What You Should Know About Pancreas Transplants
Pancreas transplants are one of the rarest types of organ transplants performed annually. Only 135 people received a life-saving pancreas transplant in 2020. In fact, pancreas transplants have become increasingly rare since 2004. There are different reasons for this including difficulty in both the recovery and transplantation processes, other available treatments that are less invasive […]
Advocate Spotlight: Tiffany Davis
Donor Alliance Advocates for Life are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our Advocates have their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this Advocate Spotlight, meet […]
Staff Spotlight: Chad Skurdahl
We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. In this month’s staff spotlight, meet Chad Skurdahl, an Organ Recovery Specialist. In this role, […]
¿Por qué no se puede vender órganos en Estados Unidos?
Una pregunta que nos hacen ocasionalmente es si una persona puede vender sus órganos o recibir algún tipo de incentivo financiero por donarlos. En corto, la respuesta es NO. Te invitamos a seguir leyendo para aprender más sobre las bases legales de la donación de órganos y tejidos y por qué estos son considerados un […]
Can You Sell Organs in the United States?
A question we get asked occasionally is whether a person can sell their organs or receive some form of financial incentive for donating them. In short, the answer is NO. Selling Organs in the United States is Illegal In fact, it’s illegal to sell organs and tissues for transplants in the United States. The National […]
Why You Should Celebrate Transplant and Donor Caregiver Support & Others This Month
Teachers. Nurses. Mothers. Transplant and Donor Caregivers. We are celebrating these amazing caregivers and transplant and donor caregiver support over the next week and wanted to take a moment to honor them. So…what words come to mind when you think of these people in your life? If you do a quick search on the internet […]
Semana Nacional de Trasplantes Pediátricos: Trabajando para poner fin a la lista de espera de trasplantes pediátricos
Cada año, durante el Mes Nacional Done Vida, celebramos también la Semana Nacional de Trasplantes Pediátricos, que busca difundir el mensaje de poner fin a la lista de espera de trasplantes pediátricos y reconocer a aquellos niños y jóvenes—y a las familias—que han sido tocados por la donación y los trasplantes. Este año, la semana […]
National Pediatric Transplant Week: Ending the Pediatric Transplant Waiting List
Every year during National Donate Life Month we celebrate National Pediatric Transplant Week, a time to spread the message of ending the pediatric transplant waiting list and recognize those that have been touched by pediatric organ, eye and tissue donation. Throughout the week, clinical partners are encouraged to share patient stories, transplant recipients can share […]