Difference
- Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos: Claves para un Proceso Seguro y Eficiente
Donation and Transplantation in the News
- ‘Skip the Trip’ with new online services from Colorado DMV
- #InTheNews: Uterine Transplants
- 9News ‘Ahora tengo una parte de él para siempre’: Tuvo Reemplazo de Rodilla Gracias a un Donante Especial
- Advocate Spotlight: Judy Thompson
- Book Discussion: “The Organ Thieves” – Lessons Learned, Shaping the Future Actions within Donation & Transplantation
- Can transplanted organs be donated again?
- Colorado Springs organ donor’s family honored at “National Donate Life Month” ceremony
- Community Impact Report from Jennifer Prinz, Donor Alliance CEO – Saving More Lives Than Ever Before in 2021!
- Donate Life Rose Parade Float Wins Theme Award
- Donor Alliance 2016 Year in Review
- Donor Alliance Saves and Heals More Lives Than Ever Before in 2019 – Colorado & Wyoming
- Donor Alliance: 2017 Year in Review
- Donor sister letter to the editor: Say “yes”
- El Proceso de Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos
- Eric Studesville, a coach for the Denver Broncos, offers much more than running back advice
- Fact or Fiction: Do TV shows accurately portray organ, eye and tissue donation?
- Gov. Hickenlooper Signs Bill Extending, Improving Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Fund in Colorado
- Harnessing the Power of Hollywood
- Hollywood Isn’t Reality – Fact Checking New Netflix Series, Chambers
- Hospitales Locales, Familias y Donantes Salvan Número Récord de Vidas a Través de la Donación en el 2019
- IN THE NEWS: February’s top organ, eye and tissue donation stories from around the nation
- IN THE NEWS: The top organ, eye and tissue donation stories from around the nation in April
- IN THE NEWS: The top organ, eye and tissue donation stories from around the nation in July
- IN THE NEWS: The top organ, eye and tissue donation stories from around the nation in March
- IN THE NEWS: The top organ, eye and tissue donation stories from around the nation in May
- La Lista de Espera No Puede Esperar: Número Récord de Donantes de Órganos y Vidas Salvadas en el 2020 – Colorado y Wyoming
- Last Christmas: A Review Through a Donate Life Lens
- National DMV Appreciation Month: Celebrating Partners Making a Difference
- Natrona County DA speaks about his heart transplant
- Obtén tu placa de matrícula de “Donate Life” de Wyoming y Apoye la donación de Órganos.
- Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness: Colorado
- Registrarse como donante: Una Resolución de Año Nuevo Alcanzable que Salva Vidas
- Take Two: How Hollywood’s Dramatic Storylines Impact Donation and Transplantation
- The Waitlist Can’t Wait: Record Number of Heroic Organ Donors and Lives Saved in 2020 – Colorado & Wyoming
- Transplantation Science on The Gifted Life Podcast
- Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos: Claves para un Proceso Seguro y Eficiente
- Vascular Composite Allograft: What is it?
- Video: Ellen Stoddard Keyes – Donor Mother
- Video: Heart Recipient Writes Children’s Book
- What You Should Know About Liver Transplants
Donor Alliance in the Community
- ‘Skip the Trip’ with new online services from Colorado DMV
- “My Hero Said Yes!”
- #EnciendeUnaLuz en Abril, el Mes Nacional de Done Vida
- #MuestraTuCorazon en el Mes Nacional de Done Vida 2021
- #ShineALight: En el Mes Nacional de Done Vida, Enciende una Luz por la Donación de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos.
- #ShowYourHeart for National Donate Life Month 2021
- #ShowYourHeart for National Donate Life Month: How to Raise Awareness for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation from Home
- 2016 Ending the Wait Awards Honor Colorado Hospitals for Organ and Tissue Donation Achievements
- 2017 Annual Report
- 2017 Rose Parade Float Rider – Jeff Leone
- 2018 Annual Report
- 2018 Donor Dash Breaks Records
- 2019 Donate Life Rose Parade Float Rider – Colleen Reed
- 2020 Donor Dash – Together, Though Apart: Everything You Need to Know Before the Event
- 2020 Donor Dash: Thousands Honor, Celebrate & Recognize Together, Though Apart
- Advocate Spotlight: Allison McKissen
- Advocate Spotlight: Angie Padia
- Advocate Spotlight: Elissa Flaumenhaft
- Advocate Spotlight: Gaby Landeros
- Advocate Spotlight: Jaime Tellez Jr.
