¿Apoya mi religión la donación de órganos y tejidos?
Para los fieles, comprender la conexión entre su religión y la donación es clave para decir Sí a salvar vidas y registrarse como donante de órganos, ojos y tejidos. A menudo, el apoyo religioso a la donación es una de las preocupaciones que surge cuando se habla de donación y los trasplantes y se toma […]
Does My Religion Support Organ and Tissue Donation?
The Connection Between Faith and Donation For the faithful, understanding their religions support of donation is key to saying yes to saving lives as an organ, eye and tissue donor. Often times, religious support of donation is one of the concerns that comes up when discussing donation and transplantation and making the decision to be […]
What to Expect after COVID-19 at DMV Offices
As our region transitions back to an open status after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, you will see some changes in your neighborhoods and communities. One of the places where you can expect to see changes is at your local DMV offices. We work closely with our region’s DMVs, so we wanted you to […]
Wyoming Driver License Has a New Look and a New Heart Donation Symbol
This year, Wyomingites will see a new look for their driver license and state identification cards. Wyoming recently adopted this new version, showcasing Devil’s Tower on the front and the state capitol on the back. The goal was to make these forms of identification more secure and unique to the beautiful state. The licenses and […]
What is a Donate Life flag raising ceremony and what does it mean?
Have you ever seen a Donate Life flag raising ceremony? Ever wondered what the Donate Life flag represents? In this post, we’re breaking down what the ceremony means and why they are held, what the flag stands for, and how you can continue to show your support for organ, eye and tissue donation. National Donate […]
Donation 101: Focus on Relationships
Throughout April, our team of Donation Consultants will be coordinating a variety of hospital activities in celebration of National Donate Life Month. Some of these events include flag raising ceremonies to honor organ and tissue donors and illumination displays to raise donation awareness. Through critical care rounds, lunch and learns, hospital leadership presentations, and donation […]
National Kidney Month: The Importance of Donation
In honor of National Kidney Month this March, we remind Colorado and Wyoming residents to think about the health of their kidneys and urge all residents to sign up as organ, eye and tissue donors.
Does my religion support organ, eye and tissue donation?
Have you ever wondered what your religion says about donation and transplantation? No doubt, this is one of the questions that often comes up when discussing donation and transplantation. The good news is that all major religions support organ, eye and tissue donation, and see it as an act of compassion and love. In fact, […]
Record Donor Designation Rate for Wyoming in 2018
How do we know if residents support organ, eye and tissue donation? We measure the public’s support of donation with the donor designation rate. Although small in population, Wyoming stands tall when it comes to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. The donor designation rate (DDR) is the rate at which individuals join […]
Advocate Spotlight: Patricia (Pat) Thomas
Donor Alliance volunteers and advocates are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of registering as organ, eye and tissue donors in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our volunteers and advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. This month, we are featuring Patricia […]
Staff Spotlight: Keenan Heyde
We’re so proud to work with each and every one of our staff members here at Donor Alliance. In our Staff Spotlight, we like to take a minute to let you learn more about who we are and why we work at Donor Alliance. Keenan Heyde, a Donor Alliance Donation Consultant, has a rich personal […]
Stefan Wilson, IndyCar Driver, to Celebrate DMV Appreciation Week in Wyoming
The annual DMV Appreciation Week, observed nationally, aims to celebrate and honor the hard work of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs), administrators and licensing partners across the nation for their partnership and commitment to educating and registering each customer as an organ, eye and tissue donor. In Wyoming, 60% of those with a driver […]