Donation Essentials Blog
Advocate Spotlight: Gabriel Basquez

Gabe with his sister at the Parade of Lights in Denver.
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this advocate spotlight, meet Gabriel Basquez, a heart transplant recipient from Denver, CO.
Get to Know Gabriel Basquez in this Month’s Advocate Spotlight:
What’s your favorite memory or event volunteering at Donor Alliance so far? My favorite part of volunteering is the parade of lights, where I get to carry big balloons and wear oversized shirts.
If you could take an all-expenses paid vacation, where would you go? Mario World at Universal Studios in Japan.
What are some of your favorite hobbies? Video games, fishing, golf and reading graphic novels.
What is your favorite holiday and why? Christmas because we get to spend time together and be grateful
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Be prepared for anything.
What is your favorite food? Cheeseburgers!
If you’re interested in volunteering with us we’d love to have you join our Advocates for Life program! Get started.