- Advocate Spotlight: Jeremy Mares
- Advocate Spotlight: Julie Gibson
- Advocate Spotlight: Julie Spear
- Advocate Spotlight: Kristen Atkinson
- Advocate Spotlight: Maurisa Marquez
- Advocate Spotlight: Noel Morris
- Advocate Spotlight: Sandy Berg
- Advocate Spotlight: Scott Pinkney
- Advocate Spotlight: Terri Reed
- Advocate Spotlight: Tracy Sanders
- Advocates for Life Recognized at Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
- Aftercare: Answering Common Aftercare Questions
- Aftercare: Conectando a Familias de Donantes y Receptores
- Aftercare: Connecting Donor Families & Recipients
- Aftercare: Resources for Donor Families
- AOPO Recognizes Sue Dunn for Leadership and Innovative Practices in Donation and Transplantation
- Are you ready for the 20th Annual Donor Dash?
- Are you ready for the 23th Annual Donor Dash?
- Broncos Coach Takes Donate Life Message to the Field
- Celebrando la Vida en el Desfile de las Rosas del 2020, —Juan Carlos Montañez
- Celebrate the Holiday Season with Donate Life!
- Celebrating Life at the 2020 Donate Life Rose Parade – Juan Carlos Montanez
- Celebrating National DMV Appreciation Week
- Celebrating National Donate Life Month with Joey Gase at the Denver Auto Show
- Celebrating Our Advocates for Life During National Volunteer Week
- Celebrating Wyoming DMV Appreciation and Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week
- Coloradans Celebrate Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation at 2016 9NEWS Parade of Lights
- Colorado and Wyoming Shine A Light on Donation for National Donate Life Month
- Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles Awarded Donate Life America Silver Level Donor Designation Rate Award
- Colorado DMV Opens New Driver License Office in Westminster
- Colorado Donor Family Tribute 2017: Lives Transformed
- Colorado Earns Top Spot in the Nation for Highest Donor Designation Rate, Wyoming Sixth in the Nation
- Colorado gana 1er lugar en el país por la mayor tasa de designación de donantes, Wyoming en el Top 10
- Colorado Gears Up For National Donate Life Month
- Colorado y Wyoming se Iluminan en Apoyo a La Donacion durante el Mes Nacional de la Donacion
- Commemorating National Donate Life Month 2016
- Como Hablar con Tus Hijos Sobre la Donación de Órganos y Tejidos
- Comunidad Done Vida / Donate Life. Que es y que Significa.
- Coroner’s Corner: Dr. James Caruso, Denver Co. Medical Examiner
- Coroner’s Corner: Emma Hall, Boulder County Coroner
- Coroner’s Corner: Jill Romann, Douglas County
- Coroner’s Corner: Q&A With Albany Co. WY Coroner Jennifer Graham
- Denver Business Journal Names Donor Alliance 2020 Best Place to Work
- Destacados de Nuestro Staff Donor Alliance Abril de 2023: Travis Kinder
- Dia de los Muertos: Honoring those who have saved lives through donation
- Día Nacional del Donante: Difundiendo Amor, Salvando Vidas
- Donate Life Float Partner Rose Dedication Program
- Donate Life Float Wins Judges Award at 130th Rose Parade
- Donate Life Rose Parade Float Wins Theme Award
- Donor Alliance Community Outreach and Public Education Efforts Recognized with Local and National Awards
- Donor Alliance Employees Recognized by AOPO for Leading Efforts in Donation and Transplantation
- Donor Alliance Named a 2016 Top Workplace In Colorado By The Denver Post
- Donor Alliance Partners with IndyCar Driver / Donor Brother Stefan Wilson
- Donor Alliance Reports on 2015 Successes
- Donor Alliance Reports on 2016 Successes; Highlights the Staff and Volunteers That Made It Possible
- Donor Alliance Saves and Heals More Lives Than Ever Before in 2019 – Colorado & Wyoming
- Donor Alliance Staff Spotlight, Agosto 2023: Serena Altamirano
- Donor Alliance Staff Spotlight, December 2023: Jessie Caputa
- Donor Alliance Staff Spotlight, June 2023: Valeria Munchmeyer
- Donor Dash 2017: Thousands Gather at Denver’s Washington Park to Celebrate the Gift of Life
- Donor Dash: Everything You Need to Know on Race Day
- Donor Dash: I’m Registered. How Else Can I Help?
- ECHO Donate Life: Compartiendo la Importancia de la Donación de Órganos y Tejidos con las Comunidades Multiculturales
- ECHO Donate Life: Sharing the Importance of Organ and Tissue Donation with Multicultural Communities
- Eric Studesville Partners with Donor Alliance to Raise Awareness for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- Eric Studesville, a coach for the Denver Broncos, offers much more than running back advice
- Families and Heroic Donors Honored at 2018 Donor Family Tribute
- Foundation Spotlight: Jennifer Moe
- Frequently Asked Student Questions
- Get the Facts: I’m Already Registered. Do I Still Need to Say Yes?
