Donation Essentials Blog

February 21, 2025

What is the Time Frame for Transplanting Organs?

Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation Saves Lives The lifesaving benefits of organ donation and transplantation are widely known and accepted. Many don’t realize how critical and complex the time frame for transplanting organs from donor to recipient can be. If you’re wondering how long organs are viable after death, the short answer is – that […]

May 3, 2022

Advocate Spotlight: Melody Connett

Donor Alliance Advocates for Life are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and educate our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our Advocates have their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this Advocate Spotlight, meet […]

April 29, 2022

Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022

Every year during the last week of National Donate Life Month, we celebrate National Pediatric Transplant Week, a time to talk about efforts to end the pediatric transplant waiting list and recognize those that have been touched by pediatric organ, eye and tissue donation. Throughout the week, clinical partners are encouraged to share patient stories, […]

April 21, 2022

National Blue & Green Day is April 12

National Blue & Green Day 2024 is a time to #ShineALight in support of organ, eye and tissue donation! The observance is recognized nationally every year during National Donate Life Month. Community members are asked to wear blue and green to show their support and raise awareness about the importance of organ and tissue donation. […]

April 18, 2022

Personas como yo mueren en la lista de espera todos los días, pero hoy estoy aquí gracias a mi donante de riñón.

Mi nuevo riñón me ha dado una segunda oportunidad para disfrutar la vida. Por lo tanto, este mes, en reconocimiento del Mes Nacional de Done Vida y en agradecimiento mi donante, invito a todos los residentes hispanos y latinos de nuestra comunidad a decir Sí a la donación de órganos, ojos y tejidos y a […]

April 6, 2022

American Transplant Foundation Offers a New Way to Find a Living Donor And Become One

Imagine you or a loved one have just found out that you need an organ transplant to survive. Well, you are in luck, because today, Living Donor Day, April 6, is a great opportunity to learn about your transplant options from our partner, the American Transplant Foundation.* Last year, 152 people in our community died […]

April 5, 2022

Advocate Spotlight: Mark Holder

Donor Alliance Advocates for Life are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and educate our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our Advocates have their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this Advocate Spotlight, meet […]

March 31, 2022

#EnciendeUnaLuz en Abril, el Mes Nacional de Done Vida

Abril es el Mes Nacional de Done Vida 2022, un momento especial para honrar la generosidad de nuestros heroicos donantes y sus familias, celebrar la vida de los receptores de trasplantes y reconocer a los casi 1,500 habitantes de Colorado y Wyoming en espera de un trasplante que salve su vida. Inspirados por Tony, uno […]

March 30, 2022

Staff Spotlight: Anne Gaspers

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. In this month’s staff spotlight, meet Anne Gaspers. Anne is the Public Education Coordinator at […]