Donation Essentials Blog

March 20, 2025

Is There an Age Limit for Organ and Tissue Donation?

Our Advocates for Life say some of the most frequently asked questions they get from the public is, “is there an age limit for organ and tissue donation?” or “how old is too old to donate?” So, is There an Age Limit for Donation? Can You Be Too Old to Donate? The short answer is, […]

February 8, 2016

Donor sister letter to the editor: Say “yes”

We thank Melanie, of Fort Collins, for sharing her heartfelt advocacy for the cause of organ, eye and tissue donation with her hometown newspaper over the holidays. Melanie is the sister of an organ donor; check out her message: Letter: Say “yes” to organ, tissue donation Between the gift-buying frenzy and holiday festivities, it can […]

February 8, 2016

36K African Americans Wait For Transplants

In celebration of Black History Month, we recognize the more than 36,000 African Americans who are waiting for a lifesaving transplant right now. In our community alone there are more than 250 African Americans waiting for an organ transplant. Transplants matches made within the same ethnic group can be more compatible, which is why it’s […]

October 9, 2015

Vinny Castilla Public Service Announcement

Heroes say yes! Thank you to baseball great and Colorado hometown hero Vinny Castilla for supporting organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation. You can learn more and register as a donor at!

July 31, 2015

Thousands Celebrate the Gift of Life at 2015 Donor Dash

On July 19th, Donor Alliance hosted the 16th Annual Donor Dash at Washington Park in Denver. More than 4,600 registered participants gathered to support and spread awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation. The Donor Dash is a 5K run/walk to honor the lives of organ, eye and tissue donors, celebrate the lives of organ, […]