- Gov. Hickenlooper Signs Bill Extending, Improving Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Fund in Colorado
- Growing Awareness and Support Through Another Successful National Donate Life Month
- Harnessing the Power of Hollywood
- Healthcare Heroes: Honoring all of Those Working to Save Lives
- Heroes and Their Families Honored at 2019 Donor Family Tribute
- Honoring the Gift With Memorial Tribute Packs
- HOSA Awards ‘Partner of the Year’ to Transplantation Science Program
- Hospital 101: Donation Ambassador Workshop
- How to Talk with Your Kids About Organ and Tissue Donation
- Inspiring Colorado and Wyoming Residents to Say “Yes” Through Advocates For Life
- Jennifer Prinz Recognized with Denver Business Journal Awards for Business Excellence
- Join us in celebrating the gift of life at events across Colorado and Wyoming this holiday season!
- Join us to celebrate the gift of life at the 9NEWS Parade of Lights this weekend
- Kick Off National Donate Life Month with NASCAR Driver Joey Gase at Old Chicago in Cheyenne!
- Kicking Off the Show Your Heart Project in Wyoming
- La Necesidad de Trasplantes de Órganos Afecta a todas las Comunidades
- Light in the Darkness: Donate Life Float Wins Judges Trophy at 131st Rose Parade
- Marzo 2021 marca un año de la pandemia: Te Traemos Las 5 preguntas principales sobre COVID-19 y la donación de órganos
- Meet NASCAR Driver Joey Gase at the Denver Auto Show!
- Mes del Recuerdo: Recordando a todos los Donantes de Órganos y Tejidos este Noviembre
- Mes Nacional del Riñón: Infórmate y Crea Conciencia.
- Mexican Consulate in Denver celebrates National Blue and Green Day
- Month of Remembrance: Remembering Organ, Eye and Tissue Donors this November
- NASCAR Driver Joey Gase Kicks Off National Donate Life Month in Wyoming
- National DMV Appreciation Month: Celebrating Partners Making a Difference
- National Minority Donor Awareness Week
- New Ways to Celebrate: Coloradans and Wyomingites Celebrate National Donate Life Month Virtually
- New Year. New Life. New Intentions.
- New Year’s Resolution Ideas
- One Year Later: Answering the Top Five Questions on COVID-19 & Organ Donation
- Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness: Colorado
- Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness: Wyoming
- Qué esperar en las Oficinas del DMV después de COVID-19
- Reconociendo a aquellos que ayudan a hacer la diferencia: Semana Nacional de Apreciación del DMV
- Record-Breaking Year for Organ Donation and Another Great Year for Tissue Donation – Colorado & Wyoming
- Request an Expert Organ and Tissue Donation Speaker for Your Group
- Saving More Lives Than Ever Before in 2022 – Donor Alliance Community Impact Report
- Show Your Heart Project In Wyoming Has A Big Impact!
- Show Your Support for Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation During These Times
- Spotlight on the DMV: Colorado DRIVES
- Staff Spotlight: Alicia Jackson
- Staff Spotlight: Alison Gillum
- Staff Spotlight: Anne Gaspers
- Staff Spotlight: Brittany Jones
- Staff Spotlight: Cali O’Dell
- Staff Spotlight: Carolyn Brinson
- Staff Spotlight: Colin Larkin
- Staff Spotlight: Diana Westcott
- Staff Spotlight: Diane Bacino
- Staff Spotlight: Grace Harcek
- Staff Spotlight: Karley Beddoe
- Staff Spotlight: Keenan Heyde
- Staff Spotlight: Kristi Colton
- Staff Spotlight: Kristina Geissler
- Staff Spotlight: Kristina Gleason
- Staff Spotlight: Lance Griego
- Staff Spotlight: Lauren Abernathy
- Staff Spotlight: Mandy Bock
- Staff Spotlight: Myrna Garcia
- Staff Spotlight: Noel Stout
- Staff Spotlight: Patrick Vestal
- Staff Spotlight: Ryea’ O’Neill
- Staff Spotlight: Sammi Magyar
- Start the “Heart” Conversation on Organ Donation this Valentine’s Day
- Stefan Wilson, IndyCar Driver, to Celebrate DMV Appreciation Week in Wyoming
- Step-Daughter Gives Step-Dad the Gift of Life
- Teaching CO and WY Students the Importance of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- Ten una Conversación de “Corazón” sobre la Donación de Órganos este Día de San Valentín
- The Need for Lifesaving Organ Transplants Affects all Communities
- The Second Act: An Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation Story – 10 Minute Stories that Will Inspire You to Live Life to the Fullest
- The Waitlist Can’t Wait: Record Number of Heroic Organ Donors and Lives Saved in 2020 – Colorado & Wyoming
- Thousands Celebrate Life at the 20th Annual Donor Dash 2019
- Thousands Celebrate Life at the 23rd Annual Donor Dash 5k
- Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life at 2015 Donor Dash
- Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life at the record-breaking 2016 Donor Dash
- Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life: 22nd Annual Donor Dash Event
- Three Easy Ways to #ShowYourHeart for National Blue & Green Day 2020
- Trabajadores de la Salud: Honrando a Todos Aquellos que Trabajan para Salvar Vidas
- Transplant recipient letter to the editor: Celebrate National Donate Life Month
- Transplantation Science – A Free Program for Grades 6-12
- Transplantation Science on The Gifted Life Podcast
- Transplantation Science: A FREE Program for Grades 7-12
- Transplantation Science: Frequently Asked Student Questions
- Transplantation Science: New Resources This School Year
- Video: Heart Recipient Writes Children’s Book
- Vinny Castilla Public Service Announcement
- What is a Donate Life flag raising ceremony and what does it mean?
