Donation Essentials Blog
Advocate Spotlight: Noel Morris

Noel Morris – Donor Mother
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of registering as organ, eye and tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we are featuring Noel, a Donor Mother from Centennial, CO.
Favorite memory volunteering with Donor Alliance: My favorite memory so far was getting to do the Christmas parade in Wyoming with my family. It was a wonderful experience.
If you could take an all-expenses paid vacation, where would you go: I would go home to California in the Santa Barbara area.
What is the last book you read or movie you saw: Last book or movie would be Wonder woman and I would recommend it. I love superhero movies.
What is your greatest accomplishment: My greatest accomplishment is graduating from college I’m the only one in my family to graduate from a college so it meant a lot to me and it was a good learning experience.
What song would you sing at karaoke night: That’s a hard one I sing all the time and I love so many different types of music but I guess it would be Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do: If I won the lottery I would take a 3 month vacation.
What is one thing you could not go a day without: I could not go a day without My family.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received: Advice, I can spend my days focusing on all the difficult things I’ve been through and the loss of those I’ve loved or I can choose to be happy for what today will bring and find Joy in God and the people who surround me.