After about 30 years of diabetes, Warren’s mother’s kidneys started to shut down and she began dialysis. He knew he had to do something to help. After a few months of extensive testing, Warren gave his mother the ultimate gift when donated a kidney to her on Valentines Day of 2003. All of this happened while he was on active duty in the Army in a unit preparing to deploy to Iraq. Thanks to some understanding leadership, Warren was allowed to donate and recuperate before deploying and meeting my unit later on. Now Warren is one of Our Advocates for Life and volunteers to help spread awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation. Help us in thanking this hero!

What is your favorite memory while volunteering? Meeting people, sharing my story, hearing theirs and being able to answer their questions.
What is your favorite color? Orange
What 3 words best describe you? Intelligent, Honest, Giving
What state where you born in? Minnesota
What is your favorite animal? Dogs, all 4 of ours!
What is your dream vacation? I have been in about 32 different countries so far but something new would be an extended, relaxing trip to Belize!
If you won the lottery, what would is the first thing you would purchase? As much as I want to say a Ferrari, common sense would probably win out. The first large purchase would be a new home.
What is your favorite form of exercise? None although I walk and do a kicked up form of yoga, DDP Yoga.