- Why You Should Celebrate Transplant and Donor Caregiver Support & Others This Month
- Wyoming Driver Services Employee Shares Personal Connection to Donation
- YOU Can Shine A Light On Donation at Home For Blue & Green Day!
Donor Registry and Deceased Donation
- ¿Hay un límite de edad para la donación de organos y tejidos?
- ¿Importa la Raza en los Trasplantes de Órganos?
- ¿Los Doctores Salvarán Mi Vida Si Soy Donante de Órganos?
- ¿No tienes una licencia de conducir o ID estatal? No Importa, Aún Puedes Registrarte Como Donante de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos
- ¿Por qué no se puede vender órganos en Estados Unidos?
- ¿Quién no puede ser donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos?
- #GetTheFacts: What Types of Donation Does the Donor Registry Cover?
- 5 Tough Questions We Get Asked
- 8 Truths of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- Aclarando el mito más común sobre la donación: “Soy demasiado viejo para donar”
- Aftercare: Recursos para las familias de donantes
- Budismo y la Donación de Órganos
- Colorado gana 1er lugar en el país por la mayor tasa de designación de donantes, Wyoming en el Top 10
- Como Hablar con Tus Hijos Sobre la Donación de Órganos y Tejidos
- Deceased vs. Living Donation: What Are You Committing to When You Say Yes at the Driver License Office?
- Do you know what the heart on your driver license means?
- Don’t Have a Driver License or State ID? No Worries, You Can Still Sign Up to Be an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor
- Donación de Órganos y Tejidos: Como Iniciar la Conversación
- Donate Life ECHO – Increases Awareness about Donation Among Multicultural Communities
- Done Vida ECO Busca Crear Conciencia sobre la Donación en Comunidades Multiculturales
- Donor Alliance: 2017 Year in Review
- El Coronavirus (COVID-19) y la Donación y los trasplantes de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos: Información y Recursos
- Get the Facts: Does saying “yes” to becoming an organ donor affect the medical care I receive?
- Gov. Hickenlooper Signs Bill Extending, Improving Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Fund in Colorado
- Grupos multiculturales y la donación: ¿Importa la raza en los trasplantes de órganos?
- Hospitales Locales, Familias y Donantes Salvan Número Récord de Vidas a Través de la Donación en el 2019
- How to Start the Conversation on National Donor Day
- How to Talk to Your Kids About Organ and Tissue Donation
- How to Talk with Your Kids About Organ and Tissue Donation
- Informe de Impacto Comunitario 2023 | Donor Alliance
- Know the Facts: Who Can Be a Donor?
- La Lista de Espera No Puede Esperar: Número Récord de Donantes de Órganos y Vidas Salvadas en el 2020 – Colorado y Wyoming
- Límite de edad para ser donante de órganos y tejidos.
- Marzo 2021 marca un año de la pandemia: Te Traemos Las 5 preguntas principales sobre COVID-19 y la donación de órganos
- Mes de las personas mayores: ¿Soy demasiado mayor para ser donante?
- Octubre Mes del Cáncer de Mama: El Tejido Donado Puede Ayudar con la Reconstrucción de Seno
- Programa La Ciencia del Trasplante en el Podcast The Gifted Life
- Quick Organ and Tissue Transplant History
- Re-vamped Registry Websites
- Registrarse como donante: Una Resolución de Año Nuevo Alcanzable que Salva Vidas
- Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion, Shares the Profound Impact Organ Donation has Had on His Family
- Semana Nacional de Trasplantes Pediátricos: Trabajando para poner fin a la lista de espera de trasplantes pediátricos
- Semana Nacional del Trasplante Pediátrico: Terminando la Lista de Espera del Trasplante Pediátrico
- Show Your Support for Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation During These Times
- The Need for More Minority Donors
- Tiempo para Trasplantar Órganos
- Venta de Órganos: es Legal en Estados Unidos?
