Professional Partners

Donor Alliance values our partnership with all Colorado and Wyoming County Coroners and their staff. We recognize the coroner community plays a key role in facilitating the organ and tissue donation process and ultimately providing the gift of life to the more than 2,500 in need in our area. To better collaborate in facilitating the gift of life, Donor Alliance offers the following resources to all Colorado and Wyoming Coroners.
Coroner Referral Program
As a Coroner for the State of Colorado or the State of Wyoming, you can play a significant role in helping both grieving families and patients in need of lifesaving, life-enhancing tissue grafts by notifying Donor Alliance of any deaths that do not occur in a hospital. This is a great service to those in need of transplants and to surviving families and friends who would like to choose donation.
Coroners Educational Tools & Info
Handouts and literature regarding organ and tissue donation information and processes.
Coroner Donation Toolkit
A full-time Coroner Liaison with background in the industry is available to you and your staff with any issues or concerns regarding organ and tissue donation.
Answering service for organ and/or tissue (Available 24/7): (800) 448-4644
Educational sessions are available for every Coroner’s office as well as for Emergency Responders, Police and Sherriff’s Departments, and Victim Advocates.
2014 Position Paper: Medical Examiner Release of Organs and Tissues for Transplantation. Please visit the Coroner Donation Toolkit for information.
Do you have a unique story to tell? Submit an article for our bi-monthly newsletter to the coroner liaison
Educational materials and speakers can be provided to help you make a difference by educating your community on organ and tissue donation. Please contact the coroner liaison for more information.
Workplace Partnership for Life –The Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL) is a national initiative that unites the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the organ donation community with workplaces throughout the nation to spread the word about the importance of donation. Workplace partners make a commitment to educate their employees, members, and/or customers on the critical importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation and provide opportunities for people to register as donors.
If you have any additional questions or needs please contact our coroner liaison.

Jen Vien