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Share on Social Media

An easy way to celebrate National Donor Sabbath is to share our images, inspirational videos and testimonials of local people touched by organ, eye and tissue donation and share them on social media using the Hastag #NationalDonorSabbath or #NDS .
Share on your personal accounts or encourage your faith community to share. Start sharing today and help raise awareness about the lifesaving gift of donation and transplantation! Visit our Faith and Donation page for more resources and ideas on how to share the message of organ, eye and tissue donation with your faith community.
Inspirational Videos:
Rev. Dustin Frye Talks about Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
Pastor Carlos Calandreli Shares a Message about Donation and Transplantation
Jaime, cornea recipient and advocate for life encourages the community to discuss donation and transplantation with their leaders
Social Media Graphics (Click on each image to enlarge.)
- Colorado Facebook Images – Use these images and link visitors to
- Colorado Twitter Images – Use these images and link visitors to
- Wyoming Facebook Images– Use these images and link visitors to
- Wyoming Twitter Images – Use these images and link visitors to
Stories of Hope