- Why Don’t More People Register as Organ, Eye and Tissue Donors?
- ¿Importa la Raza en los Trasplantes de Órganos?
- #EnciendeUnaLuz en Abril, el Mes Nacional de Done Vida
- #MuestraTuCorazon en el Mes Nacional de Done Vida 2021
- #MuestraTuCorazon en el Mes Nacional de Done Vida: Cómo crear conciencia sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos desde tu casa
- #ShineALight: En el Mes Nacional de Done Vida, Enciende una Luz por la Donación de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos.
- #ShowYourHeart for National Donate Life Month 2021
- #ShowYourHeart for National Donate Life Month: How to Raise Awareness for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation from Home
- 2017 Rose Parade Float Rider – Jeff Leone
- 2018 Donor Dash Breaks Records
- 2019 Donate Life Rose Parade Float Rider – Colleen Reed
- 2020 Donor Dash – Together, Though Apart: Everything You Need to Know Before the Event
- 2020 Donor Dash: Thousands Honor, Celebrate & Recognize Together, Though Apart
- 36K African Americans Wait For Transplants
- American Heart Month: Nearly Four Thousand Americans Waiting for Heart Transplants
- Are you ready for the 20th Annual Donor Dash?
- Are you ready for the 23th Annual Donor Dash?
- Black History Month and Raising Awareness for the Need for Minority Donors
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Donated Tissue Can Help with Breast Reconstruction
- Celebrate National Donor Day on February 14, 2018
- Celebrate National Donor Day on February 14th
- Celebrate the Holiday Season with Donate Life!
- Celebrating Life at the 2020 Donate Life Rose Parade – Juan Carlos Montanez
- Celebrating National Donate Life Month in Wyoming
- Celebrating National Donate Life Month with Joey Gase at the Denver Auto Show
- Celebrating Our Advocates for Life During National Volunteer Week
- Central Wyoming Fair & Rodeo Parade Day 2017
- Colorado and Wyoming Shine A Light on Donation for National Donate Life Month
- Colorado Gears Up For National Donate Life Month
- Colorado Springs organ donor’s family honored at “National Donate Life Month” ceremony
- Colorado y Wyoming se Iluminan en Apoyo a La Donacion durante el Mes Nacional de la Donacion
- Commemorating National Donate Life Month 2016
- COPD: Prevention is Key
- Dia de los Muertos: Honoring those who have saved lives through donation
- Día del Nino: Celebrate the lives of children saved by organ, eye and tissue donation
- Donación de Órganos y Tejidos: Como Iniciar la Conversación
- Donate Life ECHO – Increases Awareness about Donation Among Multicultural Communities
- Donate Life Float Wins Judges Award at 130th Rose Parade
- Donate Life Rose Parade Float Wins Theme Award
- Done Vida ECO Busca Crear Conciencia sobre la Donación en Comunidades Multiculturales
- Donor Alliance celebrates National Donor Day with 9 News
- Donor Alliance Motored to the 2016 Denver Auto Show!
- Donor Alliance Partners with IndyCar Driver / Donor Brother Stefan Wilson
- Donor Dash 2017: Thousands Gather at Denver’s Washington Park to Celebrate the Gift of Life
- Donor Dash: Everything You Need to Know on Race Day
- Donor Dash: I’m Registered. How Else Can I Help?
- Donor Dash: What You Need to Know for Race Day
- ECHO Donate Life: Compartiendo la Importancia de la Donación de Órganos y Tejidos con las Comunidades Multiculturales
- ECHO Donate Life: Sharing the Importance of Organ and Tissue Donation with Multicultural Communities
- El Color Rosa en el Mes de la Concientización Sobre el Cáncer de Mama
- El Mes Nacional de Apreciación del DMV
- Eye Donation Month: Honoring the Gift of Sight
- Families and Heroic Donors Honored at 2018 Donor Family Tribute
- For Mom: Three Donation and Transplantation Books Perfect for Mother’s Day
- Growing Awareness and Support Through Another Successful National Donate Life Month
- Grupos multiculturales y la donación: ¿Importa la raza en los trasplantes de órganos?
- Heroes and Their Families Honored at 2019 Donor Family Tribute
- How to Start the Conversation on National Donor Day
- In Celebration of National Minority Donor Awareness Week
- In Honor of National Kidney Month
- Join us in celebrating the gift of life at events across Colorado and Wyoming this holiday season!
- Join us to celebrate the gift of life at the 9NEWS Parade of Lights this weekend
- Kick Off National Donate Life Month with NASCAR Driver Joey Gase at Old Chicago in Cheyenne!
- Kicking Off the Show Your Heart Project in Wyoming
- Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022
- La Necesidad de Trasplantes de Órganos Afecta a todas las Comunidades
- Light in the Darkness: Donate Life Float Wins Judges Trophy at 131st Rose Parade
- Meet NASCAR Driver Joey Gase at the Denver Auto Show!
