Janet regularly volunteers her time as an Adocate for Life with Donor Alliance at events such as the Denver Auto Show.
In the fall of 2011, Janet Rost fell into end stage liver disease. Her doctor at the time encouraged her to complete her bucket list without delay, but thanks to the ultimate gift from someone she’ll never know, she is living life to the fullest with a new liver.
Janet’s problems began when she unknowingly contracted Hepatitis C from a blood transfusion after a near fatal car accident over 30 years earlier. In the 13 years she knew of her disease, she underwent interferon treatment and actively tried to heal herself through healthy, clean living. It wasn’t enough and she went onto the waiting list for a transplant while rapidly slipping into liver failure.
The day she learned about her new liver was the happiest of her life, rivaled only by her wedding day and the birth of her son.
Seven weeks after the transplant, Janet walked the Donor Dash 5K in honor of her donor. These days, she spends as much time as possible with her son, volunteers with Donor Alliance, and rides with Team Transplant’s cycling team.
“My husband and I take time to appreciate life with each other and I take care of this liver as if I’m sharing it with my donor. She lives on inside me and I never take life for granted,” she said.