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Affiliated Organizations

Donor Alliance works with several local and national organizations to help save and heal the lives of others through organ and tissue donation. Visit the below links and view the below lists to learn more about our partners.
Local Partners
Mission Statement: Inspired by the gift of donation from our communities, AlloSource responsibly provides innovative cellular and tissue allografts to advance patient healing.
Founded in 1994, AlloSource is one of the nation’s largest non-profit providers of bone and soft tissue allografts for use in a host of medical treatments.
American Transplant Foundation
Mission Statement: The American Transplant Foundation works to save lives by reducing the list of women, men, and children waiting for a lifesaving transplant by maximizing living donation.
The American Transplant Foundation’s programs provide emotional, educational, and financial support to living donors, transplant recipients, and their families across the country. Their national Mentorship program offers free, one-on-one emotional support and guidance for patients and their families during their transplant journey. Mentors can help patients navigate the transplant system, build strategies to find a living donor, and speak to their loved ones about donation.
Vitalant Blood Donation
Mission Statement: Vitalant works to unite blood and biologics donors, talent, and innovation to save and improve lives
Vitalant operates nine community donor centers, serves over 115 statewide healthcare facilities, collects more than 200,000 units of blood every year and offers a variety of services to better meet the needs of the community.
Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank
Mission Statement: The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank (RMLEB) is a community based, charitable, non-profit organization that crusades against blindness through sight restoring transplants and research into ways to overcome blindness.
The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank is dedicated to fulfilling the altruistic wish of their eye donors and their families and helping others in need through transplantation of donated eye tissues.
National Partners
American Association of Tissue Banks
The American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) is a scientific, not-for-profit, peer group organization founded in 1976 to facilitate the provision of transplantable cells and tissues of uniform high quality in quantities sufficient to meet national needs.
American Heart Association
Mission Statement: To reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
*A Denver chapter is also available through the American Heart Association.
American Liver Foundation
The Rocky Mountain Division works to support the American Liver Foundation national mission to facilitate, advocate and promote education, support and resources for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease.
Led by volunteer Board Members, the Rocky Mountain Division offers up-to-date information and support on behalf of those affected by or at risk of liver disease. Our programs and services include patient education, patient support, physician referral and professional education.
We encourage you to learn more about the programs and services we offer here in Colorado and Wyoming. If you would like to volunteer for the American Liver Foundation Rocky Mountain Division or join one of our many events, please contact the division office today. For more information about liver disease and the American Liver Foundation please call our National Helpline at 1-800-GO-LIVER.
Liver – American Liver Foundation
American Lung Association
Mission Statement: To prevent lung disease and promote lung health.
The American Lung Association is the oldest voluntary health organization in the United States, with a National Office and constituent and affiliate associations around the country. Founded in 1904 to fight tuberculosis, the American Lung Association® today fights lung disease in all its forms, with special emphasis on asthma, tobacco control and environmental health.
*Colorado and Northern Rockies Chapters also available through the American Lung Association
American Transplant Association
Mission Statement: The American Transplant Association, Inc. (ATA) is dedicated to providing patient-oriented education and services to those affected by and interested in organ transplantation.
The American Transplant Association was established as a national, non-profit organization to share knowledge and experience with transplant patients nationwide.
*A Rocky Mountain Chapter is also available through the American Transplant Association.
Association of Organ Procurement Organizations
Mission Statement: The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) represents and serves Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) through advocacy, support and development of activities that will maximize the availability of organs and tissues and enhance the quality, effectiveness and integrity of the donation process.
AOPO is a private, non-profit organization recognized as a national representative of organ procurement organizations.
Donate Life America
Donate Life America, is a not-for-profit alliance of national organizations and local coalitions across the United States dedicated to inspiring all people to donate life through organ, eye and tissue donation.
National Kidney Foundation
Mission Statement: Seeks to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, improve the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases, and increase the availability of all organs for transplantation.
*The National Kidney Foundation of Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming (NKFCMW) is also available and can be accessed through this web site.
National Marrow Donor Program
The National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) helps people who need a life-saving marrow or blood cell transplant. They connect patients, doctors, donors and researchers to resources they need to help more people live longer, healthier lives.
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) is the unified transplant network established by the United States Congress under the National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA) of 1984. The act called for the network to be operated by a private, non-profit organization under federal contract. The OPTN is a unique public-private partnership that links all of the professionals involved in the donation and transplantation system.
Renal Support Network
Mission Statement: To instill health, happiness and hope through education, advocacy and awareness to the kidney community… one person at a time.
The Renal Support Network (RSN) is a nonprofit, patient-focused, patient-run organization established in 1993 to provide non-medical services to those affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD). RSN strives to help patients develop their personal coping skills, special talents, and employability by educating and empowering them (and their family members) to take control of the course and management of the disease.
United Network for Organ Sharing
Mission Statement: To advance organ availability and transplantation by uniting and supporting our communities for the benefit of patients through education, technology and policy development.
The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) is a non-profit organization that was awarded the contract by the Department of Health and Human Services to operate the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and develop a national system to assure equal access fro all patients needing organs for transplantation.
United States Department of Health and Human Services: Division of Transplantation, Office of Special Programs, Health Resources and Services Administration
The Division of Transplantation’s principle responsibilities include the management of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN), the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients, and the National Marrow Donor Program contracts and public education to increase organ donation and technical assistance to organ procurement organizations.