The Second Act: An Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation Story – 10 Minute Stories that Will Inspire You to Live Life to the Fullest
Donor Alliance’s new YouTube video series, The Second Act: An Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation Story, will transform the way you look at the gift of life and inspire you to live life renewed! Hear from donor family members, transplant recipients, transplant recipient family members and more from throughout Colorado and Wyoming who’ve used their […]
The Heart Truth about Heart Donation and Transplant
When we think of February, we often picture a heart. This heart symbolizes many things; from love, to Valentine’s Day, to American Heart Month. But for others, a heart holds a much deeper meaning. For those few individuals who have received a heart transplant, it symbolizes the difference between life and death and every thumping […]
Staff Spotlight: Alicia Jackson
We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. In this month’s staff spotlight, meet Alicia Jackson, a Quality Assurance Coordinator. In this role, […]
Advocate Spotlight: Gabriel Basquez
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this advocate […]
La Lista de Espera No Puede Esperar: Número Récord de Donantes de Órganos y Vidas Salvadas en el 2020 – Colorado y Wyoming
A pesar de la pandemia de COVID-19, Donor Alliance registró el 2020 como el año más exitoso con respecto a las vidas salvadas a través de la donación y el trasplante de órganos que jamás haya visto. En el 2020, un número récord de donantes de órganos heroicos salvaron 622 vidas a través de la […]
The Waitlist Can’t Wait: Record Number of Heroic Organ Donors and Lives Saved in 2020 – Colorado & Wyoming
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Donor Alliance recorded 2020 as the most successful year for lives saved through organ donation and transplantation that the region has ever seen. In 2020, a record number of heroic organ donors saved 622 lives through organ donation and transplantation and thousands more lives were saved and healed through tissue donation […]
Last Christmas: A Review Through a Donate Life Lens
“Very emotional for me, but I feel like it’s a movie worth seeing as a donor family member,” said Laurie. Laurie is a donor’s wife and an Advocate for Life from Casper, Wyoming who helped us review the 2019 romantic holiday comedy, Last Christmas, through a Donate Life lens. While Laurie’s connection to donation and […]
Presumed Consent or Opt-Out: What does it mean?
You may have been hearing the term “presumed consent” or “opt-out” lately when it comes to organ and tissue donation around the world. The UK is the most recent country to adopt legislation that supports this. The United States operates under an opt-in, first-person consent system. This means individuals must personally, actively sign up on […]