How Donation Works

Will Doctors Still Save my Life if I’m a Registered Organ Donor?

Doctors will do EVERYTHING in their power to save your life, even if you’re a registered organ donor. Here’s why: Many people wonder: will doctors save my life if I’m a registered organ donor? Medical professionals prioritize saving lives when sick or injured people arrive at the hospital. They do not consider organ and tissue […]

Can You Have an Open Casket After Organ Donation?

May 2, 2023 // How Donation Works

We hear a lot of myths about donation. One of the most common myths is that deceased donors can’t have an open casket funeral after organ donation. The facts: Donors are always treated with the utmost respect and dignity throughout the entire donation process. Neither organ nor tissue donation affects funeral arrangements, including interfering with […]

What are the Reasons I Should Become an Organ and Tissue Donor?

The need for our community to register as organ, eye and tissue donors is incredibly high. Nearly 1,500 people in Colorado and Wyoming on the waitlist for a lifesaving organ transplant.  Many people wonder, “why should I be an organ donor”? Well, we’re here to tell you the many reasons you should consider becoming a […]

What Organs Can Be Donated?

January 19, 2023 // How Donation Works

When you say Yes to organ, eye, and tissue donation and join the Donate Life Colorado Organ & Tissue Donor Registry at the Driver License Office, you have made the decision to donate your organs, eyes, and tissues after death. Do you know what organs can be donated and transplanted?   Organ donation is giving […]

Book Reviews: Need Summer Reading Ideas?!

Summer is only halfway over and parents are ready for kids to be back in school! Vacations are mostly over, school supplies are on sale and back to school clothes are out in the stores. It’s also when we remember that there is probably a summer reading assignment hiding in the backpack that hasn’t been […]

Kids Need Transplants Too: National Pediatric Transplant Week 2022

Every year during the last week of National Donate Life Month, we celebrate National Pediatric Transplant Week, a time to talk about efforts to end the pediatric transplant waiting list and recognize those that have been touched by pediatric organ, eye and tissue donation. Throughout the week, clinical partners are encouraged to share patient stories, […]

How is Someone Added to the National Transplant Waiting List?

Have you ever wondered how someone is listed on the national transplant waiting list? We often hear about the national waiting list and the thousands of people waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, but not everybody is familiar with how the listing process works. In this edition of Donation Essentials, we break down how the […]

Transplantation Science – A Free Program for Grades 6-12

November is the month of gratitude and this November, we’d like to take a moment to thank all of the teachers who support our Transplantation Science program every year. We are grateful that you continue to look for ways to bring interactive activities into your classroom and value the feedback you give us. Support your […]

¿Por qué no se puede vender órganos en Estados Unidos?

Una pregunta que nos hacen ocasionalmente es si una persona puede vender sus órganos o recibir algún tipo de incentivo financiero por donarlos. En corto, la respuesta es NO. Te invitamos a seguir leyendo para aprender más sobre las bases legales de la donación de órganos y tejidos y por qué estos son considerados un […]

Hablando de los riñones: desde la enfermedad renal hasta los trasplantes

En su mayor parte, todo el mundo nace con dos riñones que funcionan de forma saludable. La mayoría de las personas no piensa en sus riñones a diario, pero para aquellos sufren de enfermedad renal o para los receptores de un trasplante de riñón, esos dos pequeños órganos en forma de frijol son muy importantes. […]

Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant

For the most part, everyone is born with two healthy functioning kidneys. Most people don’t think about their kidneys on a daily basis, but for those with kidney disease or kidney transplant recipients, those two small bean-shaped organs are very important. The National Kidney Foundation or NKF is joining us during National Kidney Month to […]

The Heart Truth about Heart Donation and Transplant

When we think of February, we often picture a heart. This heart symbolizes many things; from love, to Valentine’s Day, to American Heart Month. But for others, a heart holds a much deeper meaning. For those few individuals who have received a heart transplant, it symbolizes the difference between life and death and every thumping […]