Donation Essentials Blog

February 21, 2025

What is the Time Frame for Transplanting Organs?

Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation Saves Lives The lifesaving benefits of organ donation and transplantation are widely known and accepted. Many don’t realize how critical and complex the time frame for transplanting organs from donor to recipient can be. If you’re wondering how long organs are viable after death, the short answer is – that […]

March 16, 2021

Hablando de los riñones: desde la enfermedad renal hasta los trasplantes

En su mayor parte, todo el mundo nace con dos riñones que funcionan de forma saludable. La mayoría de las personas no piensa en sus riñones a diario, pero para aquellos sufren de enfermedad renal o para los receptores de un trasplante de riñón, esos dos pequeños órganos en forma de frijol son muy importantes. […]

March 9, 2021

One Year Later: Answering the Top Five Questions on COVID-19 & Organ Donation

March 2021 marks one year of saving lives through organ and tissue donation and transplantation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the onset of the pandemic, we’ve received many questions relating to the impact COVID-19 has on donation and transplantation. We compiled a list of the top five most frequently asked questions and answered them, below. […]

March 1, 2021

Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant

For the most part, everyone is born with two healthy functioning kidneys. Most people don’t think about their kidneys on a daily basis, but for those with kidney disease or kidney transplant recipients, those two small bean-shaped organs are very important. The National Kidney Foundation or NKF is joining us during National Kidney Month to […]

February 18, 2021

The Second Act: An Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation Story – 10 Minute Stories that Will Inspire You to Live Life to the Fullest

Donor Alliance’s new YouTube video series, The Second Act: An Organ, Eye & Tissue Donation Story, will transform the way you look at the gift of life and inspire you to live life renewed! Hear from donor family members, transplant recipients, transplant recipient family members and more from throughout Colorado and Wyoming who’ve used their […]

February 9, 2021

The Heart Truth about Heart Donation and Transplant

When we think of February, we often picture a heart. This heart symbolizes many things; from love, to Valentine’s Day, to American Heart Month. But for others, a heart holds a much deeper meaning. For those few individuals who have received a heart transplant, it symbolizes the difference between life and death and every thumping […]

January 31, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Alicia Jackson

We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to share who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. In this month’s staff spotlight, meet Alicia Jackson, a Quality Assurance Coordinator. In this role, […]

January 29, 2021

Advocate Spotlight: Gabriel Basquez

Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this advocate […]

January 20, 2021

La Lista de Espera No Puede Esperar: Número Récord de Donantes de Órganos y Vidas Salvadas en el 2020 – Colorado y Wyoming

A pesar de la pandemia de COVID-19, Donor Alliance registró el 2020 como el año más exitoso con respecto a las vidas salvadas a través de la donación y el trasplante de órganos que jamás haya visto. En el 2020, un número récord de donantes de órganos heroicos salvaron 622 vidas a través de la […]