Stories of Hope

Donor Mother: Amy
Amy is a donor mother from Englewood, CO. Amy’s daughter, Nicole, was just 15 years old when she passed away in 2001. This is Amy and Nicole’s donation story.

Amy’s daughter, Nicole
I feel that I, too, am living again since Nicole’s death. Knowing Nicole saved so many lives through her gifts, I feel such peace and calmness in my heart.
There is nothing more devastating than losing a child. But in the midst of her loss, Amy made a decision that ultimately saved many lives. Amy’s daughter Nicole donated her heart, liver and kidney to people in need of lifesaving transplants. Because of this generous gift, numerous people were given a second chance at life.
Mandee is one of those people. She had suffered from a congenital heart defect since birth, but after receiving Nicole’s heart, Mandee has a new lease on life. In 2003, Mandee was a bridesmaid in Nicole’s sister’s wedding.
Amy telling Nicole’s story in honor of National Donate Life Month at Swedish Medical Center for a flag raising ceremony.
Donor Alliance has been a great lifeline for me. They were there for our family during our grief and they serve as a support to us today. Almost 10 months after Nicole died, I attended a Donor Alliance workshop on how to tell your story. I always knew that donating was the right thing to do, but until that day I never realized how many people die waiting for organs. That was the day I realized I’d been so wrapped up in the tragedy of Nicole’s death that I forgot that she gave three people a new lease on life. It really hit home that something good had come out of this tragedy.
Amy is an Advocate for Life, volunteering her time at events, media interviews and more in honor of Nicole.
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