- Mes de las personas mayores: ¿Soy demasiado mayor para ser donante?
- Mes del Recuerdo: Recordando a todos los Donantes de Órganos y Tejidos este Noviembre
- Mes Nacional del Riñón: Infórmate y Crea Conciencia.
- Mexican Consulate in Denver celebrates National Blue and Green Day
- Month of Remembrance: Remembering Organ, Eye and Tissue Donors this November
- NASCAR Driver Joey Gase Kicks Off National Donate Life Month in Wyoming
- National DMV Appreciation Month: Celebrating Partners Making a Difference
- National DMV Appreciation Week: Recognize Those That Help Make a Difference
- National Donor Day: Stories that Inspire Awareness Around Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- National Kidney Month: 98 Thousand Americans Wait for Kidney Transplants
- National Kidney Month: The Importance of Donation
- National Minority Donor Awareness Week
- National Pediatric Transplant Week: Ending the Pediatric Transplant Waiting List
- Natrona County DA speaks about his heart transplant
- New Ways to Celebrate: Coloradans and Wyomingites Celebrate National Donate Life Month Virtually
- Organ Donation Allows Grateful Dad to Spend Father’s Day with His Sons
- Paint the Town Blue and Green
- Personas como yo mueren en la lista de espera todos los días, pero hoy estoy aquí gracias a mi donante de riñón.
- Programa La Ciencia del Trasplante en el Podcast The Gifted Life
- Reconociendo a aquellos que ayudan a hacer la diferencia: Semana Nacional de Apreciación del DMV
- Ryan Harris, Super Bowl 50 Champion, Shares the Profound Impact Organ Donation has Had on His Family
- Semana Nacional de Trasplantes Pediátricos: Trabajando para poner fin a la lista de espera de trasplantes pediátricos
- September is National DMV Appreciation Month
- Show Your Heart Project In Wyoming Has A Big Impact!
- Start the “Heart” Conversation on Organ Donation this Valentine’s Day
- Stefan Wilson, IndyCar Driver, to Celebrate DMV Appreciation Week in Wyoming
- Team Rocky Mountain Excels at Transplant Games of America 2018
- Ten una Conversación de “Corazón” sobre la Donación de Órganos este Día de San Valentín
- Thank you Transplant Nurses & Donor Resource Teams!
- The Need for Lifesaving Organ Transplants Affects all Communities
- Thousands Celebrate Life at the 20th Annual Donor Dash 2019
- Thousands Celebrate Life at the 23rd Annual Donor Dash 5k
- Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life at 2015 Donor Dash
- Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life at the record-breaking 2016 Donor Dash
- Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life: 22nd Annual Donor Dash Event
- Three Easy Ways to #ShowYourHeart for National Blue & Green Day 2020
- Transplant recipient letter to the editor: Celebrate National Donate Life Month
- Volunteers Walk to Represent The Nearly 200 Wyomingites In Need of a Lifesaving Transplant
- Vote for the 2016 Donor Dash Race Shirt
- What is a Donate Life flag raising ceremony and what does it mean?
- What You Should Know About Liver Transplants
- Why You Should Celebrate Transplant and Donor Caregiver Support & Others This Month
- Wyoming Donor Family Tribute: Lives Transformed
- Wyoming Driver Services Employee Shares Personal Connection to Donation
- YOU Can Shine A Light On Donation at Home For Blue & Green Day!
How Donation Works
- ¿Cuáles son las Razones por las que Debería Registrarme como Donante de Órganos y Tejidos?
- ¿Cuántas vidas puede salvar un donante de órganos? Impacto de la donación de órganos
- ¿Los Doctores Salvarán Mi Vida Si Soy Donante de Órganos?
- ¿Por qué no se puede vender órganos en Estados Unidos?
- ¿Quién no puede ser donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos?
- #GetTheFacts: What Types of Donation Does the Donor Registry Cover?
- 5 Tough Questions We Get Asked
- Aftercare: Recursos para las familias de donantes
- Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant
- Book Reviews: Need Summer Reading Ideas?!
- Can transplanted organs be donated again?
- Cómo la Donación de Tejidos Impacta las Experiencias con Mastectomía Doble y Reconstrucción.
- Cómo se seleccionan los pacientes que reciben un trasplante?
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation: Information and Resources
- Don’t Have a Driver License or State ID? No Worries, You Can Still Sign Up to Be an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor
- Donation 101: Innovation & Teamwork
- Donation 101: Organ Donation Terms We Don’t Use and Why
- El Coronavirus (COVID-19) y la Donación y los trasplantes de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos: Información y Recursos
- El Proceso de Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos
- Es posible que seas receptor de tejidos ¿lo sabías?
