Sign Up For Training

At Donor Alliance, our Advocates for Life are a vital component in fulfilling our mission to save lives through organ and tissue donation. Our Advocates for Life volunteer program strives to offer numerous introductory training classes, specialized messaging and speech writer’s workshops, in addition to presentations from our expert staff on the processes of organ and tissue donation. We aim to provide a multitude of training and educational opportunities throughout the year to equip our Advocates with the greatest skills and knowledge base in order to best advocate action towards registering organ and tissue donors throughout Colorado and Wyoming
Ready to become an Advocate for Life?
Advocate 101
This orientation session is for potential Advocates & lasts approximately 60 minutes. You’ll get an introduction to Donor Alliance, the cause of organ and tissue donation, the Advocates for Life volunteer program and the next steps to getting involved.
- Saturday, April 12, 10:00am-11:00am. To register, click here.
- Wednesday, May 7, 6:30pm-7:30pm. To register, click here.
Becoming a Community Advocate
This session is for Advocates who have completed Advocate 101 and are ready to activate in their communities! Advocates will learn more about the Advocates for Life volunteer program, setting up a Donor Designation Station, interacting with members of the community and telling your connection to donation and transplantation within the setting of a community event.
*All training dates/times are subject to change.
- Saturday, April 12, 11:00am-12:00pm. To register, click here.
Advocate Speakers Bureau
This workshop is designed for Advocates who desire to work on developing their stories in a safe and supportive environment. As a group we will discuss the importance of: setting the tone, knowing your audience, evaluating your opportunity, repetition with structure, phrases and key words. Each Advocate will be provided with constructive feedback, pointers and guidance to improve the effectiveness of their own presentations. *All Advocates must complete Advocate 101 prior to completing this training.
- Stay tuned for the summer training schedule!
For more information, or to sign up, contact:
Mandy Dahm, CVA- Volunteer Manager