Living Donation

Recognize National Kidney Month This March: Raise Awareness & Become A Donor

National Kidney Month: Are you one of the 33% of People at Risk of Kidney Disease? March is National Kidney Month, and March 13th, 2025 marks World Kidney Day. Donor Alliance aims to spread awareness about kidney disease to save and heal more lives in Colorado and Wyoming. Donor Alliance is a nonprofit organization that […]

What Is A Living Donation

April 6, 2024 // Living Donation , Uncategorized

Living donation is another incredible way you can help save the life of someone waiting for an organ transplant. Through living donation, a living person can donate a kidney or part of the liver, lung, intestine or pancreas to another person in need of a transplant. There are many factors to look at when considering […]

American Transplant Foundation Offers a New Way to Find a Living Donor And Become One

April 6, 2022 // Living Donation

Imagine you or a loved one have just found out that you need an organ transplant to survive. Well, you are in luck, because today, Living Donor Day, April 6, is a great opportunity to learn about your transplant options from our partner, the American Transplant Foundation.* Last year, 152 people in our community died […]

What You Should Know About Liver Transplants

Did you know that nearly 500 people in our area are waiting for a liver transplant? About 30 million people – or one in 10 people in the United States – have some form of liver disease. For these reasons, liver health and awareness is at the forefront this month. Learn More During National Liver […]

Hablando de los riñones: desde la enfermedad renal hasta los trasplantes

En su mayor parte, todo el mundo nace con dos riñones que funcionan de forma saludable. La mayoría de las personas no piensa en sus riñones a diario, pero para aquellos sufren de enfermedad renal o para los receptores de un trasplante de riñón, esos dos pequeños órganos en forma de frijol son muy importantes. […]

Back to Kidney Basics: From Disease to Donation and Transplant

For the most part, everyone is born with two healthy functioning kidneys. Most people don’t think about their kidneys on a daily basis, but for those with kidney disease or kidney transplant recipients, those two small bean-shaped organs are very important. The National Kidney Foundation or NKF is joining us during National Kidney Month to […]

#InTheNews: Uterine Transplants

One of the biggest stories in organ donation and transplantation so far this year has been the story of Jennifer Gobrecht, the second woman in the U.S. to have a uterus transplant from a deceased donor. You may have seen her story featured in any number of major news outlets across the country, including the […]

Living Donation: How Can I Help?

February 21, 2019 // How Donation Works , Living Donation

Nearly 2,000 Colorado and Wyoming residents are waiting on a lifesaving transplant. While Donor Alliance works exclusively with deceased donors and their families, living donation is another way people can help save lives and spare many of the individuals on the transplant list from what can be a lengthy wait. Local Need: Of those in […]

2017 Rose Parade Float Rider – Jeff Leone

This year, we are honored to have Jeff Leone represent us at the 129th Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA. Jeff is traveling from Denver to escort the 15th annual Donate Life Rose Parade float on January 1. Jeff will be joined by 24 other individuals from around the country whose lives have also been impacted […]

8 Truths of Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation

In Colorado and Wyoming, more than 2,500 are waiting for lifesaving transplants, but many misconceptions and myths about organ, eye and tissue donation have prevented people from registering to be donors. Here are eight lesser-known truths about organ donation: One donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation and save or heal more […]

Deceased vs. Living Donation: What Are You Committing to When You Say Yes at the Driver License Office?

In 2015, we conducted a study examining Colorado and Wyoming residents’ sentiments about organ, eye and tissue donation. Throughout 2016, we will be sharing some of the results on Donation Essentials to educate on the donation process, barriers to registration and what exactly the little heart on the driver license means. Let’s talk deceased vs. […]

Eric Studesville Partners with Donor Alliance to Raise Awareness for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation

Eric Studesville, a coach for the Denver Broncos, has partnered with Donor Alliance to honor organ, eye and tissue donors, candidates, recipients and their families while also raising awareness for the cause. We are thrilled to have Eric’s support along with all of our advocates and volunteers that have been touched by donation. Eric’s Story: […]