- Frequently Asked Student Questions
- Get the Facts: Are My Family or My Estate Ever Charged for Donation?
- Hablando de los riñones: desde la enfermedad renal hasta los trasplantes
- Hospital 101: Donation Ambassador Workshop
- How is Someone Added to the National Transplant Waiting List?
- Is Coronavirus a Rule-out for Organ Transplants?
- Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022
- Living Donation: How Can I Help?
- Mes de las personas mayores: ¿Soy demasiado mayor para ser donante?
- Presumed Consent or Opt-Out: What does it mean?
- Teaching CO and WY Students the Importance of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- The Heart Truth about Heart Donation and Transplant
- The Organ and Tissue Donation Process: How It Works
- Transplantation Science – A Free Program for Grades 6-12
- Transplantation Science: Frequently Asked Student Questions
- Transplantation Science: New Resources This School Year
- Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos: Claves para un Proceso Seguro y Eficiente
- Venta de Órganos: es Legal en Estados Unidos?
- Why Don’t More People Register as Organ, Eye and Tissue Donors?
How Transplantation Works
- ¿Cuáles son las Razones por las que Debería Registrarme como Donante de Órganos y Tejidos?
- ¿Cuántas vidas puede salvar un donante de órganos? Impacto de la donación de órganos
- ¿Hay ayuda financiera disponible para pacientes que reciben un trasplante?
- ¿Por qué no se puede vender órganos en Estados Unidos?
- #InTheNews: Uterine Transplants
- 5 Tough Questions We Get Asked
- Asistencia Financiera para Pacientes Trasplantados
- Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant
- Beneficios por discapacidad después de un trasplante de órganos
- Book Reviews: Need Summer Reading Ideas?!
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Donated Tissue Can Help with Breast Reconstruction
- Can transplanted organs be donated again?
- Donation 101: Organ Donation Terms We Don’t Use and Why
- El Proceso de Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos
- Frequently Asked Student Questions
- How is Someone Added to the National Transplant Waiting List?
- Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022
- Octubre Mes del Cáncer de Mama: El Tejido Donado Puede Ayudar con la Reconstrucción de Seno
- Prevenir el Rechazo de Órganos y Tejidos
- Teaching CO and WY Students the Importance of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- The Heart Truth about Heart Donation and Transplant
- Tiempo para Trasplantar Órganos
- Transplantation Science – A Free Program for Grades 6-12
- Transplantation Science: Frequently Asked Student Questions
- Transplantation Science: New Resources This School Year
- Transporte de Órganos y Tejidos: Claves para un Proceso Seguro y Eficiente
- Trasplante de Pulmón y la Cirugía de Trasplante Pulmonar
- Vascular Composite Allograft: What is it?
- Venta de Órganos: es Legal en Estados Unidos?
- What You Should Know About Pancreas Transplants
Living Donation
- #InTheNews: Uterine Transplants
- 2017 Rose Parade Float Rider – Jeff Leone
- 8 Truths of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- American Transplant Foundation Offers a New Way to Find a Living Donor And Become One
- Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant
- Deceased vs. Living Donation: What Are You Committing to When You Say Yes at the Driver License Office?
- Eric Studesville Partners with Donor Alliance to Raise Awareness for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- Hablando de los riñones: desde la enfermedad renal hasta los trasplantes
- Living Donation: How Can I Help?
- Mes Nacional del Riñón: Infórmate y Crea Conciencia.
- Step-Daughter Gives Step-Dad the Gift of Life
- What You Should Know About Liver Transplants
Sin categorizar
- ¿Apoya mi religión la donación de órganos y tejidos?
- ¿Cuáles son las Razones por las que Debería Registrarme como Donante de Órganos y Tejidos?
- ¿Puede haber féretro abierto en un funeral tras una donación de órganos?
- ¿Qué es la Muerte Cerebral? Datos Clave sobre Donación y Trasplantes de Órganos
- “Gift of Life” Balloon Dazzles at Parade of Lights
- #MuestraTuCorazon en el Mes Nacional de Done Vida: Cómo crear conciencia sobre la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos desde tu casa
- #ShineALight: En el Mes Nacional de Done Vida, Enciende una Luz por la Donación de Órganos, Ojos y Tejidos.
- 2016 Cheyenne Christmas Parade – Celebrating the Gift of Life
- 4 Things to Know Leading Up to Donor Dash: Registration and Packet Pick-Up
- 8 Truths of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
- A Mother Hears Her Son’s Heartbeat In the Woman Whose Life He Saved
- Advocate Spotlight: Allison McKissen
- Advocate Spotlight: Gaby Landeros
- Advocate Spotlight: Judy Thompson
- Advocate Spotlight: Julie Gibson
- Advocate Spotlight: Julie Spear
- Advocate Spotlight: Lucy Williamson
- Advocate Spotlight: Noel Morris
- Advocate Spotlight: Patricia (Pat) Thomas
- Advocate Spotlight: Scott Pinkney
- Advocate Spotlight: Sydney Rhodes
- Altar de Día de Muertos, ofrendas a nuestros seres queridos
- Ampliando el Impacto de los Trasplantes de Médula Ósea
- Augmented Reality: Summer Activities for Students
- Black History Month and Raising Awareness for the Need for Minority Donors
- Book Reviews: Need Summer Reading Ideas?!
- Broncos Coach Takes Donate Life Message to the Field
- Casper Coyotes Host Donate Life Weekend
- Celebrating the Gift of Life This Holiday Season
- Colorado Moves to Yes-Carryover Process for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor Registry
- Cómo se seleccionan los pacientes que reciben un trasplante?
- Comunidad Donate Life; Fortaleciendo Comunidades a Través de la Donación.
- Coroner’s Corner: Emma Hall, Boulder County Coroner
- Coroner’s Corner: Q&A With Albany Co. WY Coroner Jennifer Graham
- Destacados de Nuestro Staff Donor Alliance Abril de 2023: Travis Kinder
- Does My Religion Support Organ and Tissue Donation?
- Does my religion support organ, eye and tissue donation?
- Donate Life ECHO – Increases Awareness about Donation Among Multicultural Communities
- Donate Life Rose Parade Float Wins Theme Award
- Donation 101: Focus on Relationships
- Donor Alliance honored for best practices in Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award categories
- Donor Alliance: 2017 Year in Review
- Driver License Offices celebrate National Donate Life Month
- El Mes Nacional de Apreciación del DMV
- El Regalo De Vida: Uno de Los Regalos Más Exclusivos Para Regalar en esta Navidad.
- Entendiendo la Compatibilidad en el Trasplante de Tejidos
- Faith and Donation
- Families and Heroic Donors Honored at 2018 Donor Family Tribute
- Foundation Spotlight: Jennifer Moe
- Historias de Esperanza que Inspiran – Pat Thomas, Donor Mother
- How Many People are Organ Donors?
- IN THE NEWS: February’s top organ, eye and tissue donation stories from around the nation
- Introducing a Colorado hero at the 2023 Rose Parade®
- Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022
- Liver Donation: Learn the facts during National Liver Month
- Martin Luther King: Celebramos su día y su Legado
- Mejorando el Sistema de Donación de Órganos con Centros de Recuperacion Especializados
- Mes de La Herencia Hispana. 15 de Septiembre al 15 de Octubre.
- Mes de las personas mayores: ¿Soy demasiado mayor para ser donante?
- Mes del Recuerdo: Recordando a todos los Donantes de Órganos y Tejidos este Noviembre
- National DMV Appreciation Week – September 24-28, 2018
- National Kidney Month: The Importance of Donation
- New Year. New Life. New Intentions.
- New Year’s Resolution Ideas
- Not Moving
- Presumed Consent or Opt-Out: What does it mean?
- Record Donor Designation Rate for Wyoming in 2018
- Registro de Donantes de Órganos en MyChart en CO y WY | Donate Life & Epic
- Saving More Lives Than Ever Before in 2022 – Donor Alliance Community Impact Report
- Staff Spotlight – Carrie Fox
- Staff Spotlight: Alison Gillum
- Staff Spotlight: Cassie Hertert
- Staff Spotlight: Joyleen Helcoski
- Staff Spotlight: Keenan Heyde
- Staff Spotlight: Kristi Colton
- Staff Spotlight: Kristina Geissler
- Staff Spotlight: Valerie Toth
- Stefan Wilson, IndyCar Driver, to Celebrate DMV Appreciation Week in Wyoming
- Su Familia Puede Anular su Decisión de ser Donante?
- Team Rocky Mountain Excels at Transplant Games of America 2018
- Tiempo para Trasplantar Órganos
- Transplant touchdown: Gavin Maxwell, new liver control the gridiron – The Sheridan Press, Sheridan, WY
- Transplantation Science: Aprendiendo sobre la ciencia de la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos
- Trasplante de Órganos Entre Comunidades Multiculturales
- Una Inspiradora Historia de Esperanza – Joe Kovarik
- Video: Babette – Donor Mother
- Video: Ellen Stoddard Keyes – Donor Mother
- Video: Heart Recipient Writes Children’s Book
- Video: I’m Registered! Now What?
- Video: Kate Geer – 2017 Rose Parade Float Rider
- What is a Donate Life flag raising ceremony and what does it mean?
- Who can register to donate organs after death?
- Wyoming Driver License Has a New Look and a New Heart Donation Symbol
- Young NASCAR Driver Promotes Organ Donation – FOX 31, Denver, CO